Hi all,
recently I installed the Gnome 2.6 port on my machine, and everything
works just fine when I start X via startx. However, when I try to start
gdm (using /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh) as display manager i get an error
pop-up with the following text:
"The greeter program appears to be crashin
uh, I feel stupid.
Anyway, thanks for your reactions :)
On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 19:45, C. Delnooz wrote:
> Hi all,
> recently I installed the Gnome 2.6 port on my machine, and everything
> works just fine when I start X via startx. However, when I try to start
On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 12:58, Petre Bandac wrote:
> after a cvsup today - when portupgrading
> rm -rf *.out *.rej *.orig test.log tiny.vim small.vim mbyte.vim test.ok X*
> rm -f *.o objects/* core vim.core vim xxd/*.o
> rm -f xxd/xxd auto/osdef.h auto/pathdef.c auto/if_perl.c
> rm -f conftest* *~