
Recently I've updates some of my HP DL g6 servers to vt(4) console
driver. These servers are equipped with lo100i IPMI management device
(basically it mimics IPMI). After some time I connected to it's
web-interface and opened the Virtual KVM tab, Then I saw this:

It's not a BMC freeze, it's live, It actually transmits changes. One can
see the mouse cursor and the text updating. It's even possible to log
in, only it's not readable. These artifacts start to appear as soon as
the kernel starts to boot, - when in initial bootstrap/zfsloader -
everything is okay, until the actual point of kernel booting. Yeah, this
can be solved by setting the


in the loader.conf, but in the same time this lo100i is able to display
graphics, and it successfully does it. For example it shows:

- it's own POST graphic splashscreen
- Linux fb, when centos is booting
- Solaris GUI and text console, which is using graphics sinec Solaris 11.0.
- Windows GUI

You can say that probably it's HP problem, and I can partially agree:
everything is fine in graphic mode when using vt(4) on a IBM RSA or
Supermicro IPMI. But this logic is transitive, so HP guys can easily say
that it's FreeBSD problem, since their device is able to show other OS

I'm writing this post just in case this fact isn't known. I personally
love FreeBSd and it's new vt driver, but I think it probably needs some

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