Just to preempt people suggesting that I committed into the wrong tree: I
didn't. FBSD 6 is still locked down. To keep things simple I keep one
version of the driver in CURRENT which works on FBSD CURRENT, 7, and 6.
for more info
199,6 @@
*error = 0;
} else {
- if (sc->active)
- ichwd_tmr_disable(sc);
if (cmd > 0)
*error = EINVAL;
At 05:56 PM 2/20/2007, Nic
> > Running with a debug kernel should be no problem and not much slower
> > than running with a production kernel.
> I thought the '-g' flag created two kernels,
> kernel and kernel.debug.
> I've always found I can run with kernel, then just pass kernel.debug to
> 'gdb -k' after a panic/reb
> Then a panic & reboot. I guess it's better than "before" -
> previously I got no message whatsoever; the OS just froze &
> rebooted. At the same time I'd think a panic/reboot is Very
> Very Bad; at least if something is "wrong" shouldn't the OS
> "just say no?"
Well, perhaps you could conside
Compile a kernel with UMASS_DEBUG (or load the module compile with
CFLAGS+=-DUMASS_DEBUG) and send me the output of an attach. It should be
possible to make it work.
The fact that it reboots without reason is very very strange indeed. If
that is the case, check that your machine is grounded prop
This looks like an electrical problem. What happens if you connect the
mouse directly to the machine, without any hubs?
On Sun, 23 Dec 2001, Raman Ng wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have already sent a mail about this problem before.
> I am a newbie of
> FreeBSD. This time I attached the dme
Do not use IBM Microdrives in any USB based CF II readers, like the
SmartMedia ImageMate until further notice. I've had reports of 2 drives
breaking in a SmartMedia ImageMedia. They are PHYSICALLY broken and will
no longer work.