Re: Regression with jails/IPv6/pf

2012-07-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On Thu, 26 Jul 2012, Matthew Seaman wrote: Just for the public; I am talking to him privately currently; I'll summarize findings either here or in a commit message. /bz -- Bjoern A. Zeeb You have to have visions! Stop bit received. Insert coin for new a

panic in sys/net/rtsock.c

2012-07-28 Thread Steve Wills
I have a box running 9.0-RELEASE where I'm seeing a panic happen every 5-7 days. For the record, it's moving about 80-100 mbit/s of network traffic and has several gre tunnels setup. The box has panic'd many times, but due to unrelated (serial port) issues, I've only been able to get a complete pan