> In this case, for a low-tech people, I would tend to suggest using SFTP
> (a password-based access is enough) instead of a stunneled SMB share as
> I personally find it is easier to setup and more efficient.
If you have an ssh server (if you have FreeBSD, you have one), that will
function as
Hi Walter,
Le 18/10/2017 à 22:52, Walter Parker a écrit :
> SMB has supported authentication signing for a long time (more than a
> decade). That can be used for basic security.
> SMB3 supports encryption. To work with SMB3 encryption you will need
> at least Windows 8.
> The Samba project suppor
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:00:11 -0700
> From: "Ronald F. Guilmette"
> To: freebsd-security@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: WPA2 bugz - One Man's Quick & Dirty Response
> Message-ID: <32999.1508299...@segfault.tristatelogic.com>
> In message <49252eda-3d48-f7bc-95e7-db716db4e...