gt; any help. I am running FreeBSD-4.8 STABLE, with the ports cvsuped and
> upraded today.
I do not believe you need it. I am running XMMS under KDE with no arts
plugin without any problems at all.
Todd Stephens
only because I have
the volume turned way up to hear the cd better.
Todd Stephens
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to play sound simultaneously from
> a different source than xmms, while xmms is playing via the wrapper.
I don't know what I did differently, but mine seems to work fine in that
respect. Now, maybe the mail notification sound is delayed a bit, but
I really don'
t") and
hit enter when prompted for a password.
BTW, FreeBSD is not Linux. Go to to find out more.
Todd Stephens
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I think the *BSD communities are comfortable enough in their positions
that they don't need to direct so much attention to themselves in that
Todd Stephens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
Probably a no-brainer, but how can I make my xterm start as xterm-color?
If I want color ls, I have to type TERM=xterm-color from the command
line every time I start a new terminal window. What file do I need to
edit to make X start with xterm-color?
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
I am installing this from ports. Considering everything else that is
getting installed along with it (gcc 3.2.3 among others), how long
should I expect this to take? Anyone have any experience with this?
Running a K6-2 500Mhz (FBSD 4.8)
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying p
On Sunday 14 September 2003 01:23 pm, Gerald S Stoller wrote:
> I tried it, still the same output, no color.
This may be related to my question regarding using xterm-color. Try
typing this at your command line:
$ TERM=xterm-color
Then try ls -G and see if you get color or not.
e. My original message to the list
hasn't even shown up in my inbox yet! I think I need to have a talk
with my ISP :) Actually, I was expecting at least a day or so for the
install. I guess it is not so bad. My main fear was that someone was
going to say 3 days.
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 315
555, so I should be able to execute the binary as
a user. Permissions on the relative devices (cd0a and cd0c and the
rcd* devices) are all 644 root:operator. What else needs to be done
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
I found a port for mp32ogg to convert mp3 to ogg format, but is there a
program to convert wav to ogg format? I like the ogg format, but it
seems to me that there will be some data loss going from wav to mp3 and
then to ogg.
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves no
I was better off using ports. Of course, I'm going on about 30 hours
now of compile time. Mitigating that is the fact that it had to
compile and install gcc 3.2.3 before it even got to the OpenOffice
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
utility to uninstall then reinstall, or will I have to build OO all
over again?
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
the case.
Has anyone any experience with either (or preferably both)? Which one
is preferred by users out there?
Thank you for any assistance.
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
lished? I think the default is to
exclude fonts between 8 and 15 point sizes. There is a checkbox to
"uncheck" if you don't want any font sizes excluded from anti-aliasing.
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
On Sunday 21 September 2003 11:56 am, Micheal Patterson wrote:
> Has anyone ever run across this error when trying to run atacontrol?
> "$:> atacontrol list
> atacontrol: control device not found: No such file or directory"
atacontrol has to be run as root.
the entire line. The OP has since said he was running as root,
but the $ prompt he used in the example made me think he was not doing
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
up the way I want, I would have stuck with Windows as well.
Windows functions perfectly well as a home desktop; I just wanted more.
BTW, how is copying an ISO image of FreeBSD to a CD harder than copying
any other ISO to a CD?
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing.&q
FreeBSD. In fact, I don't even see it
on NetBSD's site (
Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
uot;exec startkde" is in your .xinitrc file in your home directory.
Todd Stephens
Please refrain from double negatives in my email
"A witty saying proves nothing." -Voltaire
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
foomatic-rip (which I thought was just a Perl
script anyway). I eventually gave up on foomatic with my Epson C82 and
used the "straight" Epson C82 driver from the gimp-print collection.
Todd Stephens
"A witty saying proves nothing." -Voltaire
I see. I have noticed that my results without foomatic were just as
good as they were with foomatic under Linux. Thank you for the
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a
ssociate the .iso extension with your burning software? I
did it with Nero and Adaptec both by just right-clicking the .iso
"file" and selecting "burn new cd from image" or something similar to
that wording.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them
Is there any benefit to using the standard 'make' method of installing
ports over the 'portinstall' command (or portupgrade -N), or
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way
y started using
portinstall for installing ports. I have been using portupgrade for a
while now. It seems to me that portinstall (as you indicated) is
better at finding and fixing dependency issues as well.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
On Monday 29 September 2003 05:33 pm, Ralph wrote:
> I installed vmware 3 and it say's i need to mount linprocfs to run
> vmware can someone tell me how to do this plz.
man linprocfs
linproc /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0
Todd Stephen
e a Mac (PPC chip) you can't use FreeBSD
at this time.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
my printer on cups using the web
> interface
Use http://localhost:631/admin
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
trying to access from another machine. I knew I
should have reread my post before hitting send. Never mind.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
a modern OS to the original AT&T 'Unix'.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
t some choices are made for you in terms of pre-installed
> software.
Actually, with RH you get GNOME automagically as RH has just about
ceased any official support of KDE. Just for trivia's sake :)
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
l/ UNIX code which existed prior to Sys V in 1983,
indicating that BSD and Sys V are different branches from the same
trunk. The history is rather confusing though, so I expect to be wrong
on this.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad
os. Sure, you
can uninstall things later, but the only one that really gave me a
choice of specific packages to install from the get-go was Slackware.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around
e* to use them, but I am fairly certain that X and at
least GNOME are installed by default.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
you might not want that one either.
There is another in /usr/ports/multimedia/slideshow that is supposedly
very powerful. I have only glanced at it.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will fin
stalling these days. The ports system almost makes
it *too* easy to install things and I've gone a little crazy with it
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
On Sunday 05 October 2003 09:22 am, Todd Stephens wrote:
> Slideshow seems like an impressive application to me from looking at
> the web site It has an option to
> create "ASCII Slides", so I don't know if that means it can read from
t. Is this part of the
Opera port? On the web page is says it is part of Opera for Windows,
but does not mention it being part of Opera for Linux or otherwise. It
is an interesting idea though.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act respon
d still get all the
security patches is to update to RELENG_4_8.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
g any effort:
To get a feel for what you are getting yourself in to you could read
"The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System". One
chapter is availabe for reading online at:
I keep getting "Undeliverable" notifications of things I submit even
though they make it to the list just fine. Anyone else getting this?
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the
yway, this latest is from some server @
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
Does the vim port build vim with the GUI by default, or does this need
to be enabled in the make arguments?
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws.&quo
hough. I haven't had much luck playing
anything other than mpeg with Mplayer. YMMV.
Todd Stephens
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
in as toor. This is my newbie
understanding of toor anyway.
Todd Stephens
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when I moved from Windows to Linux, I
could not get a response from my ISP's DHCP server, so my only recourse to
was to boot back to Windows to ask my questions.
Todd Stephens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
ecked on, and the CUPS page there doesn't cover the
configuration of the server itself it seems.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Todd Stephens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
o work on it some more today and will reply to the list if it works.
Thank you for your assistance.
Todd Stephens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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ill give me this library ?
On my 4.8 I have in /usr/lib. I'm not sure what put it there,
but check to see what you have. If it is higher than 3, you could:
#cd /usr/lib
#ln -s
See if that works.
Todd Stephens
braries, but I see it may not work for this one.
Todd Stephens
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Does anyone have any experience with this?
Todd Stephens
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On Monday 01 September 2003 05:43 pm, Todd Stephens wrote:
> I have been trying to get this setup to work as it does on my Linux
> box. Has anyone gotten CUPS working using the foomatic-rip/gimp-print
> method outlined on I have an Epson Stylus C82 at
.com, but I
have no idea if it would run on FreeBSD, even under Linux compat.
> Spreadsheets
Gnumeric. OpenOffice has one as does KOffice.
> Pkzip
There are more compression tools than you can shake a stick at :)
Todd Stephens
It should be /dev. Also, according to
'man burncd', "the files burned to data CD-Rs are assumed to be ISO9660
file systems", so I think you need to take whatever file(s) you want to
put on the cd, and use mkisofs to create a ISO image. I've never used
burncd though, so
swrapper scripts be placed? Should I set owner to
root:daemon? I'll keep trying with it in the meantime.
Todd Stephens
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create. I'll let you know how this goes.
Todd Stephens
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0 and no audio comes
Is there some other procedure that I need to do first to enable the
playing of audio cd? I thought about maybe adding /dev/rcd0c to the
fstab file, but I don't know if that is the way to go about it. Thank
you for any assistance.
drive was viewed as scsi regardless of application. Than you.
It works fine now.
Todd Stephens
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art, though.
Todd Stephens
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again. Thank you.
Todd Stephens
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