XFCE / volume control

2007-10-01 Thread Michael S
Hi all, I decided to try XFCE out, since my machine doesn't have much memory. It's really fast and pretty, the only annoyance is that I can't adjust the volume using the volume control, as soon as I move the knobs, they jump back. I know it's an issue of permissions on devices, because I can do th

binary compatibility 6.2 -> 6.3

2007-11-23 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I am running 6.2 with patches, however my package_site points to 6-stable. Upgrading binary packages gives this message: Undefined symbol "__sbmaskrune". >From the few results Google returned, I realized that the packages in 6-stable are for the upcoming 6.3. I thought that major br

Absolute FreeBSD

2007-12-13 Thread Michael S
Good evening all, I was wondering if anyone bought M. Lucas' new FreeBSD book. How would you rate it? I already have the first edition, is it worth the money buying the second one? Thanks in advance, Michael Michael Sherman http://msherman77.blogspot.com/

Re: Absolute FreeBSD

2007-12-14 Thread Michael S
Here's the toc: http://www.tinker.tv/download/afreebsd2_toc.pdf --- Sam I Am <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > cpghost wrote: > > On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 00:48:19 -0800 > > "Ted Mittelstaedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > >>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Behalf Of Joshua Isom > >>> Although I hav

RE: Absolute FreeBSD

2007-12-14 Thread Michael S
Mittelstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > -Original Message- > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Behalf Of Michael S > > Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 6:40 PM > > To: FreeBSD Mailing List > > Sub

Xorg issues with Toshiba

2008-09-09 Thread Michael S
Good day. I have a Toshiba laptop and I am having problems with X configuration. The automatic (PCBSD 7 beta) utility for X configuration was failing. I then booted into single user mode disabled that feature (edited /etc/ttys). I kept having problems even with Xorg -config and Xorg -configure.

Upgrading 5.3 to 6.0 question

2006-01-31 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I have a question related to upgrading my machine from 5.3 to 6.0. I am convinced I need to upgrade it, and the base system upgrade procedure is pretty much clear to me. However I am somewhat not clear about 3rd party software. Since all the programs are 5.X binaries, do I need to re

Re: Upgrading 5.3 to 6.0 question

2006-01-31 Thread Michael S
Thanks a lot. On 1/31/06, Charles Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Jan 31, 2006, at 3:28 PM, Michael S wrote: > > I have a question related to upgrading my machine from 5.3 to 6.0. > > I am convinced I need to upgrade it, and the base system upgrade > > procedure

need help

2006-03-16 Thread Michael S
Hi. I am relatively new to FreeBSD, have been running it since 5.1. Nothing like what I experienced today had happened previously. My machine crashed and I wasn't able to boot it back, the boot processes wasn't able to find the kernel. I then booted with the 6.0 Release CD and went into the FIXIT

Re: need help

2006-03-17 Thread Michael S
I've tried both. fsck_ffs /dev/ad0s1a also exits because of bad superblocks. On 3/17/06, Glenn Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 09:46 PM 3/16/2006, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote: > >On 3/17/06, Michael S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hi. > > > >

Re: need help

2006-03-17 Thread Michael S
Thanks a lot everyone. As suggested by Ceri Davies, I fscked using block 160. Now I am was able to boot into single user mode, fscking my other partitions. Thanks again to everyone for their help. On 3/17/06, Ceri Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 17/3/06 12:30, "Mich

environment variables

2005-04-10 Thread Michael S
Hi all. In order to set an environment variable at boot time, something like http_proxy, where would I do that? Thanks in advance. ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe

Re: Cross-development of Windows 32-bit applications under FreeBSD?

2005-04-10 Thread Michael S
I don't know whether it is possible with only FreeBSD, however you can check whether you can run Visual Studio under the Wine emulator or use one of those cross-platform toolkits such as Qt or WxWidgets. The latter one will not give you Win32 binaries, but it's quite easy to port the code to Window

probing devices on a pentium-s 90mhz.... installation can't

2005-12-07 Thread Michael S
As a last measure, you could always try NetBSD as it is friedly to old hardware. ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

postfix help

2005-12-08 Thread Michael S
Resolved! The entries for the relaying smtp server (in my case my provider) have to be identical in main.cf and in the password file ([smtp.broadband.rogers.com]) Thanks for your tips! ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.o


2006-09-03 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I have a question about calendar.usholidays. In the man page for calendar it says that this file must be updated every year. Is it enough just to cvsup, buildworld and installworld? I am following RELENG_6_1. Thanks in advance. Michael __

Re: Do I need to completely disable sendmail?

2006-09-24 Thread Michael S
I have the same four lines in rc.conf, but that is because I installed postfix. If you want to disable it completely, you'd use sendmail_enable="NONE", but you wouldn't be able receive messages sent by crontab, syslogd, etc. Michael --- Rob Gabaree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I have a


2006-09-25 Thread Michael S
Good day all. Where does one get an updated calendar.judaic? Mine seems to be out of sync. Thanks in advance. Michael ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any m

Re: wxGlade error

2006-10-09 Thread Michael S
Have you just installed wxPython? Maybe you need to execute the rehash command? What if you try running python from the command line, and try importing the package from within the interpreter, i.e. typing "from wxPython.wx import *"? Does it load the module? --- Rod Person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wro

Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: cheapskate webmail interface

2006-10-10 Thread Michael S
I didn't follow all the "dialog". But if the only thing desired is a cheapskate webmail interface, as the title suggests, would Usermin be an option? --- jan gestre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 10/9/06, Desmond Coughlan > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Yes, I did everything mentioned in th


2006-10-11 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am trying to install additional dictionaries for spellcking in OpenOffice. Trying to do so using File -> Wizards -> Install new dictionaries yielded no results. Which is the correct way to do it? Michael ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org

Re: dictionaries/spellchecking

2006-10-11 Thread Michael S
wrote: > Michael S wrote: > > Good day all. > > > > I am trying to install additional dictionaries for > > spellcking in OpenOffice. Trying to do so using > File > > -> Wizards -> Install new dictionaries yielded no > > results. > > Which is th

Re: dictionaries/spellchecking

2006-10-12 Thread Michael S
Thanks a lot, it worked --- Simon Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA512 > > Michael S said the following on 11.10.2006 15:13: > > Good day all. > > > > I am trying to install additional dictionaries for > &

Re: Download what?

2006-10-13 Thread Michael S
You don't even need the installation CDs. For VMware you can download one of these pre-made images for VMPlayer: http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/ You will find FreeBSD 6.0 and 6.1, minimal install with no desktop and PCBSD which is a FreeBSD with a nice KDE desktop and some extra u

Re: Flash Plugin not working

2006-10-16 Thread Michael S
I followed the link below (just executed the commands, I can't read Portuguese) and everything worked fine. http://www.unixlike.com.br/?p=%2081 --- Subhro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > I am running FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE on i386 > hardware. I have installed > linux-firefox and linux-fl

Re: Acroread not working

2006-10-16 Thread Michael S
Have you enabled Linux emulation in your /etc/rc.conf ? Do you have the linux_base and related (linux_gtk, linux_XFree) ports installed? Have you also added linuxprocfs to your /etc/fstab file? --- Subhro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello Folks, > > I have installed acroread from the ports coll

Re: Acroread not working

2006-10-16 Thread Michael S
linux > binaries > linux_base-fc-4_9 Base set of packages needed in > Linux mode (for i386/amd64) > linuxpluginwrapper-20051113_6 A wrapper allowing use > of linux-plugins > with native applica > > Also I have installed acroread from ports. So sould > it not fetch al

Re: Choosing Bash and Gnome

2006-10-16 Thread Michael S
Gnome: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x11-wm.html bash: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/shells.html --- Robe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > > This is the first time I use FreeBSD. I've the > version 6.1. During the > installation I've c

Re: rm command problem

2006-10-20 Thread Michael S
rm -- -exclude taken from man rm. Michael --- Efren Bravo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > Accidentally I've created a file called -exclude > and now I cann't delete it. > > I tried with: > > rm -exclude and rm *exclude but it returns this: > > rm: illegal option -- - > usage: rm [-f | -i

Re: portuguese keymap

2006-11-01 Thread Michael S
I needed Spanish characters, which are pretty similar. Inside X it's even easier. I use KDE, so I go to Control Center -> Regional and Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout. For the console setup, you could refere to the HandBook - Localization Section. HTH Michael --- zzz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

firefox 2.0 and flash 7

2006-11-03 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am running 5.5 RELEASE and I have just upgraded Firefox from 1.5 to 2.0. Flash 7 was working very well under 1.5, however after upgrade it didn't. Moreover, flash doesn't appear anymore in the about:plugins. Has anyone had a similar experience and was able to resolve it? Thanks i

Re: firefox 2.0 and flash 7

2006-11-04 Thread Michael S
AIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michael S wrote: > > Good day all. > > > > I am running 5.5 RELEASE and I have just upgraded > > Firefox from 1.5 to 2.0. Flash 7 was working very > well > > under 1.5, however after upgrade it didn't. > Moreover, > > flash do

Re: firefox 2.0 and flash 7

2006-11-04 Thread Michael S
Thanks for the tip. I will try it out. --- "Donald J. O'Neill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Friday 03 November 2006 16:06, Michael S wrote: > > Good day all. > > > > I am running 5.5 RELEASE and I have just upgraded > > Firefox from 1.5 to 2.


2006-11-04 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am looking into installing SugarCRM for a friend of mine. First of all, those who have installed and using this package on FreeBSD, I wanted to know their impressions on the installation and behaviour of the software. Second of all I saw on the FreeBSD ports page that SugarCRM requ

php5 issue

2006-11-06 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am trying to install PHP5. For some reason it would install the php interpreter, but not the Apache module, and as a result Apache complains when I restart it, about not being able to load libphp5.so. I tried to make install (no clean) and find the module in the work directory of t

Re: php5 issue

2006-11-06 Thread Michael S
Thanks Mathew, I realized that, after having posted the question. I find it kind of weird that the default was not to install the module. Thanks a lot. --- Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michael S wrote: > > Good day all. > > > > I am trying to insta

Re: php5 issue

2006-11-06 Thread Michael S
Actually, I was installing SugarCRM, and php is one of it's dependencies and I wasn't presented with a config screen. --- Joerg Pernfuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:59:21 -0700 > cpghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Michael S wrot


2006-11-09 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am trying to get the vtiger CRM going on two machines with varying success. I installed all the software packages required by vtiger: php5, mysql50-server and client, and the latest apache version 2, all with exactly the same compile options. I also made all the necessary adjustm

mysq/php/blowfish (was vtiger/mysql/encryption)

2006-11-10 Thread Michael S
chael --- Michael S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Good day all. > > I am trying to get the vtiger CRM going on two > machines with varying success. > > I installed all the software packages required by > vtiger: php5, mysql50-server and client, and the > latest apache v

Re: CD Writing from non root accounts

2006-11-15 Thread Michael S
See if this works. http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq2.html#q15 --- Graham Bentley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > Is there a recommended method of letting non root > users > write some CDR's ? > > If so, can anyone give me some pointers / advice etc > on > this ! > > Thanks !!! >

network/multithreaded programming on FreeBSD

2007-07-30 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I am not sure this is the correct list for my question, I am still going to ask though. I am a 3rd year computer science student and in the fall I am going to be taking courses in network and system programming (with pthread). As a lot of universities do, mine also teaches these cou

FreeBSD resources

2007-08-13 Thread Michael S
http://msherman77.blogspot.com/2007/08/freebsd-resources.html ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Gnome & FreeBSD

2007-08-19 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I decided to add GUI to my GUI-less FreeBSD machine. I am considering installing Gnome, which I haven't used for long while and the last time was on Linux anyway. The reason is that most of my favorite applications use gtk libraries, like Firefox, GAIM (can't get used to the new nam

Re: Gnome & FreeBSD

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
Thank you all for the suggestions. I am going to take into consideration everything everyone wrote. Michael --- "P.U.Kruppa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, 19 Aug 2007, Michael S wrote: > > > Good day all, > > > > I decided to add GUI to

Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
Good morning everyone, I am trying to migrate my /usr to a newly installed SCSI drive. Up until yesterday I had /, /var, /usr on a 5 Gig drive and my /home was on another 60 Gig drive, which was fine because it had no GUI and functioned mostly as a server. Last night I added a third drive, with a

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
TED]> wrote: > On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 11:10:12AM -0400, Michael S > wrote: > > > Good morning everyone, > > > > I am trying to migrate my /usr to a newly > installed > > SCSI drive. Up until yesterday I had /, /var, /usr > on > > a 5 Gig drive and

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
ote: > On 20/08/07, Michael S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Jerry, > > > > *** When I untarred the file I had everything > under > > /user/usr. I was under /user/usr and then I did mv > * > > .. > > > > I then edited fstab and changed > &

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
rom ufs:/dev/da0s1a IP Filter: v4.1.13 initialized. Default = pass all, Logging = enabled xl0: link state changed to UP Thanks again for your help --- Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 12:37 PM 8/20/2007, Michael S wrote: > >I reverted to the old /usr. > >What I

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
into my home directory with no problem. --- Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 06:52:12PM -0400, Michael S > wrote: > > > I tried the earlier suggested dump/restore: > > %cd /user > > %dump -L -f - /usr | restore -r -f -

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
1d on /usr/home (ufs, local, soft-updates) /dev/da2s1d on /user (ufs, local, soft-updates) Should I change my entry for /home, and make it /usr/home ? --- Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 06:28 PM 8/20/2007, Michael S wrote: > >Here's df -k output: > > &g

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
I tried changing the /home entry in the fstab to /usr/home, but the result is the same. And when I go to /home or /usr/home, issuing ls, simply gives me the prompt. Michael <--- Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 06:47 PM 8/20/2007, Michael S wrote: > >Right now thi

Re: Trying to move /usr

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
Jerry, I am sure, because I did it multiple times. As soon as I mount the old /usr (the one on the smaller drive) I log on into my home directory no problem. Michael --- Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 07:47:29PM -0400, Michael S > wrote: >

Re: Trying to move /usr - Fixed

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
I was able to rectify the problem by removing /home, which was a link and was pointing to /usr/home and then recreating it as a directory. Thanks everyone for their suggestions, Michael --- Vinny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michael S wrote: > > I reverted to the old /usr. >

portupgrade and make options

2007-08-20 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I was wondering how to pass options from portupgrade to make. Say I wanted use -j4 for max. number of jobs. Where should I specify that? When building "world" it's possible to be done from the command line: make -j4 buildworld. Also is athlon the correct CPUTYPE for AMD Sempron 3400

Re: Trying to move /usr SOLVED

2007-08-21 Thread Michael S
As I posted previously, removing /home (which defaults as a link to /usr/home) and putting it back, this time as a directory did the trick. I read it in Greg Lehey's book. Thanks for your help Derek --- Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 07:17 PM 8/20/2007, Michael S wro

Re: portupgrade and make options

2007-08-24 Thread Michael S
Thanks a lot. By the way, will it attempt to use -j4 for make install? --- Fatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michael S wrote: > > Good day all, > > > > I was wondering how to pass options from > portupgrade > > to make. Say I wanted use -j4 for max.

Gnome issues

2007-08-24 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I installed Gnome a few days ago and everything had been fine up until last night. I shutdown the computer using a Gnome menu (and not shutdown -p now) and upon restart one of my drives (the one mapped to /home) wasn't working. After I did get it to work and able to return to using

Re: Gnome issues

2007-08-24 Thread Michael S
Thanks Derek, I'll scan the drive using both methods, as soon as I get back home. --- Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 06:46 AM 8/24/2007, Michael S wrote: > >Good day all, > > > >I installed Gnome a few days ago and everything had > >been fi

Re: Gnome issues

2007-08-24 Thread Michael S
It definitely is not a new drive, but after shutting down with shutdown -p it never happened. I'll see what happens later today. --- Predrag Punosevac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Derek Ragona wrote: > > At 06:46 AM 8/24/2007, Michael S wrote: > >> Good day all, >

flash player

2007-08-26 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I am trying to install flash 7 from ports, I keep on getting this message linux-flashplugin -- critical vulnerabilities. Reference: I know that I uninstalled portaudit. Is there a way to still inst

Re: flash player

2007-08-26 Thread Michael S
Thanks a lot. I will try that. --- Oliver Herold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Yes you can diable it with make > DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES=yes in the > linux-flashplugin directory. > > Cheers > > Oliver > > On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 09:53:33AM -0400, Mi

Dell laptop + sound

2007-02-20 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I am having problems getting sound to work on an old Dell Latitude. I configured the sound card following the handbook, and the driver (snd_ich) loads just fine. However I can neither hear anything when doing cat file > /dev/dsp nor can I raise the volume level using the XFCE volume

Re: Dell laptop + sound - Solved

2007-02-20 Thread Michael S
Thanks Norberto I figured it out, it was a maestro3 driver. Michael --- Norberto Meijome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 16:59:43 -0500 (EST) > Michael S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I am having problems getting sound to work on an > old >


2007-04-18 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am getting my (first) Athlon 64 x 2 today or tomorrow and was wondering whether I should stick with the reliable x86 or try the AMD64 port. Any performance penalties when running x86 FreeBSD on a 64-bit machine? Also what are the common problems, i.e. drivers, applications that

system programming

2008-01-10 Thread Michael S
Good day all. I am a computer science student taking the operating systems course. All of our assignments are supposed run on Linux and I don't have a Linux machine. I was wondering mostly if FreeBSD uses the same functions for process / thread handling, whether the header files (e.g. unistd.h,

Re: Freesbie on USB stick + qemu

2008-01-18 Thread Michael S
I should have been clearer, I am running Freesbie from a usb stick. However it is running inside Qemu with XP being the host machine. Michael --- William Bulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > According to Michael S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > > Then I remembered Frees

Freesbie on USB stick + qemu

2008-01-18 Thread Michael S
Good day all, Just recently I discovered a new (for me) way of using Freesbie and I wanted to share it with you. A few months ago the motherboard on my FreeBSD machine gave up, and I had no way of running Unix anymore (aside from my ancient Toshiba that runs OpenBSD). I’ve always liked Freesbie, b

disklabel error

2008-02-02 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I am trying to install 7.0 RC1 on an old Dell laptop. However it fails to create the swap partition. The message I keep getting is: "Unable to find device node for /dev/ad0s1b in /dev!. The creation of filesystem will be aborted." Is there a way around it? Thanks in advance, Michae

usb devices don't "wake up"

2008-02-12 Thread Michael S
Good day all, I got hold of an old Dell laptop and decided to install FreeBSD on it. I managed to install it after a few retrials, and this is due to the installer not being able to write out partitions, complaining that there was no device entry in /dev for the swap partition. Now everything wor

portupgrade question

2006-06-07 Thread Michael S
Good day everyone! I have a portupgrade related question. I am behind a proxy and fetch doesn't appear to cope with it very well. I installed wget and it works great. I updated the pkgtools.conf to reflect that, however portupgrade insists on using fetch for some reason. At first I thought that p

burncd error

2006-06-07 Thread Michael S
I had the same kind of issue, also with 6.1-RELEASE, and just fixed it the Windows way - reboot. And it worked fine. ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail

Re: portupgrade question

2006-06-07 Thread Michael S
Thanks, I will definitely try it out. On 6/7/06, Andrey Slusar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 09:38:36 -0400, Michael S wrote: > I have a portupgrade related question. I am behind a proxy and fetch > doesn't appear to cope with it very well. I installed wget and it

Re: portupgrade question

2006-06-07 Thread Michael S
]> wrote: At Wed, 7 Jun 2006 09:38:36 -0400, Michael S wrote: > I have a portupgrade related question. I am behind a proxy and fetch > doesn't appear to cope with it very well. I installed wget and it > works great. I updated the pkgtools.conf to reflect that, however > portupgrad

Re: portupgrade question

2006-06-07 Thread Michael S
09:38:36AM -0400, Michael S wrote: > Good day everyone! > > I have a portupgrade related question. I am behind a proxy and fetch > doesn't appear to cope with it very well. What did you try? fetch works fine with proxies for the rest of us :) Kris

Re: portupgrade question (solved)

2006-06-07 Thread Michael S
I did define the to environment variables. For some reason, wget works just fine on the same machine. Thanks a lot. On 6/7/06, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 04:35:12PM -0400, Michael S wrote: > wget works like magic. I used the defaults. fetch I gue

DNS beginner question

2006-07-05 Thread Michael S
Hi all. I am trying to set up a DNS service. I have 2 FreeBSD machines, one's web and DNS (that I am setting up) and the other FTP. Both machines are behind a router and get local addresses (i.e. 192.168). If DNS, FTP and web ports in the router are open, will I be able to set up the DNS in a

Re: DNS beginner question

2006-07-06 Thread Michael S
The "open" ports are simply port-forwarded from the router to my internal network (NAT). And I only have one public IP. For me the more important issue is whether DNS would work with private IP addresses. On 7/5/06, David Stanford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 7/5/06, M

Re: DNS beginner question

2006-07-06 Thread Michael S
Yes DNS will work with your port forwarding assuming you have it set up correctly on your router. Are you trying to be the authoritative DNS for your domain? If you are you will still need a secondary DNS. -Derek At 05:56 AM 7/6/2006, Michael S wrote: The "open" ports

Re: DNS beginner question

2006-07-06 Thread Michael S
No problem. Thanks anyway. On 7/6/06, Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 07:30:16AM +1200, I wrote: [ some totally irrelevant stuff ] Please disregard my last post. I must learn to read before answering. Cheers. -- Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

Re: RE : Re: Remote Desktop tool for FreeBSD

2007-07-19 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
ons. This is where I get stuck. Using Xming on Windows XP, I was able to connect to the Xserver and get the grey root screen, but that is it. Also, I am using GDM as a display manager. I have found no good HOWTO's yet, so help would be appreciated. The Help is fairly descriptive, but

Re: RE : Re: Remote Desktop tool for FreeBSD

2007-07-19 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
sh" tool. If > > you need further help beyond that, *please* start a new thread and ask > > there. I'll try to keep an eye out for such a thread so I can reply if I > > have some help to offer. > > > > -- > > CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http:/

Re: portupgrade question

2007-07-19 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
not want to rebuild or reinstall current ports (while still building packages). -Michael S. Eubanks [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: portupgrade question

2007-07-20 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 17:12 +0100, RW wrote: > On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:57:05 -0700 > "Michael S. Eubanks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Don't use the ``p'' option. Use something like ``-afrRPv''. > > > > -Rr doesn't a

Re: ssh X11 forwarding not working on FreeBSD 6.2

2007-07-24 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
encryption > 2007-07-24 09:53:57 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm > 2007-07-24 09:54:06 Access granted > 2007-07-24 09:54:06 Opened channel for session > 2007-07-24 09:54:06 Requesting X11 forwarding > 2007-07-24 09:54:06 X11 forwarding enabled > 2007-07

Re: ssh X11 forwarding not working on FreeBSD 6.2

2007-07-24 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 12:23 -0500, Terry Todd wrote: > On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 09:48:05AM -0700, Michael S. Eubanks wrote: > ... > > Start by changing the following line from > > > > X11DisplayOffset 10 > > > > to > > > > X11DisplayOffs

Re: ssh X11 forwarding not working on FreeBSD 6.2

2007-07-25 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 13:29 -0500, Terry Todd wrote: > On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 10:54:22AM -0700, Michael S. Eubanks wrote: > ... > > Question. How many X servers do you have running? Are you logged into > > a window manager when you are attempting to connect? > > > &

Re: ssh X11 forwarding not working on FreeBSD 6.2

2007-07-25 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
ng where you don't set > > the DISPLAY variable explicitly. With X11 forwarding the DISPLAY > > variable is automatically set to something like, > > [IP address of Windows box]:0.0. > > > > Terry Todd > > > > > > On Wed, Jul 25, 200

Re: reconfigure php with a port

2007-08-06 Thread Michael S. Eubanks
ensions port as well under lang/php5-extensions. You may select Zlib in addition to other php5 extensions with a simple make install. -Michael S. Eubanks [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"