CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
> Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> But getting back to the discussion - the OP's friend seemed like
>> he -wanted- to get involved in some rather Bad People.
> I'm not entirely sure, but I can't find anyone in this thread whose
> actually talked with the OP's friend
Sam Nilsson wrote:
> Hello,
> The error message: Can't create a new thread (errno 35); if you are
> not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible
> OS-dependent bug
> Our website started getting this error several weeks ago (when we
> increased the number of application
John Almberg wrote:
> I have two FreeBSD machines. One is a application server, the other a
> database server running mysql. These machines are in two different
> locations. I'd like to allow the application server to access mysql
> through an SSH tunnel.
> Being a newbie admin, I've never set up
Warren Liddell wrote:
> Im looking for a GUI or command line that will allow me to extract
> information
> within an ISO file... im using FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE KDE4.1.1 AMD64
Easiest way normally would be to mount the image and use the filesystem.
assuming you are not root and have sudo ins
Kelly Jones wrote:
> Here's one way to install multiple FreeBSD ports "unattended" on a
> machine:
> cd /usr/port/foo/prog1; make install; cd/usr/ports/foo/prog2; make install
> and so on (perhaps even in a shell script). Two problems:
> % It's ugly. I'd prefer "cd /usr/ports; make foo/prog1
Frank Bonnet wrote:
> Hello
> Does open-iscsi has been ported to FreeBSD at 7.x ?
> it doesn't seems to be at 6.x
Seems to be a linux specific implementation of iscsi and gnu licenced so
no we dont. However we have iscsi_initiator(4) in 7.x see the man pages
for details.
For a iscsi target
Ole wrote:
> Hello maillist,
> I have to small question
> - Where i can get documentation for description some "base" sysctl variables?
> - And, what the diffrence between
> sysctl hw.machine hw.machine_arch
> ?
try sysctl -d $oid
for example:
(10:23:56 <~>) 0 $ sysctl
Gary Hartl wrote:
> Hi all;
> I have a quick question, I am trying to block a range of ip's for the sake
> of example they are -
> For the life of me I can't remember how to do that.
What mechanism? null route, ipfw, ipf or pf
> I thought I could do it by using
Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> Gary Hartl wrote:
>>> I thought I could do it by using the /class ie /32 for class c but i
>>> can't
>>> remember what the class delegation is for that size of pool, I think
>>> it is a
> I need to use rsync for backup to another machine using a nonstandard
> port for ssh. 722.
> For example, when I test using my translation of the man pages:
> rsync [OPTION...] SRC... rsync://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:PORT]/DEST
> I use:
> rsync -avz /almacen/testDir rsyn
Ewald Jenisch wrote:
> Hi,
> To gain an understanding on the performance of iSCSI vs. local disk IO
> I'm looking for a tool.
> My first thought was about "iozone"...
bonnie++ is ok too.
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks much in advance for your help,
> -ewald
> _
Marc Coyles wrote:
> Never had to do this so not sure where to start. Have googled and found
> some solutions but they don't particularly work (see below)...
> Someone has managed to inject php code into a PILE of php pages on my
> webserver...
> " /**/eval(base64_decode('aWYoZnVuY3Rpb25fZXhpc3
Jay Hall wrote:
> I have run into a need to capture netflows from the internal interface
> of my FreeBSD 6 server. The internal interface is em0 and the
> external interface is em1.
> I am using the following to setup the netflows.
> /usr/sbin/ngctl -f- << SEQ
> mkpeer em0: netflow lower i
krad wrote:
> 2009/10/13 Daniel Bye
>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 01:08:46AM +0300, Manolis Kiagias wrote:
>>> Daniel Bye wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having a hard time trying to work out which order I should set up
gmirror, glabel and gjournal on a new system. I
Patrick Lamaiziere wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for an "all in one printer" (scanner + printer). Do you
> know some models well supported by our favorit OS (8.0) (and a cheep
> one of course)?
I've had 2 HP cheap printer/scanners that have both worked well using
the hplip port with cups an
PJ wrote:
> michael wrote:
>> PJ wrote:
>>> Why is it that the manual pages, as thorough as they may be, are very,
>>> very confusing.
>>> Perhaps I am being too wary, but I find that too many
>>> instructions/examples are stumbling blocks to appreciation of the whole
>>> system:
>>> f
Polytropon wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 23:17:29 +0100, Vincent Hoffman
> wrote:
>> yes. this makes a ufs label which you can access via /dev/ufs
>> for example (my home system)
>> jh...@ostracod
>> (23:08:34 <~>) 0 $ ls /dev/ufs
Rogelio wrote:
> Has anyone created/used/found/seen a FreeBSD based LNS that supports
> thousands L2TPv2 tunnels? Right now, the only solution I see that scales to
> this level is Redback, and if not a Redback box, then lots of Cisco 7200
> boxes.
I understand MPD (ports/net/mpd5) is used i
Christopher Hilton wrote:
> Reading the list yesterday I came across a little controversy about
> swap backed /tmp filesystems. I've been using this in my /etc/rc.conf
> tmpmfs="YES"# Set to YES to always create an mfs /tmp, NO
> to never
> tmpsize="1g"# Size of mfs /tmp i
George Sanders wrote:
> - Original Message
>> From: Gary Gatten
>> To: George Sanders ;
>> Sent: Wed, October 28, 2009 11:01:35 AM
>> Subject: RE: How do I replace the built-in OpenSSL with a source tarball ?
>> Maybe remove the existing package f
O. Hartmann wrote:
> I followed the steps making a release on FreeBSD 8.0-RC2/AMD64 on my
> box, the target CHROOTDIR is located on a ZFS volume. I searched the
> list for a solution, but did not find any.
> sysctl kern.securelevel shows
> kern.securelevel: -1
> Is there any solution? I guess tho
PstreeM China wrote:
> hi , everyone :
> some time ago , i use Freebsd7.2 and the wpi driver for my Inter 3945
> wlan card ..
> after that , i upgrade to FreeBSD8-current ,but i find that my wlan is
> not work .
>i want to know that is a bug or the driver is not wall on 8-current ?
Hi all,
I've a bit of an annoying problem that hopefully someone
here has delt with before. I have a large(ish) number of ssh keys as i
like to keep things nicely seperated, I also use longish passphrases. To
deal with long pass phrases I have started to use ssh-agent, which is
Chris Rees wrote:
> 2009/11/20 Robert Huff :
>> Chris Rees writes:
>>> > Anybody knows of working GPUs under FBSD on any arch?
>>> > Any advice?
>>> Nvidia GPUs work on IA-32 machines, but AFAIK there's still no
>>> amd64 driver.
>>There was a posting within
Is haiving problems?
seems to indicate a general problem.
(not that I cant just use a mirror but I'm curious)
___ mailing list
krad wrote:
> 2009/11/24 Brian McCann
>> I'm at the end of my rope here with PF. I have a ruleset loaded, that
>> is long and complicated...but I've shortened to to a "pass all" rule.
>> The box has 4 interfaces, one for pfsync, one for me to connect to it,
>> and two bridged interfaces.
w s wrote:
> (x posted to, my
> apologies, but no one seems interested there...)
> I am trying to follow the steps to install FreeBSD 8.0 on my MacBook.
> I don't want to dual boot or anything, so I am following along here:
> http://wiki.freebsd.o
FW wrote:
> I have successfully installed freebsd on my macbook (yay!), but I
> can't figure out how to make the wifi work. Wired networking works
> great.
> I am following the directions here :
> but I have only got up to sec
Gary Kline wrote:
> Anybody know if there is a new FBSD writeup on BIND than what
> is listed near the top in google's output? Seems like the
> folks at ISC changed the bind/named stuff from /etc to /var
> sometime after 2005.
> gary
> PS: I'll share ever
David Rawling wrote:
> On 2/01/2010 2:07 AM, J.D. Bronson wrote:
>> Few options I can think of in random order...I use #1:
>> 1. Run SSH on an obscure port. Seriously, thats one of the easiest
>> things to do. Since I have done that, I have had ZERO attempts and it
>> works perfectly as long as
On 07/02/2012 11:00, dick wrote:
> I run a ZFS on root FreeBSD system. I know I can backup with snapshots
> but I want a dump/restore action because I want to transfer this
> system to a UFS virtual FreeBSD machine.
> My question is: will dump / (root) make a dump of *ALL* other
> directories?
On 22/02/2012 20:16, Chuck Bacon wrote:
> Looks like FreeBSD mirrors have been hacked; more than one has an empty
> pub/FreeBSD directory, and those which have a ports/distfiles directory
> don't have an linux directory at all. I've faithfully followed the
> FreeBSD handbook for 8.2, and it says t
I seem to have run into the problems described in this old thread.
tl:dr mountd may give incorrect permission denied errors when it is
refreshing the exports list, /sbin/mount has code that sends SIGHUP to
mountd on any mo
On 25/06/2012 13:56, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> C++ libraries can be limiting, but... wasn't replaced.
> If it would be truly about removing GPLv3 code that hurts, replacing
> libstdc++ would be first thing to do.
I assume you mean like the new libc++?
We use dump to backup ext4 filesystems on linux (Centos6) at work
>From the linux dump changelog
Changes between versions 0.4b41 and 0.4b42 (released June 18, 2009)
18. Add (preliminary) ext4 support - thanks to libext2fs which do
On 28/06/2012 21:39, Peter A. Giessel wrote:
> On Jun 28, 2012, at 11:59, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> We use dump to backup ext4 filesystems on linux (Centos6) at work
> You can find a version of dump for Linux that supports ext4. What I have
> been completely unable to
I'm sure I'm being dim, but why cant I do a for loop on the command line
using /bin/sh ?
am I suffering from too much use of bash and as such shouldnt expect it
to work?
banshee# for foo in 1 2 3 ; do echo $foo ; done
for: Command not found.
foo: Undefined variable.
banshee# echo 'for foo in 1 2
On 08/07/2012 17:51, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>> banshee# for foo in 1 2 3 ; do echo $foo ; done
>> for: Command not found.
>> foo: Undefined variable.
>> banshee# echo 'for foo in 1 2 3; do echo $foo ; done' >
>> banshee# sh
>> 1
>> 2
>> 3
>> banshee#
> echo $SHELL
> is it /
you could try one of the snapshot isos at (RELENG_9 is 9-STABLE which is
in the gradual process of becoming 9.1)
and see if that behaves better. Depends if you are happy running -STABLE
until the next release.
On 11/07/2012 09:35, miles kuo wrote:
On 11/07/2012 16:25, Joseph Lenox wrote:
> On 07/09/2012 06:55 PM, David Christensen wrote:
>> I wrote:
>> >>
>> On 07/09/2012 09:43 AM, Colin Barnabas wrote:
>>> Perhaps this will help-
>>> http://ww
On 15/07/2011 03:15, wrote:
> On Thu 14/07/11 9:28 PM , Maciej Milewski wrote:On czwartek, 14
> lipca 2011 04:25:59 Polytropon wrote:
> > On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:02:02 +1000, freebsd-
> wrote:
> > > So are you saying I can't just grab the ath modu
On 17/08/2011 20:20, Evan Busch wrote:
> I have a confirmation link from the vBulletin software asking me to go to
> Yet this host appears to be down and has been since last night.
> Who do I ask about this? Or is this an unannounced scheduled downtime?
On 19/08/2011 16:01, Net Warrior wrote:
> Hi
> Does anyone know if there is any progress on this project or how can I
> track/test it?
It was imported into svn
so you could check it out and have a try ;)
I'm hoping to hear that its being ported
On 23/08/2011 17:21, Pavel Timofeev wrote:
> Oh, thank you very much!
> I didn't know about ifstated. I'll try it.
>> Also may be with devd
> How? What do you mean?
devd is the freebsd device state change daemon, it will track device
state changes and you can tell it to act on them.
A quick googl
d to write with this idea?
Too late :)
I should have looked here first but i just did a quick Google.
You could suggest on
freebsd-doc<>@ to
have a link from the carp section though.
On 28/10/2011 06:53, Albert Shih wrote:
> Le 27/10/2011 à 13:34:50-0400, David Magda a écrit
>> On Thu, October 27, 2011 11:32, Albert Shih wrote:
I also recommend LSI 9200-8E or new 9205-8E with the IT firmware based
on past experience
>>> Do you known if the LSI-9205-8E HBA or the L
Hi all,
What kind of speed should I be expecting over an NFS mount from
a linux box using a gig interface (igb)? I'm seeing linux clients
getting approx 2 or 3 times the throughput rsyncing files from a linux
nfs server that i get from a 8-stable FreeBSD client.
representative results
an nfs?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Vincent Hoffman
> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 6:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: nfs client speed lowe
23:53, Michael Sierchio wrote:
> Mount via tcp.
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>What kind of speed should I be expecting over an NFS mount from
>> a linux box using a gig interface (igb)? I'm seeing linux clients
On 07/11/2011 11:30, Noelia.Sacristán wrote:
>Dear = Sir,
>We are a = Spanish Publishing House, Oxford University Press Spain,
>that publishes = textbooks for Spanish primary and secondary school.
>We are interested in = including, in a textbook of secondary education
>of Co
'Hi all,
I'm trying to move a script from a linux box to a freebsd box.
All going well as its just a bash script and bash is bash, however there
is one line I'm unable to use directly, as bsd sed (correctly according
to SUS at least, I believe[1]) appends a newline when writing to
On 10/11/2011 07:00, wrote:
Vincent Hoffman wrote:
bsd sed (correctly according to SUS at least, I believe[1])
appends a newline when writing to standard out, gnu sed doesnt.
The wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to
choose from -- Tanenbaum
On 11/12/2011 19:31, Christopher Hilton wrote:
> Good day,
> I'm trying to get FreeBSD going on a soekris box with an atheros based D-Link
> PCI wifi card. I intend to use this combination to bridge a difficult network
> back to ethernet but right now I'm just trying to get the soekris associat
Hi all,
I'm sure I have seen this come up before but a google doesnt
help. I am trying to disable gjournal on a disk so i can move to suj as
part of moving on to the 9.x series, I have umounted the FS but when i
try to stop the journal it automatically starts it on the gtpid of the
device a
On 13/12/2011 19:34, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:
> On 12/13/2011 5:59 PM, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm sure I have seen this come up before but a google doesnt
>> help. I am trying to disable gjournal on a disk so i can move to suj as
>> part o
On 20/12/2011 00:26, Chris Brennan wrote:
> I've got an HP Pavillian laptop with a Broadcom BCM4312 card. Below is
> what I've loaded so far and the result from /var/log/messages.
> [root@blackdragon ~]# kldstat | grep bwn
> 141 0x82035000 28a9abwn_v4_ucode.ko
> 191 0xff
On 08/01/2012 04:11, Dennis Glatting wrote:
> I have three LSI 9211-8i boards in my system: two flashed to T and one
> R. The Ts appear to work fine but the operating system doesn't see the
> RAID1 volume on R, but neither did RELENG_8.
> I am writing to ask how well R is supported, if at all. O
On 14/01/2012 15:02, Коньков Евгений wrote:
> Hi, Freebsd-questions.
> What is better:
> 1. Send PR to freebsd-current
> 2. Send PR via site
> or I must to send to both?
Normally I ask on the relevant mailing list first in case its simple
enough to get it resolved that way and to raise a litt
On 07/03/2013 10:34, Nick Pettefar wrote:
> Hi, where can I download the Raspberry Pi version please?
There's no official release for it but
and there were some build instructions at
I havent got a pi and havent tried eithe
On 09/05/2013 23:12, pete wright wrote:
> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Joshua Isom wrote:
>> On 5/9/2013 12:19 PM, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is Apache on FreeBSD affected?
>>> Thanks,
>> Technically, Apache isn't the problem. The hole's in cPanel probably, not
>> Apache.
On 02/06/2013 21:34, Fbsd8 wrote:
> I'm a sub second speed freak. What is the max number of cpu's and
> memory size that Freebsd can handle? Can it handle 16 4ghz cpu's and
> 32gb of memory? I need a gaming server with some really big balls for
> hundreds of jails. Money is not a deciding factor he
I'm not certain if this is the best place to ask but I seem to be having
issues with apache22 and poudriere.
on every run I get
>> Creating the reference jail... done
>> Mounting system devices for 8amd64-default
>> Mounting ports/packages/distfiles
>> Mounting packages from: /usr
On 05/06/2013 16:45, Arthur Chance wrote:
> On 06/05/13 16:06, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> I'm not certain if this is the best place to ask but I seem to be having
>> issues with apache22 and poudriere.
>> on every run I get
>> >> Crea
On 28/07/2013 02:27, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> There is a specific feature I need to see if it is in 9.2 or just 10
> where can I find the draft release notes for 9.2? lists 9-stable release notes
( whic
On 28/10/2010 15:25, Christopher Illies wrote:
>> 2010-10-28 14:49, Christopher Illies:
>>> To send email from my computer at work I need to send through a
>>> smarthost. In the past I had added the line:
>>> define(`SMART_HOST', `[]')
>> Brackets are only needed for ipaddresses.
On 29/10/2010 11:19, Christopher Illies wrote:
> I added "U:smmsp" and "M:PLAIN" to my /etc/mail/auth/client-info file, but
> that did not change anything. When I left out the square brackets around the
> server name in that file, I got another error message in /val/log/maillog:
> Oct 29 12:05:
On 29/10/2010 14:49, Christopher Illies wrote:
> Thanks for your explanations, Vince. It got me one step further (I think).
> <...>
> Ok, when I use telnet, this happens:
>> telnet 587
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 KIMSX09.user.
On 02/11/2010 11:34, Jerry wrote:
> Since "portsnap' has been failing on my system, I tried a different
> approach and decided to rebuild the port entirely rather than just
> download an updated snapshot. This is the result of just such a
> venture:
> portsnap fetch extract
> Looking up po
On 02/11/2010 13:37, Jerry wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Nov 2010 05:32:44 -0700
> Rob Farmer articulated:
>> This is a separate issue due to bad DNS - the list of mirrors is
>> obtained from:
>> host -t srv
>> and falls back to just if it doesn
On 02/11/2010 14:33, Jerry wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 13:48:12 +
> Vincent Hoffman articulated:
>> Sounds like DNS to me.
>> what output do you get from
>> dig +trace
> $ dig +trace
> ; <<
On 17/12/2010 15:27, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 08:14:22AM -0500, Outback Dingo wrote:
>> SeBSD is a FreeBSD project for security enhancement... ACLs and stuff... its
>> part of FreeBSD
> Something like SeLinux those other guys use???
Good job that wasnt FBI sponsored, tho
I've been playing with poudriere and pkg as per
in the hope that it will be an easier way to maintain a custom internal
package repository for work not I'va managed to get a few FreeBSD boxes
into service there.
I'm liking it lot
On 13/07/2012 16:04, Patrick Lamaiziere wrote:
> Le Fri, 13 Jul 2012 12:32:48 +0100,
> Vincent Hoffman a écrit :
>> I've been playing with poudriere and pkg as per
>> in the hope that it wil
On 11/09/2012 01:30, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> (This is probably a bit techical for 'questions' -- I'd welcome a suggesstion
> of a more appopriae forum.)
If you dont get any joy, try
> Is there a detailed description anywhere of the mechanics of *how* config(8)
On 19/09/2012 06:53, dweimer wrote:
> I was just trying some proof of concept testing to see if I could get
> a system booting with no local disk using iSCSI running from my
> FreeNAS box.
> I got started, by first booting a 9.1-RC1 CD, into live CD, created a
> /tmp/iscsi.conf used kldload to lo
On 05/11/2012 09:32, Eugen Konkov wrote:
> Здравствуйте, Robert.
> # du -h /var | sort -nr | head -n 25
> 976k/var/db/mysql/mysql
> 892k/var/mail/
> 888M/var/log/radius/radacct/
> 858M/var/crash
> 840k/var/mail/
> 836k/v
On 18/01/2013 23:26, Fbsd8 wrote:
> In a script in am working on I need to find out the allocated
> size of a sparse file.
> The only command that comes to mind is "ls -lh"
> The "du -h" command is not appropriate because it will show
> the occupied size and not the allocated size.
> I don't know
GPT booting is I believe only natively supported using an EFI BIOS.
However if you wish to use GPT booting with FreeBSD its not too hard,
you just cant install using sysinstall.
The Examples section of the gpart manpage is what i used to configure
the disk for my home server, a zotac ion atom based
On 09/02/2010 23:16, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I was trying to measure the file transfer
> rates between my home and my office boxes.
> Both are 9.0-current.
> At home I've wireless, TL-WN851N, using ath(4) driver.
> I used sftp(1), which I launch from the home box.
> I made files sized 10M
On 11/02/2010 11:00, James Smallacombe wrote:
> Sorry for replying to myself (AND top-posting!) twice in a row, but
> this is become a huge concern. My first thought is that my provider
> changed routers or router Ethernet ports, hence the MAC address
> change. They deny this, plus I find the t
On 18/02/2010 08:54, Valentin Bud wrote:
> Hello community,
> I have an Intel server and I must activate AHCI from BIOS so I can
> use all the 6 HDDs.
> Can anybody tell me if FBSD8.0 is stable using AHCI. This is the first
> I have to use so I thought I'd ask the community opinion first.
On 21/03/2010 13:53, Dan Naumov wrote:
> What are my options if I want to run an sftp server with speed
> throttling? My understanding is that openssh (which includes sftp) in
> base does not support this directly, so I would have to either use a
> custom kernel with ALTQ (and I would really rather
On 21/03/2010 21:53, Mark Shroyer wrote:
> Until recently, the method for creating ezjail's "basejail" was to issue
> the "ezjail-admin update" command, which compiles the basejail from
> /usr/src. Just recently an "ezjail-admin install" command was added,
> which downloads binaries from a FreeBS
On 22/03/2010 11:53, Ghirai wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 19:55:00 +
> Vincent Hoffman wrote:
>> On 21/03/2010 13:53, Dan Naumov wrote:
>>> What are my options if I want to run an sftp server with speed
>>> throttling? My understa
Hi all,
I'm hoping i'm doing something silly. I have an 8.0-RELEASE
machine with one jail that i'm intending to run lighttpd.
I have nothing running on the host other than sendmail on and
sshd bound to the primary IP. The jail is also now running sshd fine.
when i try and star
Sorry for noise, pebkac
I had defined
$SERVER["socket"] == "" { }
but not server.bind
On 23/03/2010 17:21, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm hoping i'm doing something silly. I have an 8.0-RELEASE
> machine
On 05/04/2010 10:01, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 04/04/2010 22:04:35, Marcin Wisnicki wrote:
> > Is it possible to configure sshd such that both conditions are met:
> > 1. Root will be able to login only by using keys
> > 2. Normal users will still be able to use pam/keyboard-interactive
> Only
On 05/04/2010 10:17, Vincent Hoffman wrote:
> On 05/04/2010 10:01, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> On 04/04/2010 22:04:35, Marcin Wisnicki wrote:
>>> Is it possible to configure sshd such that both conditions are met:
On 05/04/2010 18:03, Peter Steele wrote:
> We have a USB boot stick based cloning process that we're considering porting
> to a DVD based media. I'm not sure though that it's possible due to the
> restrictions I've seen in the mfsroot environment we'd have to use. For
> example, in our USB disk
On 19/04/2010 12:12, krad wrote:
> Hi,
> Not strictly a freebsd question this but I'm feeling jittery about this as I
> cant afford it to go wrong.
> As you are probably aware the root zones are going to be signed soon. I run
> a number of heavily used dns caches (~ 600-900 queries / sec) runn
Hi Jorge,
While the term dummy has been used in the sense of "basic" or
"beginner" (for instance the "for dummies" series of books,) The most
common context means stupid, or silly and has negative connotations for
the person referred to.
On 20/04/2010 20:48, Jorge Biquez wrote:
> Hello
On 22/04/2010 16:10, Paulo Fragoso wrote:
> Hi,
> Is realy necessary check fsck on boot for journaled file sistem?
Yes, but it should be a very quick check,
see these for some more details
On 27/04/2010 20:31, John wrote:
> This seems to be working pretty well, and I'll eventually take the
> print statement out, but I'm not sure why I had to make /dev/pf
> public read/write in order to get the pfctl command to work.
> What is the best solution to be able to add to my spammers table
On 8/6/09 12:10, Friedrich Locke wrote:
> Dear gentleman,
> i would like to configure a FreeBSD installation as storage server
> solution. Iwould like to use iSCSI.
> Is it possible to configure a server running FreeBSD as a iSCSI server
> (i.e., i mean as a target)?
Indeed it is, although
On 30/6/09 14:42, wrote:
> In message <20090624121036.ga3...@holstein.holy.cow> on -mobile
> list[0], I asked for suggestions for a firewire or eSATA card to be
> put in Thinkpad T61 PCMCIA or EtherExpress slot, while most likely
> running FreeBSD 7.
> After about 6 days getting no
Jonathan Chen wrote:
>> 4.Suppose the answer for 1-3 is no, s there any other reason why I need to
>> open the code.
> Only if you feel like it.
I'd make that, Only if you feel like it or would like the warm glow of
giving back to the community (and of course all those extra eyes to
Robert Huff wrote:
> Is there anything - official, or unofficial but reliable - about
> working with gpart/GPT?I've read the man page, and am still a little
> wobbly.
I found
reasonably informative.
Anton wrote:
>Hello Gary,
>Due to what I've read about ntop - it is not really what I need.
>I dont have any Cisco routers, nor switches with port-mirroring - so I
>c=uld not collect any traffic. I have only 2 freebsd routers - and
>need to k=ow - when the outgoing channel
Opera is indeed already in the ports (and packages) and has been since
November 5th 2000 according to the Makefile in ports/www/opera. and it
appears the port is maintained by one of the staff at opera
Keep up the good work :)
Kalle Møller wrote:
> Damn have no clue how to build fix or anything with plist ... Except it
> seemd to be a list of the files used ??
Pretty much, the porters handbook has a decent section on it if your
interested. Any installed files except man pages and documentation
(which are specified in t
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