> Then a panic & reboot. I guess it's better than "before" -
> previously I got no message whatsoever; the OS just froze &
> rebooted. At the same time I'd think a panic/reboot is Very
> Very Bad; at least if something is "wrong" shouldn't the OS
> "just say no?"
Well, perhaps you could conside
Compile a kernel with UMASS_DEBUG (or load the module compile with
CFLAGS+=-DUMASS_DEBUG) and send me the output of an attach. It should be
possible to make it work.
The fact that it reboots without reason is very very strange indeed. If
that is the case, check that your machine is grounded prop
I'm getting to know FBSD. I did a fresh install and then after some
configuring, did "pkgdb -F" and then "portupgrade -a." About 50 (just a
rough guess) of my ports however would not upgrade, i.e., "portversion |
grep '<' | less" shows a good number remain. I don't understand why they
are faili