Re: printer/tcp: bind: Address already in use

2003-11-17 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:47 PM -0800 11/17/03, K Anderson wrote: Hey there all. For quite some time I've been noticing messages on the primary console as well as the message log. inetd[630]: printer/tcp: bind: Address already in use I have cups installed and happen to notice something in the /usr/local/etc/rc.d

Re: printer/tcp: bind: Address already in use

2003-11-17 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:02 PM -0800 11/17/03, K Anderson wrote: Garance A Drosihn wrote: Are all the messages from the same process? And is that process really 'inetd'? If so, what kind of entries do you have in /etc/inetd.conf? Woa, thanks for the quick response. Just a matter of luck... :-) Yes, the

Re: connection to remote printer is down

2003-11-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:26 AM -0600 11/27/03, Charles Howse wrote: I have an HP1100 printer that I set up on machine "moe" with apsfilter, and is working perfectly. I'm trying to setup machine "larry" to print text only to the printer on "moe", but I'm not getting anywhere. Jobs get into the local spool, but time

Re: connection to remote printer is down

2003-11-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:26 PM -0600 11/29/03, Charles Howse wrote: On Saturday 29 November 2003 01:03 pm, Garance A Drosihn wrote: > To me, it looks like lpd is not accepting remote connections on moe. That would happen if lpd is not being started during system startup, or if you have started it up with the

Re: FreeBSD vs Samba machine account creation

2003-11-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:12 PM + 11/30/03, Stacey Roberts wrote: Hello, Some time ago, I saw a thread on this list that had concluded that the adduser facility in FreeBSD had been amended so that samba machine accounts can be created with the required "$" at the end of the desired machine user name. The 'pw'

Re: Why would drive run at UDMA33? (Segate 80GB)

2003-12-07 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:21 PM +1100 12/8/03, JacobRhoden wrote: Hi, I have just purchased a new 80GB drive, howerver i noticed it is running significantly slower than my current 80gb drive. Dmesg says this: ad0: 76319MB [155061/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA100 ad2: 76319MB [155061/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33 Why

Re: CVSup to local copy

2003-12-11 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:00 AM +0800 12/12/03, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello, I need to update the sources of several servers in my network. I have already made a cvsup -g -L 2 cvs-supfile on one of the servers and placed all under /home/ncvs. I assume that /home/ncvs is a directory that is NFS-exported to all of

Re: Stupid cvsup questions

2003-12-15 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:41 PM +0200 12/15/03, Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote: Hi, I have 2 identical (copy/paste) ports-supfiles on two machines: it# grep -v '#' /etc/ports-supfile *default *default base=/usr *default prefix=/usr *default release=cvs tag=. *default delete use-rel-suffix *default c

Re: runaway CVSup ?

2003-12-19 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:29 AM -0800 12/19/03, Toru . wrote: how long it takes to complete "make install clean" of cvsup-without-gui. It looks like the process went into a infinate loop and I keep seeing the same message over and over. Is this normal behavior? It is hard to know for sure, because you didn't really gi

Re: Must root be on slice 'a'?

2003-12-23 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:27 PM +0100 12/22/03, Leif Neland wrote: Does this imply that I must rename my slices, that I can't boot from /dev/ad1s3e ? It is possible to boot from other slices than 'a', but you want to do automatic boot-ups (ie, without needing to type commands into the boot loader), you will find it muc

Re: Sparc vs i386 architecture

2006-01-09 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:14 PM -0800 1/8/06, Danial Thom wrote: --- Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > user Opteron/Athlon64 - better than both :) > AMD made RISC-like architecture that just runs i386-like > code (i386+more registers and few extra instructions, > while lots of mostly-unused instruc

Re: Configuring a Printer - Printing Code

2006-01-24 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:44 PM -0600 1/23/06, Mark Kane wrote: The problem comes when printing from this machine. Whenever trying to print, instead of printing the text of the document or website, it prints a bunch of code. Here is a short sample: --- flipXY 0 eq c3x2 c4x2 eq or {false PickCoords } { /shrink c

Re: AFS in FreeBSD 5.4 or 6

2006-03-01 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:27 PM + 2/28/06, Craig Ryhorchuk wrote: Hello, I am looking for specific instructions on installing, maintaining and using AFS with FreeBSD 5.4 or 6. I want to set up one or more servers and make them available to clients running whatever O/S. I think Arla has the client side covered

RE: AFS in FreeBSD 5.4 or 6

2006-03-05 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:31 AM -0800 3/4/06, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: openafs has a compiled binary for FreeBSD 6.0 on their website, have either of you even tried it, or are you going to just write it off without even seeing it it works at all? I have not tried it, since the openafs mailing list had some talk of t

Re: BSD License "Innocence" Clause Proposal

2006-03-19 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:16 AM +0300 3/20/06, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote: We need a special clause in the license we release our work under. [...] Basically, it should state that under no circumstances and under no legislation should ever any entity be punished for breaking the license terms. So you want a license

Re: lpr errors- using /dev/ulpt0

2006-03-21 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 3:59 PM -0800 3/21/06, Rob wrote: "lpc status lp" command reports that it is up, a job is spooled, and the printer is idle but nothing comes out. I am finding the following ... in /var/log/lpd.errs: lp: unable to open dfA000xenon ('f' line) lp: job could not be printed (cfA000xenon) xenon

Re: SiI3112 Controller Question

2006-03-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:51 PM -0800 3/30/06, Richard P. Koett wrote: Some quick questions: 1) Are these SiI3112 controllers any good? They suck. They are horrible. They are very cheap to buy -- and are overpriced after you add in all the aggravation they provide. Don't waste your time on them. Buy a real SATA

Re: something better then rsync for duplicating systems ... ?

2006-03-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:46 PM -0400 3/30/06, Marc G. Fournier wrote: I have two servers, one of them a backup of the other ... right now, I'm using rsync to do it, but since rsync has to traverse both servers file systems to do its comparison, it puts a good load on the system, and takes awhile to run ... You cou

Re: Portupgrade & Ruby | warning: Insecure world

2006-04-05 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 3:38 PM +0200 4/5/06, Jonas Jacobsen wrote: When i use portupgrade, i get this Warning all the time /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:980: warning: Insecure world writable dir /tmp, mode 041777 have any of you seen that warning before,? and do you know how to make it go away

Re: newsyslog.conf question

2006-04-12 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:01 AM + 4/10/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have developed a boot image for a CD to be used on servers througout the organization I work for. Everything is working great, except for one small problem. When I boot from the CD I created, I receive a message stating "newsyslog: malformed '

Re: Init can't exec /bin/sh for /etc/rc

2006-04-14 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:39 PM +0200 4/14/06, Günther Darwin wrote: Hi, I was running the buildkernel command when the computer suddenly froze and the only option i had was a 'hard reset' unfortunatley it wasn't all trouble free this time. When i try to start FreeBSD I get the message: Init can't exec /bin/sh fo

Re: Installing FreeBSD on Sparc Ultra II clone

2004-06-21 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:02 PM +0100 6/21/04, Matthew Seaman wrote: On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 10:41:26AM -0500, Hank Allen wrote: > I would like to get some info on installing FreeBSD by booting > with floppies and using ftp to download on a Tatung machine. > I'm not sure where to get the disk images. Any help would

Re: Installing FreeBSD on Sparc Ultra II clone

2004-06-21 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:23 PM +0100 6/21/04, Matthew Seaman wrote: On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 12:22:15PM -0400, Garance A Drosihn wrote: > It would be an interesting "Sparc Ultra II" clone which could > boot up off of i386 floppies... Tatung's latest products include a range of AMD Opteron and

Re: error during "make buildkernel" in 5.2.1

2004-08-10 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:15 PM -0700 8/10/04, Mike wrote: Greetings: This is my first foray into 5.2.1. I installed and ran cvsup (standard and for ports). I went to build the kernel and and "make buildkernel" died. Here is the error message. Any comments or hints would be helpful. Did you just install 5.2.1 from

Re: newsyslog

2004-12-12 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 10:07 AM -0500 12/11/04, munn wrote: I have two FreeBSD machines running 4.10-RELEASE-p5. On machine A newsyslog rolls over the log files perfectly, on Machine B I get the message: /var/log/auth.log.0: No such file or directory The newsyslog.conf entries are : MACHINE A: /var/log/auth.log

Re: Why reccomend Bash shell?

2004-12-16 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:11 PM -0600 12/15/04, Adam wrote: In Greg Lehey's book "The Complete FreeBSD" he reccomends changing the default shell for users to bash shell. -p. 94 What are the Pro's/Con's of using bash as opposed to the other shells? Personal preferences, mostly. In my case, my first unix accounts were s

Re: Printer

2004-12-27 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:25 PM -0500 12/27/04, Leon wrote: Hi, I have a "BSD5.3" I'm trying to set-up a printer.(Dell AIO A960) I think, that this printer made by "Lexmark". They have one looks like what I have(Lexmark X6170) I do not know if "BSD" support this printer. So if you know, pleas let me know. I do not kno

Re: Printer

2004-12-28 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:34 AM -0500 12/28/04, Louis LeBlanc wrote: On 12/27/04 09:46 PM, Parv sat at the `puter and typed: > Lest somebody gets the wrong idea that all Lexmark printers behave as descried above, my Optra E310 laser printer -- US$[23]00, 199[89] -- is still going strong. It worked/works in Windows

Re: Backup with dd?

2005-01-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:57 AM -0600 1/3/05, Eric F Crist wrote: Hello all, I've decided to try doing a complete system backup, attempting a bit-for-bit copy. A friend told me to try the following: # dd if=/dev/ad4 of=/dev/ad6 Both drives are identical SATA150. Is this the best way? While that will probably work, i

Re: Backup with dd?

2005-01-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:03 PM -0600 1/3/05, Eric F Crist wrote: On Jan 3, 2005, at 12:46 PM, Andrew P. wrote: Eric F Crist wrote: You seem to be under the impression that I'm doing this for the sole reason of a disk crash. I'm actually doing it for more than just that reason. For example, if my system gets hacked,

Re: Freebsd 5.3 - long uptimes...

2005-01-09 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:26 PM + 1/9/05, Robert Watson wrote: On Sun, 9 Jan 2005, Mark wrote: > FreeBSD will run for years without a boot in many cases. > Ah, this point fascinates me. Running for years? Do you ever > have to recompile your kernel? :) The longest personal uptime I've had is just under two years

Re: Freebsd 5.3 - long uptimes...

2005-01-09 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 7:27 PM -0500 1/9/05, Garance A Drosihn wrote: My main "production-system" use of FreeBSD is for a chat server, which needs to be up all the time or everyone stops "chatting" and starts yelling at me. The longest uptimes I've had so far are: * 373 days 10 hou

Re: Freebsd 5.3 - long uptimes...

2005-01-09 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:13 PM -0600 1/9/05, Chris wrote: Long uptimes = unsecured+unpatched boxes. Long uptimes? No thanks. If you had read my earlier message, you would see that I take steps to keep the important components patched, and thus my machine has been as secure as a freshly-built system. Long uptimes are

Re: WRITE_DMA errors on SATA drive under 5.3-RELEASE

2005-02-27 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 3:53 PM +0100 2/27/05, Anthony Atkielski wrote: I've gotten two messages like the ones below today on my production server (5.3-RELEASE): ... kernel: ad10: TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA retrying (2 retries left) LBA=4848803 ... kernel: ad10: FAILURE - WRITE_DMA timed out What do these messages mean? The

Re: Stupid ASCII loader prompt

2005-03-13 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:06 AM -0500 3/13/05, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote: hello i find that loader prompt very frustrating: 1. it is *VERY* unprofessional For what it's worth, the default for displaying that image has changed for freebsd 6.x. -- Garance Alistair Drosehn= [EMAIL PROTECTED] Senior Systems

Re: cvs question?

2005-03-24 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:00 PM + 3/24/05, Osmany Guirola Cruz wrote: Hi people I am learning in the use of cvs for sync my src and ports i use this command line and works perfectly #cvs -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/ncvs co src but this line update my source tree with the current version 6.0. But i don't want this ve

Re: Samba problems

2005-03-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:29 PM -0300 3/26/05, Alejandro Pulver wrote: Hello, I am using FreeBSD 5.3 with Samba 3.0.7,1. I can read all files from a Windows 2000 Pro. But when I try to access a mount point that is an NTFS filesystem, I have no read permission (files and directories appear as zero length files) until I

Re: how to restrict lpd

2005-04-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:37 PM -0700 4/3/05, Bill Ding wrote: Hello, I am setting up some jails and have limited all the host daemons to the host's IP except for lpd. I can't find a way of doing that. Can it be done? I know it can in LPRng, but I prefer to install as little software as possible on servers. I don't und

Re: let me just throw this out there..

2005-01-24 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:02 PM -0800 1/24/05, gabriel wrote: Has it ever happened to anyone here where your computer (in this case, my gateway running ipfw+natd) just restarts out of nowhere. It isn't even a crash, it just restarted. Yes. Turned out to be an overheating problem. (one of the CPU fans was starting to

Re: Logo Contest

2005-02-10 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:37 PM +0100 2/10/05, Anthony Atkielski wrote: Julio Capote writes: > Untrue, I know a NUMBER of emerging graphic artists, who would > kill for this kind of exposure, and are much better than any > commercialized firm I've seen. If they are so good, why would they kill for this kind of expos

Re: Logo Contest

2005-02-10 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:13 PM -0500 2/10/05, Mike Hauber wrote: And quite frankly, it doesn't take weeks to figure out how to use correct grammar in an announcement or a responce (and even if the grammar is left _so_ wanting, take a look at the archives for this list. It can't be all _that_ bad, can it?) Who are yo

Re: Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such as NetBSD!!!

2005-02-11 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:00 AM -0500 2/11/05, Bart Silverstrim wrote: Just to sum up things as I understand it... People want to change the logo from Beastie to something else because Beastie isn't professional enough, so some committers decided to hold a contest for a new logo? We thought it would be nice, after fift

Re: Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such as NetBSD!!!

2005-02-11 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:34 PM -0500 2/11/05, Frank Laszlo wrote: Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote: FreeBSD is driven by commercial matters. Many of the people that work on it are paid to work on it by their employers, who are using it commercially. I wouldnt say many, there are few commiters who are actually paid t

Re: Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such asNetBSD!!!

2005-02-11 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:56 PM -0800 2/11/05, Joshua Tinnin wrote: On Friday 11 February 2005 02:44 pm, Anthony Atkielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Joshua Tinnin writes: > > Hmmm, let's see, Anthony Atielski, 30 posts on this subject > > alone, on a tech help list. Makes you wonder what sort of > > priorities you

Re: smblog format?

2004-01-08 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:15 PM -0800 1/8/04, Matt Staroscik wrote: When I connect my PocketPC to my Samba server, the device has a very strange name in smblog: netbios connect: local=server remote=_cerdrc9cb8005 _cerdrc9cb8005 ( connect to service Music as user USER (uid=, gid=) (pid 44

Re: What is the end of FreeBSD ?!

2004-01-08 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:19 AM +0200 1/9/04, Vahric MUHTARYAN wrote: Hi Everybody , I don't know Who can answer it or Do FreeBSD creators watching this list but I wonder What is the end of FreeBSD OS. I mean Does it like RedHat ?! one day will come and FreeBSD will inform "After this date, We are Not Free

Re: The fear of cvsupping my ports...

2004-01-27 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 10:24 PM +0100 1/27/04, Henrik W Lund wrote: Greetings! Now, the thing is, I run into problems when I've cvsupped my ports tree. "make index" bails out afer about 2 seconds, and "portsdb -U" spews out about 3000 lines of " missing:" " dependency list incomplete". Do you 'refuse' anything when y

Re: Can someone explain where the cvsup-mirror port puts it's crontab entry?

2004-01-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:06 PM -0500 1/29/04, stan wrote: I've just installed this wonderful port, and with some kind help from the list got it working. Thanks to everyone. Now, I've got a "learning" question. This port creates a crontab entry to schedule updates. I looked in /var/cron/tabs, and I don't see it...

Re: SCP fails while ssh works...

2004-02-09 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:08 PM -0800 2/9/04, twig les wrote: Hey all, I have to identical boxes running 4.6 and all of a sudden one stopped taking SCP even though it still takes ssh connections. This may not help you at all, but every time I've had a problem where scp fails and ssh works, it has been because the useri

Re: Wireless S-L-O-W Samba Domain Logon...

2003-09-17 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:59 AM -0700 9/17/03, RA Cohen wrote: I needed to extend the reach of the wiring in one of the buildings and installed an SMC inexpensive router/access point running the latest and greatest 802.11G. ... Everything works but the domain logins are so slow as to be almost unuseable. Does that wire

Re: AFS -> OpenAFS

2003-10-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 10:27 AM -0400 10/3/03, Jerry McAllister wrote: > > I am wondering how I might go about connecting to an AFS cell > on my FreeBSD 4.8 system. Any input would be helpful. Currently, as far as I know, there is no version of AFS client available for FreeBSD although I keep hearing about openAF

Re: AFS Server + MAC + Jail

2003-10-06 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:08 PM -0400 10/5/03, Kenny Freeman wrote: I'm using the latest release of openafs, plus I keep my entire system and kernel up to date with patches. ... Anyways, my question is really just about AFS and whether or not it works on 5.1-RELEASE. My understanding is that the server-side should wo

RE: Latest "stable" fixes are unstable

2003-10-09 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:14 PM -0400 10/9/03, Jeffrey Wheat wrote: Apologies for being so vague... All that happens on the 4.8(4.9RC) servers is they suddenly reboot without leaving anything in the log files at all, so it is very difficult to provide more details on the crash. In the case of the 4.9 systems, are y

Re: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/*sh and slow build world in FreeBSD 5.1

2003-10-10 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:58 AM +0100 10/10/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 1) I can't get /usr/local/etc/rc.d/*sh to work. I don't have any ideas to offer on this. 2) Building kernels/worlds is MUCH slower than under 4.X. A kernel used to take around an hour; it's taking about 4 under 5.1 (Cyrix 166mhz/64Mb RAM).

Re: lpd setup for remote printer

2003-10-15 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:17 PM -0400 10/15/03, Tom Parquette wrote: I'm trying to configure printing on the "local" machine (Stargate) to point to lp on P3R-272. This is what I currently have coded in Stargate's printcap file: lp|HP2000 on P3R-272:\ :sh:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:\

Re: Clarification on CVS Tags

2003-10-28 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:00 AM -0800 10/28/03, Jason Williams wrote: Thanks Matthew for your explanation. You answered a lot of my questions. Makes sense now really. Just out of curiosity, why would someone want to use: RELENG_4_8_0_RELEASE? Is there some type of benefit? One would think that the best option for p

Re: Smbd process not disconnecting

2003-10-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 7:42 AM -0600 10/29/03, Charles Howse wrote: Note below, that the connection was opened on the 28th, but did not close, however the connection to "Seeds" closed about 4 mins after I opened it. Snippet from /var/log/moe.log [2003/10/28 12:11:13, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(698) moe (

RE: Smbd process not disconnecting

2003-10-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:22 PM -0600 10/29/03, Charles Howse wrote: Garance wrote: > I'm not much of an expert on the low-level details, but I can say that what you're seeing is also what I've seen, and that I believe samba is supposed to work that way. I just checked again, and the connection was closed at 12:13

Re: problems with LPD

2003-10-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:45 PM -0700 10/28/03, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I have a printer configured in the BSD, is working fine, now I need to enable that other systems print in this printer, to do this I add 2 lines to the file /etc/hosts.lpd but the remote system can't prin

RE: problems with LPD

2003-10-31 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:55 PM -0700 10/31/03, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Garance. Thanks for your answer, ... I think that the solution to my dilemma, is modify the source code of LPD. But before this I like to try the "netgroup" option, where can I begin to read? Well, you can check: man hosts.lpd which

Re: FreeBsd , I REALLY need some help :-)

2003-11-04 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:47 PM +0100 11/4/03, Nic Bergen wrote: Hi, I'm trying to install freebsd on an old i486 (75mhz) with 40mb ram I have two harddrives 260 and 349mb. Which version of FreeBSD are you trying to install? -- Garance Alistair Drosehn= [EMAIL PROTECTED] Senior Systems Programmer

Re: I *really* need help PLEASE - buildworld failing on mkdep libstdc++can't find unwind.h but it *is* there

2004-04-12 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:41 PM -0600 4/12/04, P.D. Seniura wrote: Chuck Swiger wrote: > It is not clear to me what problem you are trying to solve by > the activities you are pursuing: perhaps you ought to install > 5.2.1 or 4.9 from a .iso image and get on with other tasks, > and revisit the issue of recompiling

Re: confusing printing error

2004-05-13 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 7:53 PM -0500 5/13/04, Eric Crist wrote: Hey list, I re-ran the apsfilter setup routine, and now my printer seems to work fine, except I can only print with: # lpr -Paps1 I can't print from Kmail, or anything else, as I get the following error: A print error occurred. Error message received

Re: dual processor and FreeBSD 4.9

2004-05-10 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:16 PM +0200 5/10/04, Vivailsud Staff Member wrote: Hello, I am in trouble with FreeBSD 4.9p, I have got dual processor server (2 x Pentium II 400MHz) and I would like that FreeBSD could be able to use the both of them. I have read that you need to compile the kernel once again, but I would lik

Re: Strange pkg_info output

2004-05-25 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:01 PM -0400 5/25/04, Chuck Swiger wrote: Jorn Argelo wrote: Recently I came across something which kind of bothered me. Every time when pkg_info removes and/or registers a package it gives this output: pkg_info: package bsdpan-DBD-mysql-2.9003 has no origin recorded pkg_info: package bsdpan

Re: Strange pkg_info output

2004-05-25 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 4:49 PM -0400 5/25/04, Chuck Swiger wrote: Garance A Drosihn wrote: [ ...snip thread about "pkg_info: ... has no origin recorded" messages... ] In my case, it was happening on something that I had always upgraded via ports & portupgrade. It was not bsdpan (which I do

Re: Strange pkg_info output

2004-05-26 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:41 PM -0400 5/25/04, Chuck Swiger wrote: Garance A Drosihn wrote: At 4:49 PM -0400 5/25/04, Chuck Swiger wrote: If you install perl from ports, you apparently get bsdpan included. Hmm. How would I know if I had it? I don't seem to have any port with the letters 'pan' in

Re: ho hum. Make installworld

2004-06-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:06 AM +0100 6/3/04, Edd wrote: I checked it out of a pserver like always. setenv CVSROOT=bla bla cvs login cvs co src I find it much better to use 'cvsup' over pserver, but I think you will have better luck if you change that last line to: cvs co -P src (or have a .cvsrc with the two lin

Re: e-mail addresses

2004-06-08 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:20 AM + 6/8/04, Andreas Carnaily wrote: Hello All! I have a strange question and I couldn't answer it myself in any documentation. Can I get some e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] If I can, what should I do or who should I be? You have to be an active committer to the FreeBSD project, which

Re: /boot on a separate partition

2005-07-19 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:30 PM +0100 7/18/05, Ross Kendall Axe wrote: ... I want to place the /boot directory in a small 25MB partition at the start of the drive. Setting up the partition with sysinstall is easy enough, but does anyone have any suggestions of how to diddle the bootloader to accept this configurati

Re: Shell script frustration

2005-07-27 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:14 PM +0100 7/27/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: echo ldapdelete -W -D $binddn \"cn=$1, $group_base\" ldapdelete -W -D $binddn \"cn=$1, $group_base\" when run ('./rmgroup users') it outputs - ldapdelete -W -D "cn=Manager,dc=orbweavers,dc=co,dc=uk" "cn=users, ou=groups,dc=orbweavers,dc=co

Re: nvi for serious hacking

2005-10-17 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:25 PM -0600 10/17/05, M. Warner Losh wrote: In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: : vi was the first screen/cursor-based editor in computer : history. Are you sure about this? I was using screen oriented editors over a 1200 baud dial

Re: Printing problem with CUPS && LPD

2005-11-12 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:16 PM +0100 11/12/05, Frank Staals wrote: Hey, I have a HP LaserJet 1010 and I was trying to get it working with FreeBSD, so I installed CUPS and configured it to recoginize the printer and it does, I can successfully print a testpage using the webinterface. So I was trying to print a file

Re: CVSUP Issues FBSD 6.0

2005-11-12 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 2:09 PM + 11/12/05, Robert Slade wrote: Hiya, I'm having a problem with newly installed system. cvsup -g L 2 supfile gives Release not specified for collection "default" with the supfile (based on standard-supfile) containing: default default base=/var/db default

Re: Looking for commercial code gone open source

2004-08-13 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:10 PM +0100 8/13/04, Jonathon McKitrick wrote: Does anyone know where there are any web-accessible examples of large or medium sized commercial software products that have been open sourced? I'd like to see some examples of code that were not written from the beginning with the intention of be

Re: find -exec surprisingly slow

2004-08-14 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:31 AM +0930 8/15/04, Paul A. Hoadley wrote: Hello, I'm in the process of cleaning a Maildir full of spam. It has somewhere in the vicinity of 400K files in it. I started running this yesterday: find . -atime +1 -exec mv {} /home/paulh/tmp/spam/sne/ \; It's been running for well over 12 hours


2004-08-18 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 10:08 PM -0700 8/17/04, Kris Kennaway wrote: On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 09:14:06PM -0700, Dennis George wrote: Hi all, > Can I disable PROCFS (through kernel configuration[sysctl/GENERIC] ) > in freeBSD Yes. It's clear from the GENERIC config how to do this (remove the entry)). Is there al

Re: top for 4.10 jail - looking to work with a someone to make it work

2004-08-18 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:24 PM -0500 8/18/04, george donnelly wrote: I need top for 4.10 jails to work, and i know a lot of other people would like it. So i am looking for someone who like to develop a new patch for it (if it doesn't already exist?) and then keep the patch up to date. we're willing to pay and would of

Re: Way OT: How long does your box run for?

2004-09-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:45 AM +0100 9/3/04, Andy Holyer wrote: I explained that generally some upgrade comes along that requires a reboot, but I realized that I don't know how long a box would stay up in the maximum. So, come on, this should be fun, what's the biggest uptime you've ever had for a BSD box? I don't thi

Re: Which Laser Printer for FreeBSD

2004-09-17 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:08 AM -0600 9/17/04, Warren Block wrote: On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Martin Moeller wrote: I guess a laser printer is the best choice for Unix, and I'm wondering which one I should buy. I thought about the HP Laserjet 6L or something in this category. Avoid the 5L and 6L, as they have failure-prone p

Re: FreeBSD Developer

2004-10-11 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 7:04 PM +0200 10/11/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi there, I'm going to develop software for the FreeBSD project. How do I get listed on the official FreeBSD page as developer and is it possible to get a mail alias like [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am not sure what kind of development you are expecting t

Re: Freebsd 5.2.1 Performance Woes

2004-09-29 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 5:51 PM -0400 9/29/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: While I was had a nice little test set up, I figured I'd test Freebsd 4.9 against 5.2.1 since I had fresh installs handy on separate drives. It would be interesting to try a fresh install of the most recent 5.3-beta ISO's. A lot has changed betwe

Re: FreeBSD compilation

2004-09-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:31 AM -0700 9/30/04, D S wrote: Does anybody knows to compile FreeBSD with HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP? Well, the simple answer would be "Yes, it is easy to compile FreeBSD with that variable defined". However, the more useful answer would be to point out "There is nothing in the system which referen

Re: /var/log/wtmp always reseting to 0

2004-10-01 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:52 PM -0400 10/1/04, questions wrote: On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Richard Lynch wrote: man logrotate > Probably the logs are getting rotated and old ones discarded. man logrotate does nothing On FreeBSD, the utility is called newsyslog. The entry would be in /etc/newsyslog.conf . You should have

Re: What version of FBSD does Yahoo run?

2004-10-07 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 11:15 AM -0700 10/7/04, Kris Kennaway wrote: On Thu, Oct 07, 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > why don't you post some of these impressive benchmarks to > > substantiate your seemingly flimsy position? On a single > > processor system please, for the 99% of us who don't use > > SMP. Ho

Re: Managing /etc/hosts.lpd??

2003-01-28 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:19 PM -0500 1/28/03, Bill Moran wrote: Mark wrote: Is there a better way to manage lpd permissions than specifying individual hosts in /etc/hosts.lpd? I have a heterogeneous network here (there are a few Winder's machines in addition to a bunch of Unix machines) that has a bunch of

Re: lpd/lpr "stopped" working

2003-02-03 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:39 PM +0100 2/3/03, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote: Hi! I'm a bit pussled. I can print from OpenOffice and Phoenix. But konq chokes: "A print error occured. Error message received from system: /usr/local/bin/lpr -P 'laserjet' '/var/tmp/kde-mekanix/kdeprint_pYNslYF' : execution failed with

Re: FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE and X11R6 build on 5.0-CURRENT in one set

2003-02-04 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 9:15 PM +0700 1/16/02, Pavel Burovsky wrote: Excuse me for, perhaps, plaqued question. FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE (I obtained it from contains the XFree86 server built on 5.0-CURRENT snapshot(anyway it so reported by XFree86 server). Is it normal? FAQ says it's not. I would pleas

Re: printing error

2003-02-08 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 8:44 PM -0800 2/8/03, chip wiegand wrote: I just setup my new Epson C62 printer, works great on my freebsd box. I am using samba to share it with the rest of the family pc's. They see it in network neighborhood, connect, install the drivers, all fine. but the test page won't print. Nothing ap

Re: /var/run/printer?

2002-07-24 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:30 PM -0700 7/23/02, Ed Yu wrote: >When I try to run 'lpc restart all', >it shows lp: > cannot open lock file >lp: >lpc: unable to connect to /var/run/printer: no such >file or directory >lpc: check to see if the master 'lpd' process is >running. > couldn't start daemon > > >However, ps

Re: /var/run/printer?

2002-07-24 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 3:34 PM -0700 7/24/02, Ed Yu wrote: >You are right. When I restart the machine after I >uncommented LPD_ENABLE="YES", /var/run/printer shows >up. I also did check /usr/local/sbin and there are lpc >and lpd in it. I basically totally mixed LPR and >LPRng. Hmm. I am not completely sure I unders

Re: Help debugging printing

2002-10-06 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:50 PM -0400 10/6/02, Gerard Samuel wrote: >I setup and installed a printer yesterday, and installed LPRng and >apsfilter from ports (fresh cvsup), and had apsfilter print out that >funky test page. In continuing the setup the box, I am trying to >print a file, and getting these results -> >--

Re: LPD protocol screwup and ctl_renametf error

2002-10-18 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:12 PM -0400 10/18/02, TheGlenMann wrote: Docs on the subtleties on LPD seem to be in short supply. It looks like the PAGEPROTECT thing breaks the whole system, then the cannot rename seems to be Windows trying again to send the file... How can I determine what is wrong? I suspect that permis

Re: samba printing stopped after upgrade to 2.2.6

2002-10-28 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:03 PM -0500 10/28/02, Vivek Khera wrote: > "DN" == Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: but I have not enabled CUPS in samba at all. Does anyone know what I need to do to migrate successfully from samba 2.2.5 to 2.2.6? Here's my config: DN> When you did the install, you proba

Re: Samba taking too long to upload files.

2002-11-04 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 6:56 AM -0800 11/4/02, Roberto Armenteros wrote: The download process is very fast, but not the upload process. When I upload to my other windows machine it goes five times as fast as my bsd box. What could be the problem? Make sure your ethernet card has the correct setting wrt half-duplex v

Re: xargs -J

2002-11-26 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 10:10 PM -0500 11/25/02, David S. Jackson wrote: Hi, I've been trying to use |xargs -J [] mv [] [].suffix but to no avail. I've tried |xargs -J mv \[\] \[\].suffix and variations but that doesn't seem to work either. It seems to work fine with the -i command under GNU xargs, but not under F

Re: Problem pulling particular directory from CVS

2002-11-27 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 1:43 PM -0800 11/26/02, Paul A. Scott wrote: > From: Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Are you maybe running out of space on your local drive? You might > also have a corrupted CVS repo, but I don't think you'd be getting > those errors in that case. No, I have over 40GB available on the f

Re: Interest in diskless booting?

2002-12-07 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:48 PM +1030 12/8/02, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote: I was at a local installfext yesterday (, and a number of people were interested in doing diskless booting, either for reasons of economy or reliability. I'm currently about to finish the manuscript of the fourt

Re: Interest in diskless booting?

2002-12-07 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:28 AM -0500 12/8/02, Garance A Drosihn wrote: At 12:48 PM +1030 12/8/02, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote: If *you* are interested, please let me know. I'll make a decision depending on the amount of feedback I get. There's at least two cases, right? diskless booting

Re: Interest in diskless booting?

2002-12-08 Thread Garance A Drosihn
At 12:54 PM -0800 12/8/02, Gary W. Swearingen wrote: I mostly-wasted a bunch of time investigating web sites and articles which had schemes for diskless booting, and then discovered that the "picobsd" manpage told me everything I needed to know (to set up a non-harddisk filtering bridge booting of

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