just what is occuring here or
is there something just plain simple that I'm missing?
The smbfs mount is configured as noauto,rw in fstab. I can write to the
slice, but just can't read the active server log file.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
uch hassle
on a stock sendmail installation, I'm beginning to think it would just be
best to stick with Amavis and forget about the hassle.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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for the sole
- Original Message -
From: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 2:25 PM
Subject: MailScanner and sendmail
> Has anyone successfully gotten MailScanner working with a version of
> sendmail from versio
create an ipfw.sh script in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d and add all of your rules to that script.
ipfw -f flush
#NATD Rules here
ipfw add 3 divert natd all from any to any via xl1
I've used both rc.conf and this method but I prefer to number my rule sets
so that I can easily tell
d-locale-archive: cannot lock new archive: Invalid argument
execution of glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.6 script failed, exit status 1
*** Error code 1
Has anyone run into this before?
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
existing mail server, scroll
through the listing so it's in your buffer, copy the password file into your
clipboard, ssh into the new system, run vipw and paste it into the new
system. When you exit vipw, it will update the database and you're done.
I've done this when moving to new mai
it with a -9,
restart natd and reload the ipfw ruleset. You'll still lose your session but
it should reconnect. Use this at your own risk.
- natkill --
pid=`/bin/ps -ax | grep 'natd' | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ .*//'`
ould run. I don't know if this the "best" approach to this problem, but
it will allow the httpd to access the clientmqueue folder. Be warned, if
you're using mailman for mailing lists, it will have to be recompiled with
the proper gid or it will fail out.
Micheal Patt
- Original Message -
From: "samy lancher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Email problem
> hello steve,
> httpd belongs to user:
lcd /root/down
get test.sh
Now, you've got a scripted ftp session from within FreeBSD. As long as the
servernames in the script and .netrc match, ftp will use the info from
.netrc to make the connection. Of course, you'd want to make certain that
the .netrc
't. Only root, by default, can touch that file. If you have
someone that has breeched the system to the point they're able to open that
file, then the problem of them viewing the password hash is quite moot.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality No
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
TSG Incorporated
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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(B- Original Message -
(BFrom: "horio shoichi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(BSent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 7:32 PM
(BSubject: Re: FreeBSD 4.9 Can't find second CPU ...
(B> On Thu, 25 Dec
nal interface and diverts it to NATD
- NATD translates the packet and injects it at the next IPFW rule set
- If traffic is allowed by IPFW, traffic exits the system to it's
Without net.inet.ip.forwarding enabled, the FreeBSD system is merely a
system on each network instead of a ga
> by the gateway:
Do an ipfw list and you should see an entry at or very near the top similar
divert 8668 ip from any to any via xl0
If you don't, traffic isn't being diverted to NAT and it's trying to route
the 10 /8 traffic to it's conn
mple address redirection?
> Thanks a lot,
> T.B.
Um. How many real IP's you have sitting on XL0?
If it's only one, you don't to redirect_address on it otherwise, it will
lose internet access itself since all return traffic will go to the internal
address. If you hav
- Original Message -
From: "The Bean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "freebsd"
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: natd.conf problem (was: natd problem (but close!) )
- Original Message -
From: "The Bean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "freebsd"
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: natd.conf problem (was: natd problem (but close!) )
ser mode and correct this problem.
I'm not sure what would cause it though.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
TSG Incorporated
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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- Original Message -
From: "Trey Sizemore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Can't login to machine any more!
> Michea
CK #block all packets by default
Also, you should be able to do a man ipf on 4.9.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential
and p
> > Are you talking about PF or IPF in 4.9? If it's IPF, it's a kernel
> > option.
> PF. I already have IPF working. I am more familiar with PF and would
> rather be using it.
> Thanks
Ah. Ok. Misunderstood.
Micheal Patterson
dress to
something behind them?
Micheal Patterson
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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ut did you do what I've done in the past and
forget to enable forwarding so the systems can route traffic?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/>sysctl -a |grep forward
net.inet.ip.forwarding: 1
If not, make sure that gateway_enable="YES" in rc.conf and reboot, or sysctl
net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 from co
Is the system configured to accept remote desktop requests? Windows XP has
it disabled by default.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may
subscribe, send any mail to
adduser.conf doesn't yet exist on your system and adduser is asking you for
the defaults. If you accept the default entries, it will ask you at the end
to save them. Tell it yes and run add user again and you're a
; To unsubscribe, send any mail to
If you want to support mppe128, you can use netgraph-mpd
(/usr/ports/net/mpd/ in the 4.x tree)
It supports username / pass and ip to the vpn client. I would imagine this
is also available in the 5.x tree as well.
Micheal Patterson
> Paul
Considering that many of the current hardware firewall solutions aren't much
more than either a BSD or Linux kernel in a ROM chip, with a 486 or 586
based cpu, memory, and a nice gui (Windows or Internal Web interface), I
can't see why a similar system on a PC would b
stick with Windows until he
has a better understanding of what the difference between workstations
and servers really are.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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for the sole use of the intended reci
- Original Message -
To: "Guillermo_GarcĂa-Rojas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an
installerpackage like this ???
> >
> > Can you live without
vices either. See, unlike
Windows, you're not going to have the same issues with trojans and breeches.
If it's just you, and you've not added anyone else, you're pretty damn safe.
Root can't log in from remote at all unless you specifically change the
options that would allow i
recall will reload and execute the settings within
rc.conf without rebooting.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain
confidential and privi
e english.
Are you wanting to truely cluster the servers or are you wanting to load
balance services (web, mail, pop3, etc) between a group of servers?
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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> requests?
> Curtis
I realize that this may sound strange, but do you have an allow in your
hosts.allow file for sendmail? Sendmail now uses wrappers by default as I
recall, and without it, you'll get refused.
Micheal Patterson
Senior Communications Systems Engineer
uncorruptable in the event of breach.
So, if you still wish to use bash as the root shell, copy the executable
into /bin, add it to /etc/shells, and set it immutable ("chflags schg
/bin/bash") so that in the event of breach, the shell is still unable to be
modified and will be reachable in
t; But none so far for *BSD firewalls :(
> Any ideas?
> --
> As far as anyone knows we're a nice, normal family.
> -- Homer Simpson
> There's No Disgrace Like Home
Can't MRTG get you close enough for that wouldn't it?
Micheal Patt
> Pointers to docs, or FMs I should have read, are welcome. I
> had a look through the manual and googled about on the error,
> but didnt turn up anything that helped.
> Thanks,
> Ste
This is my post to the hlds_linux list on how to get Source running on
fstab entry something like this:
//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/backup /home/backup/Veritas/SPC2K smbfs
rw,-N,-I= 0 0
See how that works for you.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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was classified in the WHITELIST sender group.
>The org ID is 1681939, and the SBRS is 2.1
> ===
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
TCP ports 1723? Also, is GRE being blocked at any point between your mpd
system and their end? If it just stopped working, has anyone placed a
firmware firewall device in recently? Many of them that I've run across
recently don't even know what GRE is so a specific entry has to be ma
tape if
they want long term storage and then I can chain that to the Promise raid
and have it back up to take during the day and still have my backup window
in the early morning hours.
Micheal Patterson
Senior Communications Systems Engineer
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail
50's have a temp sensor that isn't detected until during post, so there's a
few seconds on them that the fans run full on. I'm just curious because if
the 380's are set up the same, you may have a faulty sensor.
Micheal Patterson
Senior Communications Systems Engineer
Please keep in mind, that this method will require the proper share auth
info to be in /etc/nsmb.conf, so protect this file as it holds plain text
passwords for your windows systems.
Then on system restart, after everything else is accessible and running,
cron will launch and remount t
> Thanks
Is your ports tree current via cvs? If not, I'd update the tree, then
rebuild portupgrade and see how that works for you.
Micheal Patterson
Senior Communications Systems Engineer
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any
Some folks have great success with it where others don't. For example, I can
remove the noauto and with the very same config files and 5 out of 10 times
the mount won't take on system startup. When I remove the noauto and cron it
for @reboot, it works just fine. I've
few digs. Our local dns server has all the correct
> 10:29am butters:/etc/mail # dig kibserv.org mx
If the system is sending mail to itself for processing, as most mx's do, you
need to have the full host name in the local-host-names file. Otherwise, it
doesn't know
from your unix box.
In this config, fetchmail will retrieve mail from your isp, pipe it through
your local sendmail. This allows you to place your own filters on incoming
mail and scan it for viri using the software of your choice. Then when you
send mail out, it hi
1.2 3574
00031 16 11902 (T 298, slot 752) <-> tcp, 3777<->
Granted, you'll end up with a dual entry for each packet in stateful space,
but it does work. Perhaps not as intended with a single match but you can
use statful with NAT.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
TSG Incorporated
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- Original Message -
From: "fbsd_user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Ken Bolingbroke"
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: ipfw/nated sta
- Original Message -
From: "fbsd_user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:18 PM
Subject: RE: ipfw/nated stateful rules example
> You are doing keep-state
- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "fbsd_user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: ipfw/nated st
- Original Message -
From: "fbsd_user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jonathan Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:29 AM
Subject: RE: ipfw/nated s
server that I am
currently aware of as it's designed to speak pop protocol and then deliver
it locally to an awaiting smtp server for local delivery.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is
le must be in a safe directory and unreadable by everyone
except root (or TrustedUser). It is used when sendmail acts as a client to
authenticate itself to a server. Example:
Notes: all data is case sensitive (usually) and the entire line is used i
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Risdon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: sendmail help?
> Micheal Patterson wrote:
> > Fetchmail can't retrieve mail from an smtp server that
ind. But the OS version of course wasn't
current so I went and grabbed the rpm for my version of linux that was
current. I then went to uninstall the existing system bind portion and it
gave an error that permission was denied. I was logged in from console as
root, and it wouldn't allow me
ovided during the dhcp
initialization and add the above to the information it recieves from the
server. If you don't want to use any of the name servers provided by dhcpd,
remote the domain-name-servers portion from the request entry. If you need
any further specifics, check out man dhcli
- Original Message -
From: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: Problem With Configuring Name Servers
> - Original Message -
On the other hand, if you want
to attach the file, use mailx from ports. There's an -a flag to attach files
to outbound emails.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is
for the sole use of the intend
ber to use?
> telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx would get me to the telnet port
> at that IP address.
Actually, the native "dos" mode versions of telnet came standard starting
with Win2k but I won't go into that. :)
The syntax is start > run > telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port#
ding stuff from sources (I've been
> using Gentoo Linux for quite a while now).
> Thanks in advance,
> GH
o Install from cd image and choose the package that includes all sources
(with or without X-Windows depending on if you want a gui or not).
o Synchronize your
ense 100 Full -interface. I could not find
it in ifconfig, so I g init?
What type of nic is it? Which driver xl#, ep#, dc# ? is it using?
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including
as never frozen on me,
> so that I could actually find out. I run it on my server systems, and i
> don't want to test it and then run the risk of ruining some drives.
> -rian
On 4.9, it does the same as a shutdown -r now or reboot does. Stops services
then reboots the system same
drive. 1 x 3c509 nic and 1 x 3c905 nic. Are there known issues with the ep
driver that I've been unable to locate yet? I put 4.9 back onto the system
and all is well. Anyone else having any similar problems with 5.2?
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
TSG Incorporat
Has anyone been able to get a AT-2700FTX fiber card to work in 4.9 by
chance? I'm in the need of a fiber card but many of the ones listed in the
hardware guide are at end of life and I'd rather not purchase eol unless
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administrati
disk arrays from a
command prompt on the following platforms:
BSDi 4.x
FreeBSD 4.x
Linux (see Linux section for details)
MS-DOS 6.22 or higher
Novell NetWare 4.11, 4.2 and 5.x
SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2
SCO ODT 3.0 and OpenServer 5
SCO UnixWare 7.x
Windows NT 4.0
- Original Message -
From: "Edy Lie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: FreeBSD and Hot Swap rebuild on SCSI disks.
> Hi Michael,
e a direct failure, however, if you stop
recieving these mails, you'll know something's up. :)
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may
ram ... but it sucks =P , to instable.
> Pedro
Pedro, check out the documentation on enabling NATD.
In short, as long as the DSL is connected to the FreeBSD box, you can
configure and enable NATD on that box, install a 2nd nic, connect it to the
other system
in mind, that you can only use this account from the system
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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> -Brian Bobowski
Not being familiar with imap that well as my organizaiton prefers pop3, I'll
assume that it hooks into wrappers. If so, you'll need an entry in the
hosts.allow file to allow connections to the daemon. Check out your
cking I can't place the ip in the access list
as it kills outbound mail from that system.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
- Original Message -
From: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 7:58 AM
Subject: Sendmail Spam Block question.
> I'm getting numerous spam messages that are coming in with headers such
d anything like this? If there's any more info I can
> provide, I'm willing to.
> Thanks for the time.
> Regards,
> Stacey
> --
> Stacey Roberts
> B.Sc (HONS) Computer Science
> Web: www.vickiandstacey.com
> ________
ice the "control device" would be.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
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Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
- Original Message -
From: "Todd Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:57 AM
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Tancsa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: atacontrol
> cd /dev
> sh MAKEDEV ata
> the
t release=cvs
> *default tag=RELENG_4_8
> *default delete use-rel-suffix
> src-all
> *default tag=.
> ports-all
The entry "ports-all" grabs all available ports from the site. You'll need
to comment that out and only select the ports areas that you want to have it
I just had that very same problem today when attempting to get atacontrol
working after a kernel recompile. What ended up being the problem was the
kernel source and user/src were out of sync. I cvs'd the current src tree,
rebuilt world and recompiled kernel and the problem was corre
pend some time with the
available documentation and save yourself some money, or 2) spend that money
on the necessary Windows addons to do the same job. Everyone that is in this
list has made the same decision or is in the process of making that
decision. The outcomes will vary depending on the
t do it.
I'll admit, it's always best to have the problem corrected at the source,
but it's few of us against the many of them. They're winning so far so we
have to do what we can to keep them at arms length or farther if possible.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administratio
Open irq 5 for ISA devices in BIOS
I don't know if this will help you or not, but it's worth a try.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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W flags apply). Also, there is no need for a hosts.deny file
as hosts.allow contains both allow and deny entries now. Just have the
all:all:deny at the very bottom of hosts.allow. The default hosts.allow
file gives examples of how to use the file for access control to various
daemons / services.
cares enough to fix it.
And if there's any support for ext2/3 on the BSDs, it's news to me.
David Benfell, LCP
Resume available at http://www.parts-unknown.org/resume.html
David, man mount_ext2fs
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
t; thank you all
If you're wanting to terminate windows clients on the freebsd box using PPTP
with encryption of mppe-40 or mppe-128, check out /usr/ports/net/mpd.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any atta
- Original Message -
From: "Armand Passelac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: A question about host...
> [---- On Wed, 24 Se
t; Thanks
> Bob
There once was a way to do this but damn if I can remember it. You could
change the amount of attempts that could be tried, and instead of a delay
after the max out the attempts, you could terminate the connection. Anyone
know what I'm referring to?
Micheal Patters
an't speak for anyone else but myself, but I'm currently running
Sendmail, Apache, Mailman, Qpopper, Mysql, and Samba on a dual 800mhz system
and it's doing just fine on 4.8 and processing approx 25k messages every 24
hours including AV scanning. I've yet to see it fall bel
"login: "
#define DEFAULT_PASSWD_PROMPT "Password:"
Unless there's another way to do this, change those variables as desired and
recompile login.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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> running system, I know for instance pciconf(8) but what are the
> corresponding ones for memory, cpu etc?
> Many thanks,
> Per olof
more /var/run/dmesg.boot to get the info at boot time.
vmstat 5 5 will give you 5 items 5 sconds apart to show you procs, memory,
ill be used whereas AIUI the port is built to
> use userland ppp.
> I would use mpd but it has problems with XP clients.
What type of problems are you seeing with MPD (Netgraph variety) and WinXP?
That's my VPN terminator software and all of my remote XP systems seem to
ds to be something other than the
x.w.y.81, or network.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
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for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidentia
rect me to some information on this?
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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> port)? I'm on Comcast in Maryland, but I believe any DOCSIS modem should
> the job.
> Thanks,
> Seth Henry
A Toshiba 1100 (if I recall the model correctly) or a Surfborard 3100 on up
should do you just fine with Comca
find it but it was taking a long long time. So killed it.
> Were do I find it and change it or is it permanently at the original
> hostname.
> Thanks
> Mark
Use the command hostname to verify that it's using the new name. If it shows
the old name there, do a hostname t
pe drive, tar -c / dumps
everything to the tape drive.
Micheal Patterson
Network Administration
Cancer Care Network
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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- Original Message -
From: "Brent Wiese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Micheal Patterson'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: RE: IPSEC tunnel issue..
> > Here's my
> PGP Public Key Fingerprint: A6E9 D0CB 2ABC 520A 883D 8008 F660 364A
Often, you will need to create the gifx interface manually. Just run an
ifconfig gif0 create before you do your gifconfig entry.
Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality Notice:
rectly to a password prompt?
> - --
> Mike Loiterman
> grantADLER
> Tel: 630-302-4944
> Fax: 773-868-0071
> PGP Key 0xD1B9D18E
What you're describing is normal behavior for ssh. Telnet does the same
thing fr
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Loiterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Micheal Patterson'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 7:40 PM
Subject: RE: Ssh missing 'login as' prompt
> &g
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