Re: Spam reporting tool

2005-06-11 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Alec, >> Additional question : In my ports tree, I can find : >> > Port: spamcup-1.09 >> Is this one the correct one to install ? > > I would recommend against using that as it is a tool to automatically > report spam without verification. From the script: > # *** W A R N I N G ! *** > # > #

Cross device link / FTP

2005-11-02 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Hello :) I've set up a FTP server on my FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE. I've added a hard drive to extend the storage capability. So my main FTP server is /Ftp and the extension is in /Ftp2. There's a problem with links: I made a symlink (ln -s) from /Ftp/example to /Ftp2/example/, but when I move a folde

Security logs

2005-10-05 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Hello, I tried to get this information by myself (lists, google, man pages), but I can't find something that answer totally to my question : Is there a file where informations about how many users had attempted to log into the system, successfully or not? If not, is there a way to store these in

Re: Security logs

2005-10-05 Thread Leo Lapousterle
jmulkerin, > Have you tried the last command. This will give you a list of attempts. It would fit perfectly my needs if it could show me not only the successful attempts, like it seems actually... Thanks, I'll find a way to show me bad attempts too... :) -- Léo Lapousterle - Paris, France. _

Re: Security logs

2005-10-05 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Micah, > Does /var/log/auth.log have what you need? Woa, I didn't know about that one :) Can we configure which service to log or not in there? Thanks everyone for your solutions, -- Léo Lapousterle - Paris, France. ___

Spam reporting tool

2005-06-09 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Hello, Maybe I'm posting on the wrong mailing-list, if so please tell me and excuse me. I'm working with SpamAssassin to separate mails from SPAMs and it works pretty well. My question is about a spam reporting tool, which can parse mail headers and report the SPAMs to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I searche

Re: Spam reporting tool

2005-06-10 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Alec, > You may want to investigate SpamCop. [...] Lane, > I vote for SpamCop, too! [...] Olivier, > Spamcop is a solution, but avoid any automatic tool, as SpamAssassin > can also make mistakes and classify a valid message as spam. Thank you for your advices. I'll try SpamCop, in manually mode

An FTP alternative ?

2006-05-12 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Hello :) I'm fed up with FTP servers : FTP is great, but I need some admin stuff like privileges (one user can upload but not download, for example) unavailable for FTP... at least for those I've tested. Is there an alternative way for FTP, allowing individual privileges? I found hxd (hotline pro

Best port for mail stats

2004-03-19 Thread Leo Lapousterle
Hi all :) I'm using mailgraph-1.7 actually, and I was wondering if there was a better port to elaborate that kind of statistics, because I found mailgraph weird and not easily readable... maybe too complex. Every advice would be welcome :) -- Léo Lapousterle - Paris, France. __

Re: amavisd-new errors after portupgrade

2004-03-21 Thread Leo Lapousterle
On 21/03/04 22:09 -0500, Jeff Maxwell wrote : > The same thing just happened to me. > amavisd-new, the newest version will not run with perl 5.005 that comes > with 4.9. You have upgrade to perl 5.6 or better. I upgrading to 5.8 with > the port /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8/ Errr, I upgraded to amavisd