My Evolution installation stopped working so I decided to go down the
ol' windows way and made a deinstall with intention to de a new
install. Unfortunately the "make install" command results in errors, I
have posted from where the first error occurs, please let me know if
all the output is needed.
On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 01:44, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 19:39, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
> > My Evolution installation stopped working so I decided to go down the
> > ol' windows way and made a deinstall with intention to de a new
> > install. Unfor
I'm not sure if I'm brave or just stupid, but I have running my
complex freeBSD for several years now, every week something is tuned,
installed or tweaked, however, I'm not very good on computers! :-\ My
I have seven disks in my cabinett, three of them builds a vinum RAID-5
One o
I have a three disk IDE RAID-5 system using vinum. I do not have the
root or the system disks there, but I do (did) have the /HOME on the
Now one disk has broken down and I'm trying to replace it. However
there is some problem when I'm booting: "init: /bin/sh on /etc/rc
terminated abnormally
I just posted a problem regarding vinum where this question was
My system starts with an error:
"init: /bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to single user
This is because a disk has broken down. But my question is what tasks
do I need to take to be able to run the syste
have a crash
No crash.
| [Format recovered--see]
| Wrapped log output.
| On Monday, 15 December 2003 at 22:16:10 +0100, Joachim Dagerot
| > I have a three disk IDE RAID-5 system using vinum. I do no
| ---
| | [Format recovered--see
| |
| | Wrapped log output.
| |
| | On Monday, 15 December 2003 at 22:16:10 +0100, Joachim Dagerot
| wrote:
| | > I have a three disk IDE RAID-5 system
tract of the file /var/log/messages
| | Can't do that, can't run an editor now. (TMP drive read-only)
| |
| | > If you have a crash
| | No crash.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | ---
| | | [Format recovered--see
| |]
| | |
| | | Wrapped l
This is an old thread, that I have cleaned up to maybe get an answer.
> What problems are you having?
One of my drives are flagged down. Vinum reports that drive as
"referenced". The other two drives in the RAID-5 is up.
"vinum list
I have mailed about this problem a few times now, and I have got
responses from Greg very quick where he asks for more information, but
I never get any replies on my replies. This makes me worried that I'm
doing something wrong or that I appear to be rude, something I
certainly don't want to be, in
I have a few harddisks, they sit in a vinum RAID-5 array, and I have
huge trouble on some of them. Due to lack of vinum support I started
to fipple around myself, ending up in a situation where I would like
to verify each harddisk to see if it's working.
Is there such a utility available?
mail to
Contact info:
Joachim Dagerot
Cellular Phone: +46 70 265 57 03
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
As you with good memories know, I lost 3000 pictures of my first sons
first year this month. I did have a RAID-5 system with fresh disks,
however, shit happens and I have a feeling that this could have been
avoided if I read my log files better.
So basically,
a) I get a mail each time my a cron-
| > As you with good memories know, I lost 3000 pictures of my first
| > first year this month. I did have a RAID-5 system with fresh
| > however, shit happens and I have a feeling that this could have
| > avoided if I read my log files better.
| I'm sorry that you lost da
This solution sounds nice, I can even imagine setting up an additional
machine (on the same location though) to have a somewhat galvanic
isolation between the disks. Only fire, earthquake and a neutronbomb
would affect such a backup solution.
However, I could use a push in the right direction when
| Before certain events in New York, we used to talk about
| jumbo jets" when considering our disaster plans. Secure off-site
| backups are a necessity. Take care thought that the off-site
| really is secure. I did hear that some of the businesses in the
| Trade
I can't get smb_mount and "smbutil login" to work as I would like to.
I know this question has been touched earlier this year, but no answer
came up at that point. So basically, has anyone been able to mount a
windows share from a script in freeBSD? If yes, how did you do?
| On Dec 29, 2003, at 10:58 AM, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
| > I know this question has been touched earlier this year, but no
| > came up at that point. So basically, has anyone been able to
mount a
| > windows share from a script in freeBSD? If yes, ho
I'm probably stupid or so, but I continue getting "Errno 2: no such
file or directory" when I'm trying to run rdiff-backup on a freeBSD
directory but saving it to a mounted windows share. Yes, I am using
the --windows-mode option. I have a feeling that it's something with
the zero-length semaphore
Excuse my ignorance and the fact that I haven't read all there is
about how FreeBSD is developed and released. Will the release
candidate tag result in that the 5.* thread goes into PRODUCTION or is
it still 4.* that's the recommended version?
| If I have 'MATH_EMUL
I have been told that freeBSD can't handle powermanagement for IDE
disks, instead that should be tuned in BIOS.
However I also found this post with some kind of patch:
Though I'm in the computer business since late 80
I have managed to install Tomcat. Then Apache, then MySQL and now I
need to have the database functions for Apache which I understand
should be in the port p5-Apache-DBI. (It's for setting up a Movable
type blog system.
When running make install clean I get these errormessages. Is anyone
n again.
> On 2/28/06, Joachim Dagerot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have managed to install Tomcat. Then Apache, then MySQL and now I
> > need to have the database functions for Apache which I understand
> > should be in the port p5-Apache-
I still haven't found a solution to this problem.
On 2/28/06, Joachim Dagerot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. I did make a fresh cvs-up first when I got the
> problem, no change in statys though.
> On 2/28/06, kiew yuen kit <[EMAIL PROTECT
When I'm trying to install p5-apache-DBI I'm getting problems with the
mod_perl extension.
I have now de-installed apache and installed apache22. Now when trying
to install mod_perl I get these error messages in the beginning. I
have cvsuped and are really stucked here. Any help is much
There are a few tools on the MS platform for saving down a realaudio
stream to disk.
Are any of you aware of such a tool for our beloved OS?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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I ran make install in /usr/ports/multimedia/xvid and it compiled for
quite some time and then suddenly the rows below came up.
What is wrong and how can I solve the problems?
gmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `reload1.c', needed by
`reload1.o'. Stop.
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/l
Great tip, works like a charm *well, after some hours of cvsuping,
deinstalling and installing atleast).
I'm dumping right now, just out of curiosity, what format will a.dump
be in?
| On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 14:32:46 +0200, Joachim Dagerot
Is there a "fixup" tool or something faulty rm files?
I earlier got the response that mplayer -dumpstream... can dump a
RealAudio file to disk and I tried it with very good result.
I then created a batch to download a whole lot of RM streams to disk
which took some days ofcourse.
But today when
Hi All,
when installing the latest Transcode port the installation ends with
the following row, please let me know if you want more of the output.
I installed it using
> make WITH_AVIFILE=yes WITH_DIVX5=yes install
My system is a 5.1 with regular cvsup's done.
Thanks in advance.
decode_dv.c: I
| gmake: *** [all] Error 2
| *** Error code 2
| ___
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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v api has changed, I submitted a patch here.
| you can use that to compile from source until (and if) it is
| Michael
| On Aug 4, 2004, at 6:24 PM, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
| > Okay, I gave up on installing the t
(This message is also located at the bottom of the message, and also
[top post]
Oh boy, am I tired of this discussion that in some kind of nature law
must pop up every three or four month.
| > Here's a good reason to top-post: I'm referring to the message as
| > whole, rathe
I have got it before and took appropriate steps using the ideas and tips from
you guys. Now I have it again:
Current situation on my head-less system is that I do have a single SSH session
up. Unfortunately it's not authenticated as ROOT but as an ordinary user.
When I try a "ls" I get :
$ ls
>> I have got it before and took appropriate steps using the ideas and
>> tips from you guys. Now I have it again:
>> Current situation on my head-less system is that I do have a single
>> SSH session up. Unfortunately it's not authenticated as ROOT but as
>> an ordinary user.
>> When I try
I have spent 20 minutes or so googling around to find the best way to _move_ a
complete directory hierarchy. But must admitt that I haven't foundmany good
The best suggestion was from
To move /tmp/blarg to /var:
% cd /tmp
% tar cv
Thanks for your suggestion.
Unfortunately your commands will not affect the root folder of the hierarchy. I
must create a directory in the destination path with the same name of the
folder where my data is in. example:
I would like to move level1 to a new location:
Doesn't work for me:
- No such file or directory
What's wrong with a
>%mv /home/user/level1 /
>%mv /level1 /root
>On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 22:13:05 +0100, Joachim Dagerot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for your suggestion.
I have a spare Dell Lattitude CPx which I will re-build into a digital frame.
I therfor need either an installation on a 1GB sandisk or a bootable CD. I
would prefer the CD solution
Now it comes to hardware. I have not political thoughts whatsoever o what OS
people uses. I run a freeBSD server
>> 1. Is there a small plug'n'play freBSD solution that can run from a
>> CD and map samba-drivers (Or NFS actually)?
>Check out FreeSBIE, a live BSD install on a CD.
Woaw, worked at first attempt. Thanks alot for this help. No I just need to
dissamle, find a fram,
Is there something like the windows software Girder for freeBSD/Gnome?
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I'm running freeBSD on a laptop. The laptop is about to become a striped
view-image-only box, ie a Digital Frame.
I have my pictures organised with Adobe Photoshop album, and I would like to
keep it that way, so now I need to either:
a) Find a freeBSD image software that understands the Adobe
I'm trying to mount from a freeSBIE system (freeBSD 5.3) to my freeBSD server
(5.1) when I get the errormessage: RPCPROG_MNT: RPC: Authentication error; why
= Client credential too weak.
What can I do?
___ mailing list
I'm running a picture slideshow on a laptop (TFT screen) and I dont want a
screen saver/blanker or whatever it's called. No, I don't want it at all.
So I edited my /etc/rc.conf:
But still will the screen go black after a few minutes. I have turned off all
Power Manag
On 2005-01-25 Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> I'm trying to mount from a freeSBIE system (freeBSD 5.3) to my freeBSD
>> server (5.1) when I get the errormessage: RPCPROG_MNT: RPC: Authentication
>> error; why = Client credential too weak.
>> What can I do?
>Try to mount as root, not a nonprivi
On 2005-01-26 Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 09:25:08AM +0100, Colin J. Raven wrote:
>> On Jan 25 at 12:04, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> > On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 12:39:59PM +0100, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I'm trying t
On 2005-01-26 Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 09:40:58PM +0100, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
>> On 2005-01-26 Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 09:25:08AM +0100, Colin J. Raven wrote:
>> >> On Jan 25 at 12:04, Kris Kennaway
This is not a very freeBSD oriented question, but because I am running it on a
freeBSD system I take a shot.
I have searched the net for a few days now to find a graphic/image viewer with
these features:
1. Been able to show jpg and png files
2. Been able to resize the image to current window
I'm not very knowledgeable in the areas of X, X servers and clients.
I have a setup like this:
1. FreeBSD server
2. FreeBSD Workstation with only monitor, not keyboard, no mouse
3. Windows XP Complete workstation with an X-win32
On workstation 2 I'm running X and an auto started image viewer t
I have the device mentioned in the subject. I also have a nice working freeBSD
5.1 server without any graphics whatsoever. It's running different internet
communications and also works as a file server. I have never done anything
actively to support USB on it.
My question is now: How difficult
I have an old Dell Cpt 550 laptop where I run freeSBIE.
Although I'm rather experienced with freeBSD I have never really have worked
with the client-side part of it, so I don't know much of X or any other client
side software (kde, gnome or whatever they are called is the same)
I'm king of ssh
>>I have an old Dell Cpt 550 laptop where I run freeSBIE.
>>Although I'm rather experienced with freeBSD I have never really have
>>worked with the client-side part of it, so I don't know much of X or
>>other client side software (kde, gnome or whatever they are called is
I have a dell latitude cp[somrthing] 550 or 500. (laptop)
It has a sound device ofcourse, but I can't figure out how to find out which
module to load. Some OS has a probe function, but I can't find that in my 5.3
So I started trying out kldload from the first in the locate snd_ resul
I have probably done something sometime on my 2 year+ server installation that
wrecked my port installation.
Whenever I try to install a port I get the "Can't find the `5.1-RELEASE'
distribution on this FTP server." the same goes with "sysinstall -> configure
-> Distributions" I have tried mul
I just got knowledge of the xPL project
( And I would like to try it out but
can't find anything freeBSD related for this project.
Has anyone managed to do anything with this project on a freeBSD.
Are there any other similar projects around that is more
On 2005-02-10 Kent Stewart wrote:
On Thursday 10 February 2005 07:14 am, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
>> I have probably done something sometime on my 2 year+ server
>> installation that wrecked my port installation.
>> Whenever I try to install a port I get the "C
I am running a 5.1 server (I think). It was atleast 5.1 when I installed it but
after that I have cvsuped plenty of times and also re-built the kernal a few
Is there a foolproof step by step guide on what I need to do to get my system
into a the right version now and for ever? Somethin
>Hi: I upgraded from freebsd 5.1 to 5.3, and the upgrade went pretty smoothly.
May I ask if you had any guide that you followed nad if you please could post a
link to it here.
I'm just about to upgrade my system from 5.1 to the latest, but I don't know
where to start, and I haven't got any ans
The handbook describes a way to install freeBSD to a headless system.
I'm used to drag'n'drop(!) my 45kg 21" spare monitor in and out from the closet
to do single-user tasks. But now I want to go the serial port w
I just cvsuped to freebsd-stable and buildworld. No problems.
Now I want to build the kernel with the same conf as I used for the last years
(5.x), but I ran into problems. device "pcm" is unknown.
Is this a 'common' problem, or am I in deep sh*t?
On 2005-02-18 Andrew L. Gould wrote:
On Thursday 17 February 2005 11:18 pm, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
>> I just cvsuped to freebsd-stable and buildworld. No problems.
>> Now I want to build the kernel with the same conf as I used for the
>> last years (5.x), but I r
I'm updating my 5.1 system to 5.3 and have succeeded building and install the
Now, before installworld I'm trying to run mergemaster (to solve the "proxy
user missing" issue) and it gives me this headache, where do I start?:
cd /usr/src/etc/isdn; make install
install -o root -g wheel
On 2005-02-18 Emanuel Strobl wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2005 23:57 schrieb Joachim Dagerot:
>> The handbook describes a way to install freeBSD to a headless system.
>> (
I just accidentily wiped one of my script folders. Really no big deal, I'm not
doing multiK scripts. But I had one nice script laying around. It created an
additional window in a named screen session and started a bittorrentheadless
session within.
I do remember that it took me some days to so
The is a p2p application that runs on the freeBSD server and it's
controlled from various other such a java application or a simple web
client or the telnet interface. The point here is that it does NOT
provide any GUI native, just a pure p2p application. the name is
I like the idea of h
Problem: When downloading huge files from the server we can't use the
client webbrowser.
Setup: One firewall/DHCP/Gateway which all clients and the server
routes through. The clients goes via no router when connecting to the
server. The server is equipped with double NIC, however only one is
I have, for some reason, a special partition that mounts to /tmp.
Unfortunately this partition is very small, so not seldom do I get
problems when trying to extract files etc.
My idea is to have /tmp as a normal directory right under /, if that's
a bad idea I have a few other disks/volumes where
I used to think just like you. I thought I found the perfect balance
between being on a budget and still having some kind of data security
by using the Vinum software raid.
So I stored the first 10 hours of video and 4k of still shots of my
newly borned first child on the raid, and everything went
I'm dump-ing to a samba mounted xp machine, it has an external HD
connected through FW and the HD is about 300GB.
When I try to dump anything larger than 4GB dump gives me a write
I assume this is the big-file limitation in the foreign OS, but I
guess this can be solved by breaking up the
I unpacked a rar file and find myself standing with a lot of files
with strange characters like accents etc.
When I do tab for completion the characters 'escapes' to for example
"\264" (backward slash).
I tried to write a small rename method in java but neither the
File.list() or by providing the
I used DVD::RIP to rip one of my DVD's when it suddenly stopped
responding (during rip phase).
I found that tccat was the offending task and tried to kill it with no
After a couple of hours reading I find my self standing with a process
in lockstate that doesn't listening to signals (no kil
Something is broken in my system, that's for sure - but how can I
solve it.
I can't
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg/ > make install clean
because (sorry if I copied too much, I'm not sure where the problems
i386/dsputil_mmx_rnd.h:362: warning: `avg_no_rnd_pixels8_l2_mmx'
but I have a
RAID10 and a RAID5 system that I absolutely must be able to get data from.
Kind regards,
Joachim Dagerot
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>>My /var disk crashed this weekend. Now when I boot the system stops direct
>>after the boot-loader starts processing. No errormessages no nothing.
>You should be able to boot into single user mode. From there you should be
>able to do whatever you need in order to fix the problem.
>If you c
My freeBSD 5.3 system supports HighPoint RocketRaid 454 flawless, using
Highpoints own driver.
The freeBSD 5.4 panics if I load Highpoints driver (marked for version 5.3) and
without loading it it simply doesn't identify it as a single unit.
I can't find support for the RocketRaid 454 in the h
On 2005-08-07 Nikolas Britton wrote:
On 8/7/05, Joachim Dagerot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My freeBSD 5.3 system supports HighPoint RocketRaid 454 flawless, using
>> Highpoints own driver.
>> The freeBSD 5.4 panics if I load Highpoints dri
Has anyone suceeded in getting Highpoint rocketRaid 454 RAID mgmt software to
run on freeBSD 5.3?
No matter if it's the GUI or CLI versions.
___ mailing list
On 2005-08-09 Björn König wrote:
Joachim Dagerot wrote:
>> Has anyone suceeded in getting Highpoint rocketRaid 454 RAID mgmt software
>> to run on freeBSD 5.3?
>> No matter if it's the GUI or CLI versions.
>I use this software successfull
>>>I use this software successfully, even with FreeBSD 5.4. Satisfied? ;-)
>> Great to know. I never managed to get the drivers to run on 5.4 (Never tried
>> anything advanced though, Highpoint is developing a native 5.4 driver right
>> now)
>Actually I use the RR1640 which has same chips
Your RAID system is only reported as one single device to the OS. To see status
of your RAID arrays you'll need to use the RAID mgmt software that Adaptec
probably provides.
On 2005-08-10 Graham Bentley wrote:
Hello All,
>I am setting up FreeBSD 5.4 on a Dell SC1420 server. It has an Adapt
A quiz easy to write, hard to answer?
In bash, how can I write a command that moves the oldest file in a
directory to a new direction?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Suddenly when I started my system the disk check flagged ALL (I mean
all, including directory) files of a user as errenous and started to
unlink them.
I init 1 and unounted the volume and ran fsck direct on it. Then it
created a lost+found directory and after a few millions 'y' 'enter'
key presses
I have a disk with one single slice and one partition: ad1s1d. I used
move to move ALL data on this disk to another location and after that
has the disk been unused. Is there a way to get the content back using
a copy of a FAT or similar?
I have had this error message for quite some time now. It's not
bothering me too much because it's mainly published in the logs and on
the console, and I normally don't even have a monitor attached to the
But now during this weekends maintainance I have been working from
console and get th
| On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 08:23:08AM +0200, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
| > I have a disk with one single slice and one partition: ad1s1d. I
| > move to move ALL data on this disk to another location and after
| > has the disk been unused. Is there a way t
| In any event, I can tell you the first thing to do is dd the
| into a file so that you can make backups before you start
| to undelete. i.e. dd if=/dev/ad??? of=/some/part/diskimage, then
| cp diskimage workingimage.
| Then you can 3 things:
| 1) Start using the co
I'm under attack!
I have pages up and down with failed login attempts, usually they are
trying to hack the root account (which simply can't be used to get in
by SSH) but they are also trying to access the system with various
usernames (bruth force).
Is it easy to load a package that simply adds a
>From my Vinum period I recall that mounting should be done on d, not c or
>whatever it was. Today I'm running a hardware IDE RAID and though I read the
>handbook I can't find any recommendation on where to mount.
Any help is appreciated.
I have created a public/private key set with putty and managed to add the
public key to my .ssh directory. I have also verified that it works as desired.
I'm not too confident in configuring the SSHD so some help is much appreciated.
I would like to not allow a ssh connection to the server for
I managed to narrow down the ssh accesss to only allow users with a RSA key.
The server is now closed to a good extent. (Thank you Alex Zbyslaw and Frank
However, due to some windows clients in the network we are forced to run samba.
Are there any known security problems with that?
I am using Evolution as it is now, I have never tried any other
mailclients for X.
I do miss an oportunity to choose sender each time I post a message,
only way to solve that is to set up multiple accounts, and that
certainly don't affect me.
In Evolution it's basically only the "sort messages in
Further information:
It's based on the MX 440-SE G-Force 4 technology.
On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 20:22, freeBSD wrote:
> As stated in the subject:
> I have a Gainward GeForce 4 PowerPack graphiccard with integrated
> TV-out. I haven't been able to find any drivers for this card and wonder
> if an
Has anyone one been lucky trying to get the tv-out on a geForce4 card
working with the nvidia card?
I'm running latest 5.1 of freeBSD and could need some samples from the
X86Free config file on how to get the TV-out working.
To be specific: I would like to view jpeg-images on my TV. My FreeBSD
I have managed to get everything up and running now, including my NVIDIA
card with tv-out on my FreeBSD 5.1. THANKS FOLKS.
Now come the fun part, I have managed to, in .xinitrc have a specific
program running when I run startx. That's lovely.
Now I would like to start and close additional progra
I am using Evolution as it is now, I have never tried any other
mailclients for X.
I do miss an oportunity to choose sender each time I post a message,
only way to solve that is to set up multiple accounts, and that
certainly don't affect me.
In Evolution it's basically only the "sort messages in
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 22:35, Andrew Batson wrote:
> Hello,
> Has nay one gotten FreeBSD 5.1 Release to install on a system that
> has both a Promise Ultra 66 and a Promise TX4 controller cards. The Promise
> Ultra 66 controller controls one 20GB hard disk drive (which I would like to
> be
On Fri, 2003-07-04 at 01:31, Niel wrote:
> Does Bill Gates own any of those Linux distribution firms?
> Maybe under a cover name?
I haven't heard such a thing, but as a conspiracy-lover it sounds not
> Another thought is, that a very simple help manual is needed, to learn
> l
Is there a utility like top but with an X interface and perhaps some
easy keyboard/mouse interface?
//Joachim, who often find himself killing 30 java-processes.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
I wasn't referring to top in my mind, but to ps -aux. It would be great
to get a taskmanager just like the one in Microsoft Windows.
//Joachim, who often find himself killing 30 java-processes.
On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 00:53, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
> Is there a utility like top but w
I wasn't referring to top in my mind, but to ps -aux. It would be great
to get a taskmanager just like the one in Microsoft Windows.
//Joachim, who often find himself killing 30 java-processes.
On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 00:53, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
> Is there a utility like top but w
1 - 100 of 112 matches
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