I don't have any 2850's but the 1850 I have has been running 6.0
since the BETA1, and last night just upgraded it to 6.1. No issues.
The PERC 4e/Si card is phenominally fast on this system (running 2
disk RAID1). I'd recommend you to run 6.1 as it is stable on all of
my Dell systems that run it
Hi everyone.
I'm currently running the following:
Hardware: Dell PowerEdge 2850 rack mounted server, Dual 3.4 Ghz Xeon,
5 Gb memory
Hard Drives: LSILogic PERC 4e/Di, configured as RAID 5, with 3 X 40
Gb disks
OS: FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p6 for amd64
It's sole purpose is to be an SQL server, an
Hi all. I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a strange
crashing/rebooting problem I'm having. First, the specs:
Hardware: Dell PowerEdge 2850 rack mounted server, Dual 3.4 Ghz Xeon,
5 Gb memory
Hard Drives: LSILogic PERC 4e/Di, configured as RAID 5, with 3 X 40
Gb disks
OS: Fre
On 10/25/05, Dan Charrois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all. I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a strange
crashing/rebooting problem I'm having. First, the specs:
Hardware: Dell PowerEdge 2850 rack mounted server, Dual 3.4 Ghz Xeon,
5 Gb memory
You didn
Hi Kris, Rutger, and others that have commented on this thread.
I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one experiencing problems
like this. I posted a similar question a month or so ago about a
PowerEdge 2850 using SMP (dual Xeons) and never received any
responses that helped solve the pr
I just thought of one other bit of info that may be relevant to the
auto-rebooting problem I've experienced with our PowerEdge 2850.
Since the problem may be related to memory allocation, I thought I
should mention that we have more memory in that machine that is
typical for some users. W
Thanks everyone for replies made over the past few days about the
"unsolicited" rebooting problem. At first, I thought there was a
memory allocation bug as judged by the output of "netstat -m", but
apparently it's just a cosmetic statistics reporting bug and nothing
related to the instabil
Rutger Bevaart wrote:
Same here on several 1750's, 1850's and 2850's. Tomorrow I'll
disable USB
in the BIOS on one of the 1750's and see if it makes a difference.
the only one of the set that I could get downtime for because it
yesterday ;-)
I've disabled USB in the BIOS on
precaution to improve the stability..
Thanks for your help!
On Nov 29, 2005, at 10:50 PM, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
Dan Charrois wrote:
It actually may be a comfort, since perhaps HTT is related to the
culprit. Since the last crash, about a month ago, I disabled
HTT, both