bge0 : WatchDog timeout -- resetting

2005-07-31 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
; get me off from this headhac,,, thnax ,,, DeadMan Xia ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: bge0 : WatchDog timeout -- resetting

2005-08-01 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
rocessor SCSI-2 device ses0: SAF-TE Compliant Device SMP: AP CPU #2 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #4 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #6 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #3 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #5 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #7 Launched! Mounting root from ufs:/dev/amrd0s1a www# Aug 2005 09:47:52 -0400, Low

bge0: WatchDog Timedout -- resetting in FreeBSD 5.3

2005-08-04 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
MB (286228480 sectors) RAID 5 (optimal) ses0 at amr0 bus 0 target 6 lun 0 ses0: Fixed Processor SCSI-2 device ses0: SAF-TE Compliant Device SMP: AP CPU #2 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #4 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #6 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #3 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #5 Launched! SMP: AP

how to check CPU Heating Capacity (Temperature)

2005-08-06 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
I m using FreeBSD 5.4 on Intel Xeon Dual Processor machine, is there any command r utility which may give the specific details, abt how much percentage for cpu heat, means wat is specific temperature of cpu. Thanx in advance. DeadMan Xia

Can somebody help me out !!!!!!

2006-10-03 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
Well I am using FreeBSD 6.0 on Dell Power Edge 2850 running qmail, I am using LogiTech RAID Controller. I compile the kernel with normal IPFIREWALL, IPFIREWALL_FORWARD. I got some power with my power, every night my UPS batteries get discharged and my system shutdown hard. its about 4 to 6 times

change of runlevel 5 to runlevel 3 in FreeBSD 6.1

2007-02-13 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
Dear Friends ,, Well i m facing some problem reagrding System Boot in FreeBSD 6.1, I have installed GNOME2 and when my system reboots its start in X Windows. Now i want to change Run Level 5 to Run level 3. Can anybody help me out ? I have tried these changes in /etc/ttys for ttyv8 in both way

unable to Check wtmp file contents for last month.

2006-12-04 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
Hello Every1, well i m using FreeBSD 6.0 with qmail. i usually used to take backups remotely. i want to check the content of wtmp files for last month which was overwritten by new wtmp file of current month. Any body help me out regarding this Regards,,, Zia Ullah Khan Project Manager - WHSS

*** POKED TIMER *** in named

2005-08-14 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
in Advance... DeadMan Xia ... ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

bge1: WatchDog Timedout -- resetting

2005-08-19 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
0 target 6 lun 0 ses0: Fixed Processor SCSI-2 device ses0: SAF-TE Compliant Device SMP: AP CPU #5 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #7 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #3 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #4 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #6 Launched! SMP: AP CPU #2 Launched! Moun

Mail Sending delay to HOTMAIL and Yahoo on FreeBSD 6.2

2007-05-12 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
Hi everybody well i have installed FreeBSD 6.2 on my Dell Power Edge 2850. I have installed QMAIL as mailing agent with POP3 and IMAP. now when i send email to hotmail or yahoo, the mail delivered with big delay time. Howevr when i send it to gmail or any other domain its works quickly. i

SPAM filtering Agent

2007-05-30 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
Hi everybody, hope every1 doing fine well i m using QMAIL for email services. I have also installed SPAM ASSASINS while installing Qmail. Now i m getting too much SPAM in every mailbox of my domain. Kindly help me out and tell me what shld i do. which spam filter is should use and how to configu

Email Sending Problem to YAHOO

2007-06-12 Thread DeadMan Xia ....
Hi everybody! hope all doing fine well i have configured my Email Server on FreeBSD 6.2 with Qmail, i have send email to yahoo, hotmail & gmail. On gmail & hotmail, its works quick, bt at yahoo ,,, its delaying nd mail recieved at yahoo with huge delays. wen i send email to yahoo, it giv