I found that pkg_delete -a and make install of all necessary ports is an
extremely healthy activity as it removes a extremely big load of crap
(read: useless/unused software).
Just reinstall it all. You probably don't need that much anyways. ;)
For the record, I don't any easy way.
j mcki
Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 7:07 PM -0700 8/2/01, Chad R. Larson wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 03, 2001, Andrew Boothman wrote:
>> > I prefer -SECURITY, because it makes it clear this is the
>> > branch dedicated to security fixes and nothing else.
>> Yes, but then the newbies would think this w
Chuck MacKinnon wrote:
> Why not just run xf86cfg. Then you can set up the screens and
> etc. Not too hard to figure out.
Sorry people, I didn't know about xf86cfg. :) I *will* try it out. I
still have glitches with my old config anyways.
I'm definitly getting this thread OT, h
Shouldn't this mandate a UPDATING entry? Or is it already the case? ;)
Anders Andersson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 09:01:12PM +1000, Tony Maher wrote:
>>Just did buldworld, kernel, installworld cycle but there was one small
>>problem in installworld
Have you tried removing the set mru and set mtu lines?
Fabio Vilan wrote:
> Hi.
> Since my latest make world (today), my PPPoE connection trough user-ppp
> doesn't work anymore. I've been using it for a time, no problems whatsoever
> before.
> show version in the new (broken) ==> 2.3.2
Brian Somers wrote:
> Hi,
> I said your ppp.conf was censored because you didn't attach it - you
> just attached an error message that said it couldn't read it :*P
LOL! ok.. I see. Darn mozilla. :) Ok, here goes a url, that should be fine:
Kenneth W Cochran wrote:
>>From: "Drew Derbyshire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Kenneth W Cochran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Tracking -stable remotely/colocated
>>Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:41:13 -0400
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Kenneth W Cochran"