Hello again :)
Claus Guttesen wrote:
Hello Mattias.
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Mattias Björk wrote:
Hello Claus,
Claus Guttesen wrote:
I have a compile error/problem when building world.
My uname -a output is:
FreeBSD barabolaptop 7.1-BETA2 FreeBSD 7.1-BETA2 #0: Thu Dec 4 20:52:35
On Jan 2, 2009, at 12:32, "Thomas T. Veldhouse"
I have a machine where several of my installed applications are
getting way behind. It is not a mission critical server, but I need
it to be stable (I have all fairly old well supported hardware,
nothing special).
Since updating a
Thanks the problem description, then I revert the reverted patch in my
local tree.
I had a similar problem between 7.1-PRERELEASE and 7.1-RC1, it
presentdes only 1 week long, under heavy load (csup / kernel compile)
crashed the system, but after RC1 the system is very stable (more than
2 week upti
On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 21:09 +0100, Oliver Pinter wrote:
> Hi All!
> I have the question, why reverted the ICH10 support from 7.1?
> This is the svn commit:
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/viewvc/base/releng/?pathrev=186551
> What is the PR number of the base of this commit or what is the
> proble
I have a machine where several of my installed applications are getting
way behind. It is not a mission critical server, but I need it to be
stable (I have all fairly old well supported hardware, nothing special).
Since updating and rebuilding all the ports is pretty much mandatory for
the up
Hi All!
I have the question, why reverted the ICH10 support from 7.1?
This is the svn commit:
What is the PR number of the base of this commit or what is the
problem description?
I have a motherboard with ich10r with 3 sata2 disc (hita
Hello Claus,
Claus Guttesen wrote:
I have a compile error/problem when building world.
My uname -a output is:
FreeBSD barabolaptop 7.1-BETA2 FreeBSD 7.1-BETA2 #0: Thu Dec 4 20:52:35
CET 2008 r...@barabolaptop:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BARABOLAPTOP i386
Sync the time on your computer and try
Hello Garret,
Garrett Cooper wrote:
On Jan 1, 2009, at 19:23, Mattias Björk wrote:
Hello everybody,
First of all, my bad if this get sent two times.
I have a compile error/problem when building world.
My uname -a output is:
FreeBSD barabolaptop 7.1-BETA2 FreeBSD 7.1-BETA2 #0: Thu Dec 4
I have a requirement to be able to re-create a largish file system on
occasion. The file system was created with some non-default newfs(8)
Once I found about it, it seemed that the output of "dumpfs -m"
would be ideal to use in the script that performs the analysis &
(if appropriate)