be a pretty consistent issue, happening with multiple installs of
> FreeBSD and different drives.
Can you try the newest FreeBSD 8-RC3? It has a new usb stack so it's worth to
try it.
Maciej Milewski
at those reboots aren't because of too high temperature on CPU
or MB?
Best Regards,
Maciej Milewski
___ mailing list
ssion-daemon, it doesn't tell anything about not
> found config file, cannot read or parse it etc.
Try this way:
remove that flag, turn off transmission-daemon, change settings.json and then
start transmission-daemon.
Best Regards,
Maciej Milewski
Dnia niedziela, 22 listopada 2009 o 22:52:12 Bruce Griffiths napisał(a):
> Is there any way of forcing a nanobsd build to use a file other than
> GENERIC.hints to create the /boot/device.hints?
> Using a target specific hints file is much simple and less error prone
> than other methods.
> Bruce
Dnia wtorek, 28 lutego 2012 13:08:04 pisze:
> Thanks,
> I got the part where you can label the partitions but the loader
> doesn't look at labels. Loader looks at ufs:/dev/da0
> So how can this be resolved at "boot" time (not mount time).
> Thanks.
Dnia wtorek, 28 lutego 2012 15:32:18 pisze:
> Maciej
> I didn't know if the label would work in loader.conf.
> This solution suggested by Adam worked and seems much simpler than
> labeling the filesystem.
Depends on your needs. For me it was essential to have the same name
lue what to do, and any help is very much appreciated.
> ---
> Best Regards,
> Ahmed Ossama
Maciej Milewski
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Friday 08 of April 2011 17:05:51 Carmel napisał(a):
> On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 14:03:57 +0300
> Odhiambo Washington articulated:
> > On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 13:55, Carmel wrote:
> > > On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 07:56:00 +0300
> > >
> > > Odhiambo Washington articulated:
> > > > It may void the warranty yes
s. Please have a look for the example at
You may even not need bridging if you want to use two subnets of /24. Have you
tried with standard setup(server) and configuring your default gateway(I
suspect with the routing information about openvpn subne
and works like a charm. I don't use nat
and I only added routing info to the specific routers in the internal
Maciej Milewski
___ mailing list
To u
ts of /24. I saw examples that it
would work only if you make one subnet accessible to both: local network and
vpn network. Change your configuration from bridged to routed or change your
vpn addressing space.
If you'll go the routed way you may try this:
On Tuesday 17 of May 2011 15:19:40, n dhert wrote:
> Thanks for your answer!
> I am trying out gpart.
> On an old PC with 38 GB disk, I have triple boot Windows, OpenSuSE and
> FreeBSD-8.2.
> I created an unalloated space of 973 MB at the end.
> To see the actuel disk geometry, I used FreeBSDs sy
On Tuesday 24 of May 2011 15:53:06, wrote:
> Hello,
> I have updated ports and when reinstalling I found x11-wm/olvwm which
> I was using was gone from the ports tree. Why?
> Best regards,
> Fred
olvwm 4.2_1 x11-wm Deleted search for ports that depend on this port
Hi Chris,
On Friday 01 of July 2011 00:34:52 Chris Brennan wrote:
> Greetings!
> While trying to learn IPv6 as best as I can and messing with my Linksys
> WRT54Gv3 router running DD-WRT, I realized that it cannot properly do
> IPv6 yet. This leaves me rather limited. More then once some people
On czwartek, 14 lipca 2011 04:25:59 Polytropon wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:02:02 +1000, freebsd- wrote:
> > So are you saying I can't just grab the ath module?
> Depends. Maybe a newer version of the module requires a more
> recent version of the kernel,
Dnia wtorek, 11 października 2011 11:52:15 pisze:
> Anyway my question: I imderstand that the FreeBSD Foundation is/was
> sponsoring coding for the Intel Ironlake chip. Does anyone know the status
> of this or perhaps where to inquire about the project status?
> _
> Douglas De
I don't use portupgrade I haven't tested that.
Maciej Milewski
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, send any mail to ""
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orted protocols they mention: FTP Client and Server
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tween two servers although I'm
successfuly using it in client-server mode and it works fine.
> Also, is there a way to make the gif interface persistent over reboots ? I
> couldn;t find any so again, a script comes to mind.
Maybe cloned_int
page[1] says this about
The naming suffix to use in entries' distinguished names. If undefined, this
will be constructed by mapping the mail domain name into a distinguished name
(eg becomes dc=aceindustry,dc=com). You may override this with
the LDAP_BASEDN envi
uld appreciate any thoughts on the
> matter...
> thanks again!
You don't have to, look into these migrate_*.pl files they all should include
the same file where you can change these defaults with needed ones.
Maciej Milewski
On Tuesday 19 October 2010 19:56:16, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Is there a way to downgrade from php-5.3.3 to 5.2.14 or any 5.2.x on
> FreeBSD 8.1?
lang/php52 and lang/php52-extensions is in the tree. Have you tried that?
is version 0.9.95 and in
Makefile it's line USE_KDE4 so it builds with KDE4. You can take earlier port
version 0.9.92 manually from
or use ports-mgmt/portdowngrade
Maciej Milewski
On Sunday 21 November 2010 17:19:05, Ben Quick wrote:
> I don't really know what either of them are. I'm assuming the Matrix
> Storage is the RAID controller. Is this supported? If not, I'll just use
> gmirror, but will obviously have to be able to access the disks in the
> first instance.
On Saturday 15 of January 2011 22:45:23, Rolf Nielsen wrote:
> Thanks for the input I received from you guys. I've got things running
> in a way I'm quite happy with now. And with your input and a little
> further digging on my part, it turned out to be pretty simple.
> I kept sendmail, set up d
Please show the output of pciconf -lv there should be some info about your pci
devices and wlan card should be among them. Maybe it's one of the intel cards
which are supported by ipw or iwi driver?
Maciej Milewski
On Wednesday 19 of January 2011 23:28:18, Alokat wrote:
> It's DHCP ... dont know why ... but it is working now ...:-)
> Here is the putput from pciconf -lv
> none3@pci0:2:2:0: class=0x028000 card=0x25518086 chip=0x10438086 rev=0x04
> hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
> d
nstalation of that with that how to:
> >, and It
> > works on moge G.
> Have you got an N access point?
Currently the 11n mode is unsupported. The 802.11n mode for ath is work in
Maciej Milewski
Sunday 13 of February 2011 08:12:05 Odhiambo Washington napisał(a):
> My question is: WHY need 7 DVDs??? DVDs?? Even M$ does not do such a crazy
> thing with its bloat-ware!! FreeBSD ships 1 DVD.
> What is it that this Debian GNU/kFreeBSD ships in those 7 DVDs?
I think the answer for your first que
On Saturday 19 of February 2011 06:12:52, Craig Butler wrote:
> Lenovo destroyed thinkpad in the t410i range;
> * stupid flimsy/flexi keyboard with massive delete and escape keys
> (why ???)
I don't liked it either so I stayed with R400.
> * gobi 2000 3g connectivity, cant get it working on anythi
inting out what error I am making will be greatly
appreciated. Remember, I cannot install any new port since my FreeBSD
box does not yet connect to the internet.
Thanks &
Maciej Milewski
___ mailing
Dnia wtorek, 16 marca 2010 o 21:50:05 Alberto Mijares napisał(a):
> ifconfig_sis0="up"
> wlans_ath0="wlan0"
> create_args_wlan0="wlanmode ap"
> ifconfig_wlan0="ssid nombre channel X mode 11g up"
> cloned_interfaces="bridge0"
> ifconfig_bridge0="addm wlan0 addm sis0 inet A.B.C.D netmask W.X.Y.Z up"
Dnia czwartek, 6 maja 2010 o 14:15:54 Frank Bonnet napisał(a):
> Hello
> I actually have an Openldap directory server that runs on a FreeBSD box
> at 8.0-RELEASE amd64
> It runs nicely but I want to add LDAPS service on the SAME server.
> Is it possible ? I have generated
> cert.crt
> c
g of nanobsd.
> Thanks in advance!
> Dimitar
Maciej Milewski
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sr/src; make buildkernel | tee kernel_compilation.log
and search in this log for an error in this log.
Maciej Milewski
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You can try doing this by software switch:
sysctl -a | grep rfkill
dev.ath.0.rfkill: 0
This switch should disable radio.
I don't know if it is supported by iwi driver but you can try.
Maciej Milewski
___ ma
chpass -s /bin/shell username
Or if you really want to do it manually rebuild it through pwd_mkdb. More info
as always in excelent FreeBSD manpages.
Maciej Milewski
___ mailing list
Thursday 19 February 2009 15:07:50 Paul Procacci napisał(a):
> After looking
> through archives to determine what to do, I can across nanoBSD as that
> seems to be included in the FreeBSD system by default, henceforth this
> question. I couldn't find any information regarding the smallest image
Monday 23 February 2009 10:37:19 Olivier Nicole napisał(a):
> I want the web server to be able to know the users' account stored on
> LDAP, but not provide authentication; so I can have URL's of the form
> http://my.web/~john/index.html for the user john, where john's home
> directory if NFS mounte
then it just boots acpi.ko
> Normal behaviour. You need to load kernel too.
> lsmod is useful command to list loaded modules.
Isn't lsmod a linux utility?
I always thought FreeBSD has kldstat?
Maciej Milewski
Tuesday 03 March 2009 13:08:46 michael napisał(a):
> the loader has lsmod
Ahh. OK. My fault. I haven't got any problems with loader so even not used it
too much.
Maciej Milewski
___ mailing l
ation of php slave ports
Maciej Milewski
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t support UTF-8. So even if
> program (in this case vim) supports UTF-8 it will not work.
What about editing with vim and setting manualy fileencoding=utf8?
Next time you open this file vim should know that it is utf8 file or am I
Maciej Milewski
card in this
Maciej Milewski
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un) gid=1002(shaun)
> groups=1002(shaun),0(wheel),80(www),1004(svn),1006(mercurial)
Have you done relogin on this account?
Maciej Milewski
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t; problem is not FreeBSD related. Something with Squirrelmail or with the
> account is wrong. I'm trying to figure this out.
Is there any chance that you are using lighttpd as your web server?
Maciej Milewski
is one device not two - the configuration in this
case could be simpler.
But I second for the advice to use PCI/mPCI cards not USB ones.
Maciej Milewski
___ mailing list
t; --TJ
I think it can be supported by zyd(8) driver. Ricky, read how to do it in man
zyd. You can check if card is recognized by loading module:
kldload if_zyd
then in dmesg you should have some info.
Best Regards,
Maciej Milewski
Dnia niedziela 31 maj 2009 o 16:18:09 Sajó Zsolt Attila napisał(a):
> How do I use the sshd with pam-pgsql?
I don't know how tu use but I see something strange with your setup.
In ssh-pam_pgsql.conf you have pw_type = md5 and in your database you have a
cleartext password. I think it is your probl
about using this module.
Maciej Milewski
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On Tuesday 21 September 2010 04:12:45, William Kindler wrote:
> -- I have 2 wireless adapter that I am able to use for my system. One is
> a usb device, a D-Link DWA130, and the other is a PCI device, a Netgear
> WN311T. I can find no information about Linux or UNIX support, or
> drivers for either
N, the version after 21.09
should be OK. AFAIK portsnap doesn't give you the latest ports tree just a
(maybe daily) snapshot. So I think it's the problem.
You have three ways:
a) wait some time (maybe a day) and try again with portsnap
b) use csup to sync your ports tree
c) m
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