/etc/make.conf :
.if !empty(.CURDIR:M/usr/ports/*)
clang for ports, YMMV as always.
"libreoffice 3.5.x builds and run sucessfully
with clang 3.0 and (upcoming) 3.1" - @bapt
So wait for libreoffice 3.5 for clang support.
View this message in
youtibe_dl is just python script, nothing related.
AFFECTS: users of graphics/png
AUTHOR: din...@freebsd.org
The PNG library has been updated to version 1.5.10. Please rebuild all
ports that depend on it.
If you use portmaster:
portmaster -r png-
If you use portupg
That's interesting discussion.
I hit some cases where clang produced binaries were
clearly faster than those made with latest gcc. But it's far
from rule.
Where you have found statements that clang is always
faster than gcc?
>From my perspective, it's almost as good OR better
than gcc, with
Really, this format of discussion is rather exception
than rule (from my experience).
Nothing wrong with productive flaming for me,
but it's just not typical code of conduct in FreeBSD
mailing list at all.
View this message in context:
> I am more concerned about an aspect of the language the clang tools are
> written in, namely the use of object-oriented paradigm of c++ (it is a
> phony
> paradigm, one that does not exist in nature or reality, which explains
> the failure rate of C++ OO projects historically and current usage
In the next episode:
Modern home video with Betamax and LaserDisc ;)
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
If you really want/need clang 3.1 you should be tracking 9-STABLE,
source branch not RELEASE.
Port system is separate from base system, and installs things
only in /usr/local/*.
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It has been done, it's just rally not recommended.
Sorry, don't know what was exact procedure/
if it works currently.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
At least he should have used one or
at very least identical systems, not 3
different, albeit similar.
And I do not care If it would change
results or not, comparing different
systems invalidates benchmarks period.
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===>>> Starting check for runtime dependencies
===>>> Gathering dependency list for archivers/unzip from ports
===>>> No dependencies for archivers/unzip
===>>> Installing package
===>>> Installation of archivers/unzip (unzip-6.0_1) succeeded
===>>> Delete unzip60.tar.gz? y/n [n]
What option d
Try with:
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
and consider using MODULES_OVERRIDE if you will
precisely know your needs.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Excellent, I knew I was missing something simple.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Now I see that I even used -d in my own portupdating
wrapper, but forgot about it and it's meaning, embarrassing.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing
> Sort of a dirty trick that you have to use usb/ulpt as
> opposed to ulpt, and a deficiency in the documentation.
No, I'm just borderline sure that WITHOUT_MODULES works
the same way as MODULES_OVERRIDE, that is it looks in
top directory in /usr/src/sys/modules/ and ulpt is in
- launch dhclient manually
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
- FreeBSD 9 has latest wpa_supplicant.
- Try upgrading router's firmware.
- Try detailing wpa_supplicant.conf more.
eg. proto=
- Jakub Lach
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Sent fro
Sorry, it's looks roughly applicable here.
I'm guilty too, but I don't want/use binary upgrades.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions maili
best regards,
Jakub Lach
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
actly pinout expert either :)
On a lighter note, once correct pinout
will be set, you shouldn't have any
more problems with CX20561, it's
common and well supported chip.
- Jakub Lach
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I would love to investigate it properly further,
however I'm critically low on time, so I can only
offer pinout dump with my device.hints at this
time, sorry
good luck,
- Jakub Lach
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his can't be directly addressed, as
possibilities of default wrong pin associations are
If you think otherwise you are free to submit PR
as well :)
best regards,
- Jakub Lach
PS. I suspected that If by chance my device.hints
will "just work", the "peda
Don't take my word for it, but I suppose burncd wasn't updated
for ahci support, and ahci driver is used by default in 9.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabbl
It's still WIP.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Strange thing is, that cdcontrol "works"
for me, disc is spinning but no sound
out of speakers.
Sound system is working, and this is
I usually rip to hdd, and play those
files, but it was annoying last time
I tried to play audio cd.
Before CAM it was the same, if
I recall correctl
Correct, "cd" entry from mixer is
However, then it didn't stop other tools
from working (I think that at one point I
also used mplayer for CD playback).
best regards and thanks,
- Jakub Lach
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Try rebuilding libtool first.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
It's my fault.
I'm running 9-STABLE.
During mergemaster run, I forgot to add localised settings to
No problem I thought, then I edited login.conf by hand
before running /usr/bin/cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf.
By sloppy paste, I accidentally created :tc=default: loop in
If remember correctly, accessing single user mode here
requires root password, but will it use login.conf?
Killing init is not solution (I think I lack privileges as
user anyway, remember I can't su account) because
I'm running KMS patches and will not see anything
(lacking visible system consol
Initially dropped to single user mode, but when
I saw ED(1) I reconsidered and dusted off trusty
LiveCD :)
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archiv
Or vi in place.
Really, it always surprises me there's
no vi available in single user mode.
vi 352k, ed 54k.
And I bet some historical vi could be
smaller still.
...but I have nothing against ed, I
simply never memorized how to
use it properly.
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That's substantial "if", no?
But in this case, yes, I should
have mounted fs maybe.
But really didn't know what to
Thanks for help again.
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Sent from the freeb
Good catch, totally missed it.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> like he works at a small Polish SMB, more
> commonly referred to as a SOHO in more
> developed countries.
Not really sure what you wanted to imply,
as "SMB" looks like americanism to me.
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This topic went totally off, but anyway there are interesting bits,
do you say that e.g. Gutmann method is totally unneeded?
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive
Follow up is even more interesting than epilogue,
"Another problem with the article is the fact that
a magnetic force microscope, which is a scanning
probe microscope, is nothing like an electron
microscope, and yet the article repeatedly refers to
using an electron microscope to t
I was fortunate enough to buy USB 3.0 pendrive,
which actually works with FreeBSD just ripped from
package! (normal _empty_ FAT filesystem, no
garbageware added, no need to format).
It actually bounces from 40MB/s limit when reading
from it.
Writing is about 18MB/s.
Device is supposed to
This could be deducted, but I will add for clarity, that I
bought USB 3.0 pendrive to use in 2.0 port, to take
advantage of 2.0 to the fullest (as 2.0 pendrives have
slow flashes inside).
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18MB/s write is figure from few
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=1 to 15M
runs, 13-14MB/s from actual files copied
in mc to flash and 36-39MB/s file copied
from flash to hdd in mc.
dd if=/dev/da0 of=/dev/zero bs=15m
gives 33MB/s read.
Speaking of advertisements, yes I know
but USB 3.0 drives w
Speaking of misunderstanding, that's certainly
How much overhead is "normal" and alternatively,
why in FreeBSD USB 2.0 reports as "40MB/s" and
not other arbitrary number.
I hope I didn't sound like "PLEASE HELP I WANT
USB 3.0 SPEEDS ON USB 2.0"...
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Apparently my speeds are pretty decent,
as this this advertised speed relates to
read speed, and write one is pretty weak.
People are reporting
62-70MB/s read and
17-31MB/s write.
Are you saying that disk clearly bumping
from 40MB/s read barrier (as I saw in midnight
commander is my imagina
> i have never seen USB 2.0 exceeding 35MB/s write and 40MB/s read.
That means I essentially got what I wanted- as
high read output as possible on USB 2.0. Thanks.
Indeed 35MB/s-40MB/s is common reported maximum
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=64k count=1
> newfs_msdosfs /dev/da0
> However, after formatting it in Windows why duplicate it again in
> FreeBSD?
Just to check if it works as should, also trim sectors and whatever.
Format without partition table?
But in this case, no 1 reason was probably most important.
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The same as in 9-STABLE?
$ cc -v
FreeBSD clang version 3.1 (branches/release_31 156863) 20120523
Target: x86_64-unknown-freebsd9.0
Thread model: posix
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8.3 or 9.1.
Using 9.0 when 9.1 is behind the corner
is going backwards IMHO.
or 9-STABLE if you want your system
evolving up to release, which is nice
because you can catch and solve all
possible problems one at the time,
and not be overwhelmed upgrading
only to RELEASE.
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More civilised notebook manufactures usually provide
also self booting (CD) image to update BIOS
(e.g. Lenovo/ThinkPad).
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Sent from the freebsd-questions maili
Just something that wouldn't pull in whole KDE/latest flavour of the month
Any recommendations?
Online video flippers have severe size limits.
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Sent from the fr
Thanks, I'm was already playing with mencoder, but I had no luck with it;
either I was destroying/misaligning audio track or loosing video quality.
(or encoding raw with 54x size increase).
I have more success with ffmpeg, e.g.
$ ffmpeg -i A.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" -r 30 -sameq -acodec copy B.mp
Strange thing is, -sameq should give same quality as original.
Thanks for all help!
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
What's state of valgrind port on pure amd64 system?
Here, it core dumps upon linking both with clang and gcc47,
with complaint that looks suspicious (expected i386 not X86_64
or something to that effect).
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If it was from me, my system is without 32bit compat
whatsoever, and this is not default setting on amd64.
Maybe on def. amd64 there are no problems, I don't
know, nobody replied to my thread.
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The problem is, it gets recreated upon updating from source.
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Even that I was aware of that, I've just lost track of it. Thanks for simple
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
ms to add those lines.
It's still possible to run X server without HAL, even the newest one.
-best regards,
Jakub Lach
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Sent from the freebsd-ques
1400...@1300mhz PIII I'm not using swap at all (stripped KDE3/7.2-STABLE).
I'm runnig opera-devel, firefox35 (fresh ports tree). If memory serves me
PIII 750/1000Mhz wasn't that bad either. Also, with 512MB it was swapping a
only when compiling something heavy. OO.o
Same problem here, policykit-gnome also.
Alain G. Fabry wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope I didn't do something stupid here
> Tried to 'portupgrade -R policykit' but it came back with an error. So I
> deinstalled it and now I'm trying to reinstall it, but it fails with the
> following error.
I'm eager to have core2 march, but don't want to mess system forcing gcc43 as
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Kris Kennaway-3 wrote:
> Jakub Lach wrote:
>> I'm eager to have core2 march, but don't want to mess system forcing
>> gcc43 as
>> base.
> I don't think it is planned to update to gcc 4.3 s
Kris Kennaway-3 wrote:
> Jakub Lach wrote:
>> Kris Kennaway-3 wrote:
>>> Jakub Lach wrote:
>>>> I'm eager to have core2 march, but don't want to mess system forcing
>>>> gcc43 as
>>>> base.
in Penryn instructions support.
Jakub Lach wrote:
> Kris Kennaway-3 wrote:
>> Jakub Lach wrote:
>>> Kris Kennaway-3 wrote:
>>>> Jakub Lach wrote:
>>>>> I'm eager to have core2 march, but don
>From what I understand, gcc42 does not support core2 option. How it's
possible that
some people are using it with FreeBSD -CURRENT (and it's not used as mere
prescott alias).
Is -CURRENT using newer version of gcc, despite licensing pro
This is the Qt/X11 Open Source Edition.
The specified system/compiler is not supported:
Please see the README file for a complete list.
===> Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
In README there is
g++ -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: i386-undermydesk-freebsd
Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]
FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Mon Jul 28 17:27:04 CEST 2008
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/usr/ports/devel/qt4-moc/work/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.1/mkspecs/ is empty
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Sent from the freebsd-questions mailing list archive at Nabble.co
Bugzilla from [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> please force update qmake4 and qt4-corelib ports:
> # portmaster devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-corelib
> # portupgrade -f devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-corelib
> - - Martin
I have already tried upgrading corelib (===> qt4-corelib-4.4.1 depends on
Bugzilla from [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> please force update qmake4 and qt4-corelib ports:
> # portmaster devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-corelib
> # portupgrade -f devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-corelib
Still cannot upgrade qt4-corelib without qt4-moc>=4.4.1.
View this message in context:
Bugzilla from [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> please force update qmake4 and qt4-corelib ports:
> # portmaster devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-corelib
> # portupgrade -f devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-corelib
I have forced packages one by one today.
Thanks for help and updating UPDATING file.
View this
I recently installed from ports (games/linux-enemyterritory).
At first it complained about missing X11 lib, and I concluded
that installing linux-xorg-libs should sort it out. I wass correct
(perhaps it should be added as dependency?).
Running et it gives:
--- sound initializati
Shooting in the dark, try installing lzo or lzo2.
Gary Kline-5 wrote:
> Hi Y'all:-)
> About the only thing that fails to portupgrade is
> multimedia/transcode [v 1.0.6]. I've poked around, but only
> superficially. Is there a bug report on this? Should I hav
Many thanks, works splendid :)
Ironically, I'm leaving at dawn for two weeks AFK.
Hugo Silva wrote:
> Jakub Lach wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I recently installed from ports (games/linux-enemyterritory).
>> At first it complained about missing X11 lib, and I
Julien Cigar-2 wrote:
> Am I the only one to have sort: write errors since a few days with
> portsnap ? :
Same here.
FreeBSD 8.1-PRERELEASE #0 r209773
- Jakub Lach
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andrew clarke-3 wrote:
> Same here. No idea why!
I think this issue would have got more attention on freebsd-stable.
- Jakub Lach
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