## Volodymyr Kostyrko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Just upgraded my ports and installed the new xf86-video-nv driver. Well,
> > loggin out works now without crashing the Xorg server, but most fonts
> > now show up as balck bars - unreadable and ugly :-(
> Same for me, just some transparent pictures
## O. Hartmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Seems you've got an issue between X and firefox3; at least there's
> > a note in the firefox3 release notes which desribes similar effects:
> > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411831
> > Oh, but by the way, it's not an nvidia/nv issue; I've got
## O. Hartmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> My box at home has an older NV6800GT and I do not have this special
> issue, but instead I do have another well known issue of box-freezing.
> This also happens with 'nv'.
Whoa. Guess I'm lucky, as my nvidia chis is working, albeit quite
slowly. My radeonhd
## Willem Offermans (wil...@offermans.rompen.nl):
> Unfortunately it is probably not gawk in my case, which causes trouble.
> However, your response indicates that the problem will be solved after I
> have updated/reinstalled the guilty one.
There's sysutils/bsdadminscripts, which provides pkg_li
## Lars Engels (lars.eng...@0x20.net):
> > What are the plans to get rid of the hellscape known as “mergemaster”?
> > Is there anything exciting and new there either in base or any of the
> > ixSystems projects?
> There's /usr/sbin/etcupdate in base.
Unfortunately, the official documentation o
## Christoph Moench-Tegeder (c...@burggraben.net):
> in a few entries without any detail. The Handbook (chapter 25.3) only
^ 23.5, of course.
Spare Space
## Gareth de Vaux (sta...@lordcow.org):
> (there's no core dump).
ulimit -c
> This happens as a user or root, however screen runs fine on the host.
It coredumps here, too (on a 12.0-RELEASE) - I'm looking at it, there's
something fishy going on with the termcap data (the whole thing is
That already had been reported here:
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=241538 by Marcin.
My analysis: screen dumps core on terminals with TERM=xterm* or
TERM=rxvt* if they don't advertise Km ("key_mouse") capability
via termcap. A workaround is to set TERM to xterm-vt220 (which has
## Gareth de Vaux (sta...@lordcow.org):
> $ screen
> [screen caught signal 11. (core dumped)]
Try this:
If that doesn't help, we'll need at least a backtrace.
Spare Space
## Peter (pe...@citylink.dinoex.sub.org):
> When a program is invoked via /usr/sbin/daemon, it should already be
> session leader AND group leader, and then the above code WOULD be a
> NOOP, unless POSIX would require the setpgid() to fail and thereby the
> program to abort - which, btw, is NOT a
## Alexander Koeppe (forma...@online.de):
> since I've upgraded to FreeBSD 12, I don't find a package providing
> the lightweight geoip database API incl. GeoIP.h and libGeoIP.so.
The so-called "legacy" database format used by libGeoIP has been
discontinued by MaxMind, and is only available for p
## Peter (pe...@citylink.dinoex.sub.org):
> > Not much room to argue?
> Why that? This is not about laws you have to follow blindly whether
> you understand them or not, this is all about an Outcome - a working
> machine that should properly function.
"Not much to argue about what behaviour is
## Charles Lecklider via freebsd-stable (freebsd-stable@freebsd.org):
> As you can see from objdump below, clearly a decision was made that 11.4
> would no longer support anything before a i686.
Given that the hardware notes
## Warner Losh (i...@bsdimp.com):
> The default is to compile for i686.
That's really not obvious from the obvious documentation.
Both Hardware Notes and the Handbook ("2.2. Minimum Hardware Requirements")
state support for 486 and up, but there's no hint that you had to
roll you own distribution
while replacing a switch I ran into a problem with using 802.1q VLANs
(vlan(4)) on a em(4) card - that is, I could not get the card to work
with VLANs.
Software is FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE i386 with a custom kernel (but has
em(4) and vlan(4) compiled in (not as a module)).
Hardware is a So
## Ryan Stone (ryst...@gmail.com):
> tcpdump on em0 will show the vlan-tagged packets if everything is working
> correctly. The fact that they are not showing up is a sign that something
> is not working correctly (or that your tcpdump filter isn't account for the
> vlan tag)
They do on the 8257
## Kurt Jaeger (li...@opsec.eu):
> Have you tried fiddeling with the flags ?
> options=4219b
> examples:
> ifconfig em0 -rxcsum -txcsum -wol
> ifconfig em0 -vlanmtu -vlanhwtag
I hadn't touched WOL, but almost everything else.
I also tried sysctl net.link.vlan.soft_pad (no effect, either)
After repeating the "toggle all the flags" dance two more times and
a reboot later, vlans suddenly _do_ work on those interfaces, with
default flags. I have no idea what was messed up before - but now
the configuration survives reboot.
Sorry for all the panic.
Happy networking,
## Eugene M. Zheganin (e...@norma.perm.ru):
> I use my FreeBSD desktop at work and from home wvia putty, so I really
> want to solve this without learning keays each time (and it seems like
> they aren't save on "Save setup".
Putty has quite a bunch of options to configure terminal behaviour,
I've got a fairly reproducable kernel panic when trying to configure
two wlan devices on one ath card.
The basics: FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p8 amd64
ath0@pci0:4:0:0:class=0x028000 card=0x3099168c chip=0x002a168c rev=0x01
vendor = 'Qualcomm Atheros'
device = 'AR9
## O'Connor, Daniel (dar...@dons.net.au):
> This worked well for many moons but a while ago I found issues with the
> inbuilt PPP and ended up switching to mpd5 which has so far worked flawlessly.
I did switch from ppp to mpd5 quite a while ago, for performance reasons,
but beyond that, I didn't
There's discussion about nss-related linking failures in other ports:
and the common denominator in there cases is synth (there are no problems
in poudriere). Over there, Trond had the idea that this might be related
to https://bugs.freebsd.o
## Trond Endrestøl (trond.endres...@fagskolen.gjovik.no):
> The latest commits to the synth repo forces synth to copy /etc/rc.subr
> and /etc/rc.d/ldconfig into each chroot.
Yes, looking at
I think the issue
## Stefan Bethke (s...@lassitu.de):
> I'm stumped by a weird error: loader loads the kernel, and the kernel
> probes the USB stick successfully, but da0 never shows up. I’ve tried
> with FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img and
> FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img.
I've had this happen wi
## Alexey Dokuchaev (da...@freebsd.org):
> > FCP-01010 (https://github.com/freebsd/fcp/blob/master/fcp-0101.md)
> > outlines a plan to deprecate most 10/100 Ethernet drivers in FreeBSD 12
> Holy shit! OK I guess I can understand removing 10 (I personally haven't
> seen one in a very long time)
## Ivan Voras ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Is there a "best practice" for automated updating large number of
> interdependant ports? I keep my ports tree up-to-date, and sometimes I
> wish to install applications that depend on a newer version of an
> existing one, and fail.
portupgrade works in mos
## Maarten de Vries ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I could do with some hints regarding traffic shaping. My homenetwork is
> hooked up to an assymetrical (1536/256) ADSL line, using a FreeBSD 4.6
> system which provides the usual NAT/Gateway/Firewall services. I'm using
> dummynet to control the amount o
## Daniel O'Connor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Actually, if you limit incoming TCP it will adapt to the correct speed.
> I do this at home without hassle (except the latency in games goes up
> from ~40 to ~100 but it is still acceptable)
How much do you have to limit TCP for the desired effect? I nev
## Peter Jeremy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ipfw/dummynet pipes only handle a single flow direction: If you
> have something like
> ipfw NUMBER pipe 1 ip from any to any via ifX
> then both incoming and outgoing traffic share the pipe and you are
> limiting the combined uplink and downlink traffic
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