| Jonathan M. Slivko E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| IRC Nick: optix` Backup: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| AIM/AOL: JMSNY2001 Web : http://www.jslivko.org
hehehehehehehehe ;)
Jonathan M. Slivko | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sys. Admin, DataSyrgeINET | http://www.datasyrge.net
Tech. Support, SimpHost| http://www.simphost.com
IRC Oper, AsylumNet IRC| http://www.asylum-net.org
I have a feeling, but don't know for a fact that healthd is just a tool
that works on a very small minority of systems that it's designed to run
on. So, I wouldn't trust it at all. -- Jonathan M. Slivko
On Thu, 8 Mar
2001, Andrew Hesford wrote:
> You do have smbus and all
Please deal with this spammer on your system/network as it is impacting on
the email boxes of several users on the list to which this message was
sent. I would appreciate a reply back.
Thank You, Jonathan M. Slivko
Systems Administrator, DataSyrge Internet Services
On Wed, 7 Mar