Hi Volker,
> It's probably a crazy idea but what about an open source graphics card?
> There are similar projects already like OsCar so the idea of open
> source hardware development is not really new but probably exciting.
> Aren't there any hw devs reading and motivated?
I recently replaced an old DDS-II Tape with a not so old AIT-Tape in one
of my FBSD-Boxes. However, access via RMT is really slow :-(
When I perform a local dump of the machines that hosts the drive I get 4
- 6MB/s throughput. I get roughly the same speed, when I move the Tape
to one of
he Script :-) Well, I usually do Updates
according to the Handbook but this time trapped myself with that
"undetected" CXXFLAGS-Line.
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 12:49:08AM +0100, Alex de Kruijff wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 08:31:36PM +0100, Ralf Folkerts
I wanted to Update my System that runs FreeBSD 5.3-RC2 to the "final"
However, compile reproducible stops in libstdc++, claiming a missing
I already removed /usr/src and re-cvsupped it and also searched
the /usr/src/UPDATING and the CURRENT- and STABLE-Lists for such