On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> > It occurs to me that WC could engage in some underhand but productive
> > marketing by quietly repurchasing the stock from Compusa shelves, thereby
> Heh, happily, we haven't even had to consider such a thing since
> first-time availability, co
> It occurs to me that WC could engage in some underhand but productive
> marketing by quietly repurchasing the stock from Compusa shelves, thereby
Heh, happily, we haven't even had to consider such a thing since
first-time availability, coupled with CompUSA's "competetive pricing"
(read: a sligh
> NUMBER on the box, and no indication as to how many CDs of "stuff" are
> inside -- both pretty important to attract first-time users, when box-size
> and price are the only visible factors to separate you from the nearby
The only box version ever released so far has been 3.2, so the
customer g