Hello freebsd-stable,
> Do you have an entry for tftpd in /etc/hosts.allow ?
Yes, there is:
ALL : ALL : allow
I never changed this file.
Best wishes,
Maxim V. Tretjyakov
Network administrator and telephony engineer
Enterprise Sukhov
tel.: +7 3512 672969
fax.: +7 3512 672969
tmv-dialup.cadkey-tablet > load.dom-sp.ru.tftp: 19 RRQ "pxeboot"
23:36:51.083506 tmv-dialup.cadkey-tablet > load.dom-sp.ru.tftp: 23 ERROR EUNDEF
timeout on receive"
345 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
Best wishes,
Maxim V. Tretjyakov
2 0,0 0,2 1008 592 ?? S12:28 0:00,00 tftpd -ls /usr/tftpboot
-u nobody
nobody 9530 0,0 0,2 1008 592 ?? S12:28 0:00,00 tftpd -ls /usr/tftpboot
-u nobody
nobody 9526 0,0 0,2 1008 592 ?? I12:28 0:00,00 tftpd -ls /usr/tftpboot
-u nobody
What is wrong