> How is 5 megabytes for you? We really just need to test the cdboot
> loader, so I think this will work fine :
> releng4.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/
> 4.5-RC1-minicdboot.iso
It works fine on:-
Dell Inspiron 8100, 3COM 1
I am running stable branch cvsupped Mon Oct 22 02:53:56 EDT 2001.
I added a user and noticed that it is not using the md5 password
sandi:54wMRYJk1ERRs:1017:1017::0:0:Sandi mailbox:/home/sandi:/sbin/nologin
I have not modified /etc/login.conf and it is whatever coming from
This i