Arnold Cavazos Jr. writes:
| Does anybody have temperature and fan monitoring working on Dell
| PowerEdge 750's & 850's? I have done my share of googling without much
| luck.
The PE850 should just work with ipmi(4) in 6.1-stable/-current and ipmitool.
The PE750 will work with ipmi if you have t
> Does anybody have temperature and fan monitoring working on Dell
> PowerEdge 750's & 850's? I have done my share of googling without
> much luck.
With the DRAC III/XT card installed, I am monitoring PE750's using
the IPMI device ("device ipmi" in the kernel config of 6.1-STABLE)
and the ipmi
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Arnold Cavazos Jr. wrote:
| Does anybody have temperature and fan monitoring working on Dell
| PowerEdge 750's & 850's? I have done my share of googling without much
| luck.
Which monitoring tools have you tried, sysutils/mbmon?
What sort of moni
Does anybody have temperature and fan monitoring working on Dell
PowerEdge 750's & 850's? I have done my share of googling without much
Arnold Cavazos, Jr. abcjr at abcjr . net
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