At 2:07 PM -0700 12/8/07, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
I would like to ask people who use LPRng spooling system on FreeBSD
to clarify something for me.
I have never used LPRng in production, although I know the guys in
our (RPI) CS department used to use it for their printing world.
I also notice
At 9:33 AM -0700 10/11/08, Kelly Jones wrote:
...but has anyone considered tweaking newsyslog to name files
messages.2008-10-05-12-00-00.gz or something. IE, give them a
constant name that doesn't change and then delete them after
how many ever days?
It would be bad to change the default behav
At 10:55 PM -0700 11/13/08, Martin Alejandro Paredes Sanchez wrote:
I have the idea of had seen the description of the content of
CF files, but I can't find anymore in the handbook.
That information had been removed?
There's some RFC for it, but pretty much nobody implements CF-files
in t
At 2:50 PM -0600 1/16/06, Jason King wrote:
My maillog and daillog files have stopped rotating everyday
like they use to. I have 2 FBSD machines that have stopped
these files from rotating as of Dec 15th. I have no idea what
could have caused two different machines to have the same
thing happen t
At 9:23 AM -0600 1/17/06, Jason King wrote:
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 09:16 -0600, David Kelly wrote:
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 07:23:25AM -0600, Jason King wrote:
> Hmm, when I run newsyslog I get the following message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] newsyslog -vv
> newsyslog: malformed 'at' value:
At 4:14 AM -0400 6/24/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hello all,
I have recently been mulling over an article which proposes
an abridged set of steps for updating the system.
alias rebuild 'cd /usr/src && make update && make world &&
At 6:24 AM +0100 3/4/05, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
Jesse Guardiani writes:
> Doesn't the boot partition have to NOT have soft updates
> though?
That's your choice. By default, it won't, since data loss
is more likely with soft updates (anything that doesn't
immediately write everything physically
At 10:59 AM -0500 2/10/05, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> Logos need to be as neutral as possible, since they will be
> very widely used and very heavily imprinted in customers'
> minds. They must not conjure up thoughts of anything except
> the brand they represent.
Neutrality is purely objective
At 12:50 AM -0800 2/10/05, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
It is clear from
reading both lists that much of the anger is based upon false
assumptions, misinformation and incomplete editing of the leaked
Sorry, but that is false.
Much of the anger is based on Robert Watson (and whatever other
At 12:50 AM -0800 2/10/05, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
No, sorry. The core team apparently feels that the way to do things
now is to made decisions of this nature first, then have discussion
later, rather than the reverse which previously has been the case.
This contest came out because the developers
At 3:36 PM -0600 2/10/05, Tom Mecke wrote:
Many people may think twice about donating money to the project
if you are worrying about trivial complaints about a cute little
"daemon" logo instead of directing energy all to the project!
Oooo. I work on FreeBSD for free. I get zero money from it. Al
At 5:27 PM -0500 2/10/05, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
On 02/10/05 03:31 PM, Jacob S sat at the `puter and typed:
And a very poor example, IMHO. Can you give any proof that it's a valid
example to say that Christians object to the use of the acronym "daemon"
in Unix-like operating systems? I have not be
At 8:13 PM -0500 2/10/05, Mike Hauber wrote:
On Thursday 10 February 2005 05:49 pm, Technical Director wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> No. While Beastie is cute and well executed, it's not
> professional graphic art.
Here here...
I have two questions. These are no
At 10:09 PM -0800 2/10/05, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> While you seem determined to pretend that Robert Watson is
> somehow the sole person interested in this, let me note I am
> one of the FreeBSD committers who would like to see some new
> ideas for a logo.
Good. At least you have my respect n
At 2:06 AM -0800 2/12/05, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
For the last time, it is not the contest that I and others are
objecting to.
I am glad to hear that this message was the last time you
mention it. Thanks.
Garance Alistair Drosehn = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer
At 10:10 AM +0100 7/28/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Garance wrote:
> What I do in this cases is create a script called "":
printf "\ at `date +%H:%M:%S` with \$# = $#\n"
# Process all parameters.
while test $# != 0 ; do
At 12:56 AM +0300 8/5/05, Michael Dexter wrote:
I would like to try a separate /boot slice as permitted
by FreeBSD 5.x...
I missed the beginning of this thread. Where did you get the
impression that FreeBSD will work if you create /boot as a
separate partition?
Search the list. This comes
While this is a reply to a private message, I'm also sending it
back to freebsd-questions. I would rather not spend this much
time writing up information for a general topic, and then send
it to just one person...
Given how often this topic comes up, my hope is that other users
might find these
At 1:48 AM +0300 8/7/05, Michael Dexter wrote:
Hello Garance and all,
Garance wrote:
I think there's a writeup
somewhere on making/using snapshots. I'll see if I can
remember where it is.
Any pointers are appreciated. Seriously, I can't find any
useful documentation on how they work or what
At 10:00 PM +1300 10/19/05, Jonathan Chen wrote:
On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 03:54:15PM +0700, Olivier Nicole wrote:
Is there a clean way to rotate these logs a la newsyslog?
I know I can use newsyslog to rotate them, but then how to notify
Apache to use the new log files? I don't expect
At 4:00 PM +0100 12/14/05, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
Since a server of mine is behaving strangely lately, and since
I've seen some patches going round lately, I'm considering
upgrading from 4.11 (latest patchlevel) to 4-STABLE.
I downloaded the source, but /usr/src/UPDATING says almost
At 7:38 AM -0700 9/28/04, Ronnie Clark wrote:
Hello all,
Having read the man page for this file's
configuration, I notice there is not an option to
digitally sign the logs on rotation using PGP/GPG. Is
there a workaround? or are there plans to add this
functionality to future versions, like 5.3 -ST
On 1/16/13 1:14 PM, Thomas D. Dean wrote:
On 01/16/13 03:00, Patrick Lamaiziere wrote:
Looks like gcc47 checks the printf format string (-Wformat)
Disable this check or convert your time_t.
Yes, I know gcc47 checks the format string.
But, time_t is of type int32, from a typedef statement.
At 5:02 AM +0900 11/4/06, Curtis Jewell wrote:
My question really is, does newsyslog send the signal at the right
time [after the rotation is done, per ]
and does it do the lines in order???)
You can see what it will do by running newsy
At 10:13 PM +0100 11/24/06, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
Since the move to the new servers my followups disappear in an
unknown black home. Others told me that the same happens to the PRs
they try to send. I understand that unexpected things happen, but
this is basic infrastructure that doesn't work fo
At 2:55 AM -0400 8/6/07, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
Ok. But I part of my question to people , and reason for
posting it here, is the old "Is anyone else seeing this". When/if
you use portupgrade, does it do the same for you? Or is it just
something that I happened some how to inherit on a
At 9:45 PM -0300 10/4/05, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
I've been talking to one developer that would be interested in
fixing UNIONFS, but due to the # of bugs that existed *before* the
VFS changes, the "fix" is going to involve a complete re-write,
instead of just adding more bandaids and patches.
At 9:14 AM -0500 1/2/08, Ed Maste wrote:
On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 06:20:22PM +, James Jeffery wrote:
Before i end the toipic, anyone got any feeback on the Asus Eee (mini
laptops) with FreeBSD?
It works, but no drivers exist for the wireless or wired Ethernet ports.
The wireless is a new
At 9:04 AM -0400 4/6/10, Tom Ierna wrote:
Anyone have any experience with
I'm looking to move an office-hosted machine's services to the
cloud, and they seem to be one of the only VPS companies centered
around BSD support instead of Linux.
I've been using them for a few yea
At 10:48 PM +0200 3/29/09, Roger Olofsson wrote:
Dear mailing list,
I seem to have forgotten something about /var/log/security and
newsyslog.conf. I get wrong mode after the trim.
Excerpt from /etc/newsyslog.conf:
/var/log/security 644 7 5000 * JC
Are you sur
At 8:08 AM +0200 3/30/09, Roger Olofsson wrote:
Garance A Drosehn skrev:
At 10:48 PM +0200 3/29/09, Roger Olofsson wrote:
I seem to have forgotten something about /var/log/security and
newsyslog.conf. I get wrong mode after the trim.
Excerpt from /etc/newsyslog.conf:
At 7:02 PM -0400 6/20/08, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
Hello all,
I know it was a long time ago, but I was talking with a co-worker
about why perl was removed from the base in v5 -- I seem to recall
a discussion on some mailing list about either the number of
arguments or the format of the a
At 10:17 AM +0200 8/5/08, Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
My question is how can I make sure the logs are rotated when
they grow too large AND they are also rotated at a specified
point in time (start of a new month).
I am reading man newsyslog.conf and it says:
If the when field contains an asterisk
At 5:05 PM -0400 8/1/06, Gerard Seibert wrote:
FreeBSD 6.1
The printer on my system is connected to a WinXP machine.
I installed apsfilter to configure the print setup.
Everything appears to be working and I can print to the
printer from within apsfilter.
However, when I attempt to print either
On August 1/2006, I (Garance) wrote:
Check to see if you have multiple versions of 'lpr'
running. *If* you do, then the results that you see
will probably depend on which version you run.
What I meant to say was: Check to see if you have
multiple versions of `lpr' *installed*. See what
At 9:32 AM +1000 8/9/06, Antony Mawer wrote:
What if we improved upon this - if instead of storing
the hostname and IP address, we stored a one-way hash
of this information? OpenSSH in recent versions takes
the same approach with its authorized_keys files...
A scattered list of ideas:
It migh
At 1:25 AM +0100 8/23/10, Garry wrote:
Mac OS X is basically BSD that's been appleised (serious vendor
lock-in), they do give a little back to BSDs, but have made sure
that BSDs can't get much off of them, but they can get a lot out
of BSD.
Mac OS is the Mach kernel, plus a userland and unix l
At 1:24 PM -0400 9/9/10, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
I want to make it so every file is a seperate symlink in dir2 if and
only if it is a regular file (not a dir) in dir1... the reason is if
the file is unchanged then use symlink but I can rm the symlink and
replace it with a non-symlink:
To show the
At 2:54 PM -0600 9/9/10, Chad Perrin wrote:
On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 04:28:59PM -0400, Garance A Drosehn wrote:
I believe early X11-distributions had a script called "lndir"
would pretty much do exactly what you want here. And then
there was a companion command called "break
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