e, can stand up
their own *ix box and run whatever they want on whatever port, the notion of
only connecting to "privileged ports" as a way of protecting yourself (e.g.,
from password sniffing or whatever) is rather quaint and ineffective.
Chris BeHanna
On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Kirill Ponomarew wrote:
> Hi Ade,
> Chris BeHanna has advised me to add "#include " before "#include
> " and it did work.
Deleting the libmalloc package is probably the better option. I
had long since forgotten that package was insta
On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 05:13:12PM -0400, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> > If you had these lines in your supfile:
> >
> > *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4
> > *default delete use-rel-suffix
> >
(Note: I'm going to have a couple of weeks off from work for
medical leave, but I just finished the 100Mbps backbone in my
house, so maybe I can help track down the mbuf problem--and my
lingering SB16 no sound problem.)
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
sion -v >
/tmp/packages, one should be pretty well set.
It isn't "fire and forget", but given all of the dependencies
involved, as well as special flags that you might want to pass to a build
(e.g., WITH_GNOME and WITH_KDE), I'm not sure you'd want that anyway.
you want to see RELENG_4.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer
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o taken up in /usr/lib, where the profiled libs
get installed.
> Also on a side note, when upgrading with mergemaster what flags should
> be used with it? mergemaster -cv ?
I omit the flags and just look at the diffs, as the author
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer
ways untar 3.3.6 someplace else and diff the
trees. You'll probably want to rebuild the dependant ports anyway, so
that they're linked against the new XFree libraries (I admit, though,
that this wasn't an issue when I went from 3.3.6 to 4.0.1_10).
Chris BeHanna
Software Enginee
On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Bill Fumerola wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 12:08:53AM -0500, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> > Not that I'm a fan of the GPL, but wouldn't importation of gmake
> > into the toolchain that gets installed by default help this problem
> > alo
combined with a culprit PS.
However, 2 days is kind of a long time for these problems to
arise. There's just too much crap that happens these days to rule it out
- End included text
It could be that the UDMA controller is another "[thing] in error"
on this moth
If the suggestion, "leave a small commit-free window around
midnight UTC" is adopted, then you could use -D "00:00:00 UTC" and not
have to worry (although you'd have to translate that to
"[cc]yy.mm.dd.00.00.00" format for cvsup to process it).
kes place.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.
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d initially enabled it, and have done nothing
> > since...)
> I completely agree. I like the way RedHat 7.1 disables almost everything
> on install. One could argue that they shouldn't even install sshd, since
> they may well have a bug in it as well.
Makes it awfully to
ls -lu supfile
does the trick.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
> it does note them if you're paying attention).
Not by default. .o is in the "ignore by default" list.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.
To Uns
ow is if anyone has figured out a way to do a
g++ equivalent to Microsoft's "precompiled headers". If so, please
clue me in: they really speed up a build on a big project.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
until I have replace it? Ok?
Yes, but write performance will be absolutely horrible until you
replace the broken drive and rebuild the volume.
Note that if you lose one of those remaining two drives before you
replace the broken drive and rebuild the volume, you're toast.
Getting back to some more specific info you wanted, the only web
app I run that has bearing is Kalendus, and it responds mighty quickly.
> "Add-in" topic: how DDR-memory instead SDRAM affects server performance?
It *rocks*.
For another benchmark, I pulled 110 MFLOPs from thi
your NIC, e.g., "xl0"
for 3Com 3C905, "fxp0" for Intel Etherexpress, etc.)
Now you'll get an address at boot-time. I'm not sure, but if your
box is already up when the installer comes,
ifconfig dc0 down
ifconfig dc0 up
(or the equivalent for your NIC)
t;) video board
WD Caviar IDE hard drive on ata0-master using UDMA
Hitachi GD-2000 DVD-ROM on ata1-master using WDMA2
dmesg is attached.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild
On Sun, 28 Oct 2001, Heath Nielson wrote:
> On Sunday 28 October 2001 05:40 pm, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> > I attempted to view a DVD with the ogle port (nice DVD menu
> > support), and I crashed my machine (4.4-STABLE, cvsup'd at
> > Fri Oct 19 01:08:36 EDT 2001). T
our favorite OS, is
> it?
Having "." in your PATH is a security risk. I don't have any
problem making life difficult for people who have "." in their PATH.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Andrew Boothman wrote:
> Chris BeHanna wrote:
> >>However, I was (slightly) less pleased to discover that a consequent
> >>'kldunload snd' paniced the kernel. This is on a (cvsuped last night)
> >>-STABLE box.
> >
> >
memory channels (and your RAM) for its buffering, having no
onboard memory of its own.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.
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On Thu, 2 May 2002, Dave Uhring wrote:
> On Thursday 02 May 2002 10:23 pm, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> > I don't know that I've ever tried it. I go through
> > Control Panel->Printers->Add Printer, and browse the Network
> > Neighborhood to find the Samb
usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf and
inserting the following environment variable setting:
ENV['PACKAGES'] ||= '/export/freebsd/packages-4-stable'
You'll notice that the default setting (shown in a comment) is messed
up in precisely the way you mention.
Chris BeHanna
ld) ATI Rage Mobility in my HP
4150B. YMMV.
I tar'd up all of /usr/X11R6 and all of /etc/X11 when I jumped
from 3.3.6 to 4.0. You're advised to do the same.
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
Principal Consultant
PennaSoft Corporation
contains something like:
mount -t nfs buildmachine:/usr/src /usr/src
cd /usr/src
make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL KODIR=/modules
umount /usr/src
Of course, it needs a little polish, but you get the idea.
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.c
the base compiler is GCC-3.1, which has support for
some of the newer CPUs.
env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj.p3 make buildworld CPUTYPE=p3
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
Principal Consultant
PennaSoft Corporation
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, and all
of those things are important. Some of the testing uses existing
industry test suites and benchmarking tools, and some of it (much of
it) is custom. Being able to compile, install, and boot is just the
tip of the iceberg.
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
o work on FreeBSD, then the
GATOS project's atitvout package might help you. You will need drm
working as well.
You could, of course, just watch the DVD on your laptop.
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
Principal Consultant
PennaSoft Corporation
newfs parameters.
Phil meant that you should pass the same blocksize, fragsize,
minfree, inode density, etc., to newfs -N that you passed to the
original newfs that created the filesystem.
If you didn't do any custom tuning with newfs, it's likely that
a make installkernel *first*, *then* reboot and make sure
it at least comes back to single user.
Then and only then do you do an installworld.
You might get yourself to goodness by copying your new kernel and
new modules by hand from /usr/obj to their appropriate places.
Chris BeHanna
3.10, and everything works again.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
Turning coffee into software since 1990.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable&
ging cause a problem? If so, I could always
separate out stable and current in my local CVSROOT, and be sure to
only tag stuff in stable.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable&
branch, then tag the branch and merge out from my local
repository's "mainline" whenever I resync it.
Chris BeHanna
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
nds and a roadmap) guarantees 1500K down and 500K up for what I'm
paying, BUT they block all the ports below 1024. :-(
I can hack around that, given a friendly site outside their firewall who's
willing to divert packets for me, but it's still a PITA.
Chris BeHanna
At least, that's been my experience. YMMV.
Chris BeHanna
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
can't create new for rest 1+ Gb :(
> Slice (as i can remember) is more than 8Gb, HDD is IBM SCSI 18Gb.
I don't know why this didn't work for you. Right now, My
/usr is 17.7GB, and /export is 16.7GB. There are 5GB free
on the disk in an unused FAT partition, just in ca
for make release to work.
> > Any documentation regarding "make release" procedure ?
> % less /usr/src/release/Makefile
"make release" will make the iso images (right?)
What he wants, I suspect, is to cd to /usr/src and follow the
ort -A.
You need to install ksh to use set -A.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
#! /bin/sh
# Shell script to generate all characters from
# \ to \0377 (octal format)
# Created by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
loop1='0 1 2 3'
loop2='0 1 2 3 4 5 6
except in vmware. In vmware, I get crackling,
crappy sound *except* when playing CDs; however, vmware does not make
use of my subwoofer.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
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red to irq 5. Simply moving my
NIC to a different slot fixed the conflicts I used to get. This may
also be your problem.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
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e have any ideas? If you need more information, let me
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
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On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Sean O'Connell wrote:
> Chris BeHanna stated:
> : Ever since upgrading to 4.1.1-STABLE, I've been having problems in
> : which the machine wedges every 2 or 3 days. It looks like something
> : in the xl driver code, from what I saw in /var/log/messa
ost half
> > > way.
IIRC, "make world" first cleans /usr/obj unless -DNOCLEAN is set,
right? In that case, you should be alright.
> Not forget to capture and examine the output from make. e.g.
> make buildworld >& world.out &
For sh, bash
By tonight, I expect to see around 500 mbuf clusters in use, and a
comparable number of mbufs in use. By late tomorrow, it will be time
to reboot. :-(
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
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he cvs ports tree. Anyone else noticed this or know
> why?
The ports tree has changed significantly. Go to /usr/ports and
type "make readmes" and they'll all be generated (it will take
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
To Unsubsc
t; procfs (and
a "full" linprocfs). AFAIK, they've always been full. I can run
"top" just fine.
I submit that your kernel and your userland may be out of synch.
Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer (at yourfit.com)
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