Hello Lev,
Monday, April 6, 2015, 11:55:09 AM, you wrote:
> I got several live locks of my server in a row (3 in one week).
> It is amd64 10-STABLE r277307.
And again, rebuilded to r281159
> http://lev.serebryakov.spb.ru/freebsd/ll/
> I've tested memory with memtest86 for 12 hours without
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On 06.04.2015 11:55, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> I have INVARIANTS and WITNESS in the kernel, but it doesn't help:
> only report is "bufwait/dirhash" right after booting.
One more LOR:
lock order reversal:
1st 0xf8011b9b82d8 ufs (ufs) @ /usr/sr
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I got several live locks of my server in a row (3 in one week).
It is amd64 10-STABLE r277307.
Looks like live locks is VM related but manifest themselves under
multi-threaded mixed CPU + I/O load (CrashPlan backup + torrents +
openjdk8 rebuild,