On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 10:26:32PM -0400, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Just curious as to whether this is planned or not, at this point in time?
Nope, not in 4.4.
May the tuna salad be with you.
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On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Sung Nae Cho wrote:
> I've put this message couple days ago, almost a week old! I have been a
> FreeBSD user for quite a while and matured enough using this OS in such
> way that I no longer seek help but, most of the time, giving help
> to newbies who just started using F
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris
BeHanna writes:
: If the suggestion, "leave a small commit-free window around
: midnight UTC" is adopted, then you could use -D "00:00:00 UTC" and not
: have to worry (although you'd have to translate that to
: "[cc]yy.mm.dd.00.00.00" format for cvsup to p
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Chad R. Larson" writes:
: And I assume there will be a RELENG_4_4 branch forked off at that
: point.
Yes. The RELENG_4_3 has been somewhat successful in a number of
ways. It also has been a little disappointing in other ways. On the
whole, however, it is good en
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris
BeHanna writes:
: > Then use a point release with the security patches applied.
: I.e., track RELENG_4_3 instead of RELENG_4.
Since 4.3 was released, there have been only 9 commits to the 4.3
That's gotta be insanely stable. :-)
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