This subject came up a week or two ago, I believe. IIRC (someone please
correct me if I'm wrong) /stand/sysinstall isn't set up for supporting
package installation on the -STABLE branch (*technically* that is) but the
work-around is to change 4.3-STABLE to 4.3-RELEASE in your config (this is
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Probably just warning. I personally couldn't believe it, but on
> the last list of my 4.2-RELEASE appeared that host was logged
> as user Jim. The one bad thing I did, that firewall wasnt working and
> there is NFS available ...
I'm going out on a limb here but, in the past I've experienced problems with
STABLE from and the INDEX file is _always_ involved in
some way. It either hasn't been there, has been corrupted somehow, i.e.
unreadable, or, most recently, when /stand/sysinstall tries to read it a S
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Probably just warning. I personally couldn't believe it, but on
> the last list of my 4.2-RELEASE appeared that host was logged
> as user Jim. The one bad thing I did, that firewall wasnt working and
> there is NFS available (besi
I'm also glad that it's not just me! If you want to stay stable, you
could either install everything from the latest SNAPSHOT (excluding the
preprepared packages) or CVSUP and make world I prefer to reinstall
the snapshot since it's much faster than making world and etc. Also, I
really can'
Hallo there,
Probably just warning. I personally couldn't believe it, but on
the last list of my 4.2-RELEASE appeared that host was logged
as user Jim. The one bad thing I did, that firewall wasnt working and
there is NFS available (besides BRIGDED connection to CISCO Router,
Thank God it isn't just me!!! I've been racking my brain over the same
problems for the past couple of days. I installed 4.3-STABLE a couple of
weeks ago, late June, without a problem. This week I decided to rebuild the
system and have been experiencing the exact problems that you describe.
* Odhiambo Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20010720 15:47]: writing on the subject
'Kernel compile errors'
Odhiambo> Hi,
Odhiambo> Someone knows why my kernel compile is failing after a cvsup today?
Odhiambo> [snip]
Odhiambo> ld -