t affect
>the SCSI disk system.
>Ted Mittelstaedt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Author of: The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide
>Book website: http://www.freebsd-corp-net-guide.com
>>-Original Message-
>>From: [EMAIL
uot;Fast. Dedicated."
>On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Jonathan Slivko wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just wrote a little shell script that, on the machine I tested
>> it on, crashed the box and forced a reboot. The contents of the
>> script was:
>> #!/bin
I just wrote a little shell script that, on the machine I tested
it on, crashed the box and forced a reboot. The contents of the
script was:
pine -i
rm -rf $HOME/dead.letter
Thats the whole script. I don't see how something like that could
cause a kernel to crash. Would anyo