4.3-RC & Stallion EasyIO-4. no way Jose.

2001-04-03 Thread Robert
Well I have to report that there is no way that I can get the EasyIO-4 board to talk to a modem properly. The board compiles into the kernel. It's using the CirriusLogic CL-CD1400-10PC-G chipset. ISA card. The devices make ok into the /dev directory. Connecting a modem and running Kermit produce

Re: Question re make release

2001-04-03 Thread Chad R. Larson
As I recall, Oliver Fromme wrote: > "All that we see or seem is just a dream within a dream" (E. A. Poe) Sha-boom, sha-boom! -crl -- Chad R. Larson (CRL15) 602-953-1392 Brother, can you paradigm? [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] DCF, Inc. - 14623

Re: Network performance question

2001-04-03 Thread Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Chad R. Larson" writes: > As I recall, Mike Smith wrote: > > It's a reasonable assumption; it sounds like you haven't tuned the > > FreeBSD box very well, so it's doing a lot of disk I/O. > > I seem to recall that Linux does async disk writes out of the box. Yo

SOLVED: vmstat, iostat, top, and systat don't show CPU %

2001-04-03 Thread Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group
It appears the real time clock (IRQ 8) would intermittently stop working. Replacing the motherboard resolved the problem. Regards, Phone: (250)387-8437 Cy SchubertFax: (250)387-5766 Team Leader, Sun/Alpha Team Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ope


2001-04-03 Thread Ade Lovett
FYI, GNOME 1.4 was released today. Sadly, with the magnitude of the changes (some 15,000 lines of diff now), and the timeline for the ports freeze (April 10th), I am not going to be able to get this in 4.3-RELEASE :( However, I should have final patches available for testing within the next coup

Re: apache-1.3.19 segfaulting on FreeBSD-4.3 RC

2001-04-03 Thread Karsten W. Rohrbach
i did not check the apache port for quite a while, but last time i tested it it had a rather hairy configuration ;-) apache on my boxes usually is very stripped down, only the stuff really needed with php with dso support, etc. are the ports (apache, apache-php, ...) built as dso? can configure t

Re: Network performance question

2001-04-03 Thread Karsten W. Rohrbach
Mike Smith([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.04.02 16:15:23 +: > It's a reasonable assumption; it sounds like you haven't tuned the > FreeBSD box very well, so it's doing a lot of disk I/O. > > > I tried the test under FreeBSD with the NetGear card too - in addition to > > the 3COM. It's kinda strange

Re: Silo overflows

2001-04-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
Right, managed to forget about dmesg.boot (my laptop stopped creating it for some reason, probably fumblefingeredness on my part, so I forgot that it normally existed...). Attached are dmesg.boot and kernel config. I should also mention that I've reproduced this with a number of configuration

Re: RC2 wrongness in INSTALL.TXT

2001-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton
On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 02:19:18PM +0200, Neil Blakey-Milner wrote: > I don't believe this is correct; I have functioning anonymous FTP with: > > ftp:*:14:5::0:0:Anonymous FTP Admin:/var/ftp:/nonexistent > > Anything involving no password must be wrong, surely? Mea culpa, you're quite right. N

Re: RC2 wrongness in INSTALL.TXT

2001-04-03 Thread Nik Clayton
On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:22:06PM -0700, Bruce A. Mah wrote: > Empirical evidence shows that the original ftp passwd line is correct. > I propose the following patch instead, which deals with the "release > name" issue but should (I think) reflect the realities of anon FTP. > (Picture the same

Re: netstat

2001-04-03 Thread Galen Sampson
Did that unfortunately...built and installed the new kernel while still in single user mode after I installed the new world. --- Gregory Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >I have been experiencing some strange behavior with netstat. > > First check: are you sure that your installed userland

Re: netstat

2001-04-03 Thread Gregory Bond
>I have been experiencing some strange behavior with netstat. First check: are you sure that your installed userland and running kernel are built from the same set of sources? IE you have built and installed a kernel and rebooted when you last diod a make world? To Unsubscribe: send ma