On Friday 31 August 2001 02:22 am, Darryl Okahata wrote:
> Heh. I'm writing this on an Asus A7M266 (I didn't want to wait for
> the nForce).
Speaking of whichare the freeBSD team working on supporting the nForce
(does anyone know?) or are we going to have to wait for support? (I gue
->On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Mike Porter wrote:
>Actually, although I'm happy with the current default of enabling SSH for
>now, if there isn't already a sysinstall post-install config twiddle for
>SSH, we should probably add one. To be honest, a "default all off&
On Wednesday 27 June 2001 09:44, Bill Moran wrote:
> Is there a reason why you took this off the list?
my mistake (or my mailer's depending on how you look at it). If the
majordomo config file for the list included the line "reply-to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" then all replies would by defualt go ba
On Wednesday 20 June 2001 14:23, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> Interestingly, a REINSTALL of SO 5.2 from ports seemed to fix it,
> after I mv'd all the old stuff away.
> This is really wierd..
I had that problem a long time ago (moving from 4.2R to 4-stable, IIRC). I
re-ran the user-insta
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On Monday 12 March 2001 07:56, j mckitrick wrote:
> | The problem is that the card has been reattached, so com->gone is
> | 0. However com->tp is NULL because the driver has not seen an open()
> | since attachment. It would probably be possible to add
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hi all,
CVSUP'd last night, make buildworld on my way to bed
make buildkernel OK
I learned the Hard Way(tm) to keep a functional kernel backup other than
kernel.old <(}: so:
#cp /kernel /kernel.works
#mv /modules /modules.works
#make installkern
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OK, since sound questions appear to be the topic of the week...
IT occurs to me that perhaps there should be a -sound mailing list? (or am I
missing something and there is already? If so I apologize, as this
rightfully belongs there if there is a
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On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Passki, Jonathan P wrote:
I have to agree with the rant, but I think we are straying off topic for
- -stable, and need to either move it completely to -ports or go private. And
I know I'm not one with time or experti