RTL8201BL PHY Gigabit ethernet

2006-01-04 Thread Mervin McDougall
the card through NDIS wrappers. Mervin McDougall __ Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. dsl.yahoo.com ___ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http

Slow transition from X to vesa

2005-01-03 Thread Mervin McDougall
I recently applied a patch from current to adjust the console settings for my laptop(Compaq Presarion 2100). Previously, my consolewas limited to 1/3 rd of my screen, however due to the new current-vesa patch I can now view my console using the entire screen with only one problem. I have noticed

Sound problems in vesa

2005-01-04 Thread Mervin McDougall
I have noticed that since I have enabled vesa on my laptop there has been difficulty with my sound.. in that whenever I am switching from one screen resolution to another I get this grumbling sound over my speakers when music is being played. I thought this was limited to me switching from X to a

Connection via proxy

2005-01-19 Thread Mervin McDougall
I recently had internet service enabled in my dorm and was given instructions on how to configure my web browser to connect via the internet via a proxy server for Windows XP. I was able to successfully set up the internet connection for a the Windows side of my dual boot Windows XP/FREEBSD laptop

Re: Connection via proxy

2005-01-19 Thread Mervin McDougall
Can you identify some other tests as well I could possible run other than pinging as I am going to have to reboot on each occurence to try see if freebsd can see that server and connect to it --- Hexren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > MM> I recently had internet service enabled in my > dorm and > MM

Re: Re[2]: Connection via proxy

2005-01-19 Thread Mervin McDougall
the laptop is a dual boot running windows XP on one slice and Freebsd 5.3 on another slice. I tried pinging the proxy server but got this error message can't resolve proxy.uvi.edu host name look up failure proxy.uvi.edu being the name of the proxy server --- Hexren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: Re[4]: Connection via proxy

2005-01-19 Thread Mervin McDougall
tried updating the /etc/resolve.conf with the ips of the nameservers I got from windows XP but got the same results after trying to run mozilla .. that the proxy server could not be found. --- Hexren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > MM> the laptop is a dual boot running windows XP on > one > MM> slic

RE: Re[4]: Connection via proxy

2005-01-19 Thread Mervin McDougall
sorry that was a typo, I updated /etc/resolv.conf and it still did not work. Is there anything else that I need to configure? --- Hauan David A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > -Original Message- > > From: Mervin McDougall > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Sent:

Re: Re[6]: Connection via proxy

2005-01-20 Thread Mervin McDougall
connecting the cat 5 cable to the switch, adding the DNS server addresses to /etc/resolv.conf, and configuring the web browser to access the internet? --- Hexren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> -Original Message----- > >> From: Mervin McDougall > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE

Fwd: Re: Re[8]: Connection via proxy

2005-01-22 Thread Mervin McDougall
I seems that your network is not properbly configured. Have you verified that the interface you wish to use is up and has a valid IP adress. Is the proxy in "your" subnet or do you need to use a gateway to reach it ? Hexren maybe consider posting your replies under the original message as that wi

Re: Fwd: Re: Re[8]: Connection via proxy

2005-01-22 Thread Mervin McDougall
--- Hexren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > MM> I seems that your network is not properbly > configured. > MM> Have you verified that the interface you wish to > use > MM> is up and has a > MM> valid IP adress. Is the proxy in "your" subnet > or do > MM> you need to use a > MM> gateway to reach it ?

Re: Connection via proxy

2005-01-23 Thread Mervin McDougall
--- Charlie Schluting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Mervin McDougall wrote: > > > > Ummm what do you suggest that I do to get it > connected > > to the proxy server? > > Well obviously you'll need an IP address first. > Remember the ifconfig you paste


2005-01-24 Thread Mervin McDougall
hi I wanted to know whether it is unusal or is a problem if when my system starts it indicates that there is some fragmentation of the files but the file system is clean and thus it is skipping the fsck. Is this a bad thing? Is this unusual? __ Do

Re: kern/71142; VESA 1024x768 @ the console

2005-01-26 Thread Mervin McDougall
--- Ion-Mihai Tetcu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > [ newbies really isn't the place for this > discussion ] > > On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:42:41 -0800 (PST) > Mervin McDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > --- Nikolas Britton <[EMAI


2005-01-28 Thread Mervin McDougall
Is there a reason why running my laptop using vesa slows down the computer? I have noticed that when I have VESA loaded as a module it would take 5 minutes to shut down the computer using an at command eg at 09:00 init 0 ^D That little command takes 5 minutes longer than it should when VESA is loa

Unable to erase CD-RW discs

2005-07-20 Thread Mervin McDougall
I use FreeBSD 5.3 p-18 by the way. I would appreciate any inputer I can get on this and would be willing to provide any extra information needed. Thanks Mervin McDougall __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Conflict between high resolution console and X

2005-08-06 Thread Mervin McDougall
have an xorg.conf without having to restart the X server. Can anyone share their thoughts ? Mervin McDougall Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com

Fw: Mouse not working on FreeBSD 6.1

2006-12-28 Thread Mervin McDougall
about the problem. Mervin McDougall __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the

keyboard leds

2005-04-28 Thread Mervin McDougall
I have recently installed FreeBSD 5.3 on a Compaq Presario 2100 laptop. After setting up X I noticed that I can activate the led for the num lock button by pressing the numlock button. However, the caps lock and scroll lock leds do not come on. Is there a reason why this may be happening and can it