Installing mod_frontpage to apache2

2005-11-06 Thread Bill Moran
SD 4.11-STABLE FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE #1: Thu Jun 30 13:56:39 EDT 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/FERRANDO20050630 i386 pkg_info | grep apache apache-2.0.55 Version 2 of Apache web server with prefork MPM. Thou

Re: Diagnosing reboot under load

2005-11-07 Thread Bill Moran
sn't always == quality cheap. This article is the best I've ever seen for describing how important a PS is to a computer, and how difficult it is to find a reliable one: -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies

Re: Diagnosing reboot under load

2005-11-07 Thread Bill Moran
Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Micah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I'm running the i386 version of FreeBSD with 1gb ram. Didn't think to > > check this before, but I'm getting ~112-113 volts into the PSU from the > > surge stri

OpenOffice 2 unable to work with files over NFS

2005-11-17 Thread Bill Moran
so I thought I'd a) first see if anyone else was familiar with this issue b) see if anyone had any advice on how to proceed with debugging. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ mailing l

Re: RST response in message log?

2005-11-17 Thread Bill Moran
> Nov 16 11:07:18 eagle /kernel: Limiting closed port RST response from 300 > to > 200 packets per second While there are other things that could cause this, it's almost always indicative of a portscan. The RSTs are limited to prevent DoS attacks from generating overly huge amounts

Re: I could not become superuser

2005-11-18 Thread Bill Moran
The "not running setuid" makes me wonder. Have you changed permissions on any files on that machine. the su program will need setuid permissions and be owned by root to work properly. On my 5.4 machine, it looks like this: ls -l /usr/bin/su -r-sr-xr-x 1 root wheel 14292 May 27 12:24 /

Re: Asterisk on FreeBSD, anyone?

2005-11-19 Thread Bill Moran
D 5 laptop for demo purposes. We were using 100% IP though, no analog drivers. Install the port. I don't have first hand experience with the analog drivers, but the rumor mill has it that the recent versions work very well. -- Bill Moran Potential Tec

Re: MX freebsd

2005-11-20 Thread Bill Moran
occasionally set as high as a week, although even larger values are certainly possible. Check in your DNS zone to see what they are set to. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ mailing lis

Re: OpenOffice 2 unable to work with files over NFS

2005-11-21 Thread Bill Moran
Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > uname -a > > FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 #1: > > Fri May 27 01:08:00 EDT 2005 [EMAIL > > PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/sr

Re: error:make:don't know how to make buildkernel.stop

2004-08-11 Thread Bill Moran
Abiola Omojola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > please could help me get a solution to the above error What did you do to cause the error? Is your current working directory /usr/src? Did you install kernel sources on the machine you are trying to do this on? -- Bill

Re: How to start KDE?

2004-08-11 Thread Bill Moran
for you. Have you tried "startx" to see which WM starts up? Have you checked to see if a .xinitrc file already exists? ee .xinitrc -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://li

Re: make issues on freebsd

2004-08-11 Thread Bill Moran
make. > If you haven't already done so, install the devel/gmake port and try > using 'gmake' instead of 'make'. > > > > -Pat > _______ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send an

Re: make issues on freebsd

2004-08-11 Thread Bill Moran
zed that this is coming from ... that's all. HTH > I don't know stuff about unix world as I am new. > Appreciate your help friends!! > > Thanks a lot > Mohammad Shaikh > > -Original Message- > From: Bill Moran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Re: package management documentation

2004-08-11 Thread Bill Moran
;t found the docs yet. Thus, a link to the docs answers two questions at once: 1) the answer to the original question, and 2) where to find the answer. If you're not getting good responses to your questions, I would suggest reading grog's explanation on how to ask good questions: htt

Re: make.conf and safe settings

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
nal performance out of your computer. To get an idea of how dicey that can be, search for discussions of use of the -O flag to gcc. If you want to get into it, I would research /etc/defaults/make.conf and the (very extensive) documentation to gcc. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies http

Re: Problem with calcru

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
. Believe it or not, the FAQ entry for this other problem is pretty much the same solution you can use to fix yours: -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies

Re: DHCP and rc Questions For FreeBSD 4.10???

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
ISP is doing something to enforce security, such as registering MAC addresses, and you aren't registered correctly or d) something bizaar that I've never seen before. Again, if you could provide some information on how you're trying to set things up, we could provide less general answers. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: DHCP and rc Questions For FreeBSD 4.10???

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
hen I had my standalone redhat > box it was configured and I was also receiving DNS as well through earthlink. > > > What do you suggest I do? > > -Original Message- > From: Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Aug 12, 2004 11:45 AM > To: "

Re: DHCP and rc Questions For FreeBSD 4.10???

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
. > > What do you think of this??? I'll bet any amount of small pocket change that it's a scripted answer they give out the first time you ask a question. Have you done it? Cable modems can be flakey, and resetting them is occasionally required. Have you tested basic network connec

Re: make issues on freebsd

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
essing them. > > >How and where I can get everything from, so that I can get this running. > >I AM NOT JOKING. > > I'm just a bit amazed that this is coming from ... that's all. > > HTH > > >I don't know stuff about unix world as I am

Re: device npx <--- what for?

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
gt; once I added ISA and Floppy all worked again > > my questions is why do I need npx? and isa? npx is the floating point math driver. You either need it or software emulation of an FPU. You need isa because npx depends on it. -- Bill Mor

Re: Clock problems

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
ou can give me some hints on what might be done to get the clock > back to normal. > I forgot to mention that it have been like this since I installed it. See this FAQ entry and try the recommended fixes to see if they help:

Re: reinstall ports with new options

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
. > > Is there anyway to use checkpassword to authenticate to postfix as i > already have it running for bincimap seems to work well is it secure If there is an option menu, "make config" should allow you to tweak it. It doesn't seem as if the cyrus-sasl2 port has an

Re: /etc and /usr/local/etc directories

2004-08-12 Thread Bill Moran
hould keep > my eye out for. The FreeBSD handbook is being updated all the time. You'll probably want to re-read a lot of it to see what kind of changes are occurring. There are also a lot of new man pages in existance. If you have specific questions, you can alwa

Re: Looking for commercial code gone open source

2004-08-13 Thread Bill Moran
m the > beginning with the intention of being open source. There is a project called opengroupware that followed that evolution. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://lists.freebsd

Re: Access Denied when using gmake

2004-08-13 Thread Bill Moran
ion denied > gmake: *** [elf/rt_obj.txt] Error 126 > > Can anyone help me circumvent this problem? Give the appropriate files execute permission. See "man chmod" if you're not sure how to do that. > > Thanks > Mohammad Shaikh > > > -Original Messa

Re: Re[2]: find -exec surprisingly slow

2004-08-14 Thread Bill Moran
ng them at all, not even allow them in. There > are several techniques just to block them at SMTP negotiation all together, > so they don't even enter your system... I have to second this. You should never accept email destin for users that don't exist, you should

Re: find -exec surprisingly slow

2004-08-14 Thread Bill Moran
ooks like making that plan unworkable. :-) > > > There are several techniques just to block them at SMTP negotiation > > all together, so they don't even enter your system... > > Techniques for qmail? Without patching it? I thought I had RTFMd > pretty thoroughly, but I am willing to be enlightened. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: download speed question

2004-08-15 Thread Bill Moran
to do the encrypting/decrypting. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Is promiscuous mode bad?

2004-08-15 Thread Bill Moran
to do this. > 4) What are the effects of disabling it? Pretty much the reverse of #2. If you're running may types of scanning software, or network sniffers, they will put the card in promisc mode. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies

Re: kernel module configuration

2004-08-15 Thread Bill Moran
hem to work correctly (ISA and PCI support, I believe) I don't know specifically about ohci, but the man page for ohci would be the first place to check. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list h

Re: Is promiscuous mode bad?

2004-08-15 Thread Bill Moran
(simon ;)) Really? Then I stand corrected. If that's the case, though, what _is_ the administrative danger of running in PROMISC mode? -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://li

Re: NAT / ipfw / GW - FreeBSD 4.10 to Linux Private Network???

2004-08-15 Thread Bill Moran
ot; by Michael Lucas however there was not much on > the actual syntax. If someone could help me in these areas it would be > greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance... On the FreeBSD box, to forward all traffic on port 80 to the linux box: redirect_port tcp 80 The other ports

Re: root access to ftp, telnet

2004-08-15 Thread Bill Moran
s a user and attempt su, > the response is "you are not in the correct group (wheel) > to su root." Add the user to the wheel group who you want to be able su. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMA

Re: Help me ObwanKnobi your my only hope.

2004-08-16 Thread Bill Moran
ities of IPFW. It _can_ do what you want. > Reading the man pages for ftpd is like trying to read and understand > Klingon. I disagree. I think the ftpd manual page is very clear and to the point. Is English your native language? -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies http

Re: How to start clean install again?

2004-08-16 Thread Bill Moran
and recreate it. That will blow away anything that existed before. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: web-serving does not update a file's atime?

2004-08-17 Thread Bill Moran
r atimes are not updated. > > Just checked -- the file was last downloaded 13 minutes ago, but all of > the three time-stamps (according to stat(1)) point to many hours back... My guess on this would be that Apache is caching the file and has only

Re: [OT] VPN issues with some windows users...

2004-08-17 Thread Bill Moran
VPN. Everything worked fine after that. The default is set to "broken" (figures). Sorry I don't remember the exact config setting :( -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http:

Re: [SOLVED] [OT] VPN issues with some windows users...

2004-08-17 Thread Bill Moran
> button. > 4) Click on the Advanced Tab. > 5) Under the 'General' Tab, there is a single check box that states: >'Use default gateway on remote network' > 6) Unchecking this box allows your current internet connection to work > again! Yup ... that's the one. Of course, me remembering now isn't much help to you ;) Glad you were able to find it. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: top for 4.10 jail - looking to work with a someone to make it work

2004-08-18 Thread Bill Moran
gt; >What does `top' do in jails right now? > > it throws an error about kvm_open (naturally). i have read that there > are other ways to get at the information... I'm not seeing this behaviour in my 4.10 jail. I didn't do anything special to make it work. -- Bill Mo

Re: how do I verify how sshd is starting?

2004-08-19 Thread Bill Moran
it used to be you bought The Complete FreeBSD by Greg Lehey ... but there are a number of good FreeBSD books nowadays, and I can't say I know of one that doesn't come recommended. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies __

Re: Research questions on FreeBSD 4.10

2004-08-19 Thread Bill Moran
information on specific areas. > > You can also study the FreeBSD Handbook that is available online > from the website for specifics and release notes > for each version that explain changes in each new version. > > If that is not enough, then Go

Re: having problems with install

2004-08-20 Thread Bill Moran
jeff wiggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Can someone point to a FAQ Installation instructions are here: -- Bill Moran Potential Technolo

Re: Humble questions for web developers in freebsd.

2004-08-20 Thread Bill Moran
e the group r-x permissions so it can read and execute it. > 4. Do you happen know any good link where I can learn > how to write shell scripts so that I may be able to > start an application at boot time by putting it in > "/usr/local/etc/r

Re: 5.3-BETA1 released today for testing

2004-08-20 Thread Bill Moran
s updated with 5.3-BETA1, it will then be possible for the mirror sites to d/l it to make it available for the general public. ftp-master is only available to mirror sites. When it becomes available on your local mirror is dependent on their sync schedule. [Could you please fix your ma

Re: SMP on 4.10

2004-08-20 Thread Bill Moran
to make use of SMP > if it's stable. Thanks, SMP on 4.x has been stable as long as I can remember. I was running multi-processor systems around 4.2 or so. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ma

Re: Query

2004-08-22 Thread Bill Moran
mages and do the right thing, but it is totally dependent on your burning software. Once you've got a CD, these instructions will get you going: If you hit specific problems or have specific questions, feel free to a

Re: no user interface

2004-08-24 Thread Bill Moran
problems following the instructions, don't hesitate to ask specific questions on this list. We'll be happy to help. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: 4.8 > 4.10 successful. Now > 5.x?

2004-08-25 Thread Bill Moran
> So, which of the 5.x should I install? 5.1, 5.2.1, 5.3? > > I want to be as Stable as possible. If you work with 5.3-BETA1, you'll be as close as possible to what 5.3-STABLE will be, thus giving you the easiest upgrade path in the future. However, I second the opinion that you

Re: Startup with no-ip

2004-08-26 Thread Bill Moran
/usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf > > ]; then > > echo -n ' noip'; > > su -m noip -c '/usr/local/bin/noip2' 2> /dev/null > > ^^ > Here's your problem. This script gets run as root, so the su is > redundant and failing. No. He wants to

Re: cannot get rc.conf to configure an second interface

2004-08-26 Thread Bill Moran
dd a line: network_interfaces="lo0 fxp0 fxp1" IPv6 is built into the kernel. To my knowledge, you'll have to recompile your kernel sans IPv6 to get rid of it. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PR

Re: editing the rc.conf

2004-08-27 Thread Bill Moran
ange be working. > > Is there any way that I can apply the changes without re-booting the system? man ifconfig -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: rl2 not working on otherwise functioning network/gateway

2004-09-02 Thread Bill Moran
> > booting with the GNERIC kernel, and adding network information to th NIC > > manually. > > > > None of this helped. Anyway, like I said, the gateway functions for the > > other computer on the network, so firewall and NATD are there. Here is all > > the info --

Re: Startup Scripts

2004-09-02 Thread Bill Moran
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Way OT: How long does your box run for?

2004-09-03 Thread Bill Moran
t this is all _scheduled_ downtime. For the server (for example) has about 3 hours of unscheduled downtime since Jan 1. And that downtime is the result of a failed UPS at the colo facility. It has 0 unscheduled downtime due to so

Re: ports vs source

2004-09-03 Thread Bill Moran
? >Any link or explications about this subject is appreciated. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list ht

Re: what is S.M.A.R.T and do I need it when I'm using freebsd (5.x...)

2004-09-03 Thread Bill Moran
do it, > but probably I've got it wrong... > > So, what is S.M.A.R.T, does FreeBSD use it, and should it be turned > on trough the bios setup utility? -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTE

Re: Errata Branch

2004-09-03 Thread Bill Moran
efault > >>*default base=/usr > >>*default prefix=/usr > >>*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_10 > >>*default delete use-rel-suffix > >>src-all > > > > > > That looks fine to me. > > > > Cheers, > > > > Matthew > > > ___ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: bash = default

2004-09-03 Thread Bill Moran
ls so you may need > to edit that file as well - using regular vi. Note two things for reference. If you install bash from the ports, it is automagically added to /etc/shells, and it is installed in /usr/local/bin/bash HTH -- Bill Moran Potential

Re: Way OT: How long does your box run for?

2004-09-03 Thread Bill Moran
actually several orders of magnitude more reliable than the average box it runs on. FreeBSD is the same way, in my experience. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://lists.freebsd.

Re: Fwd: external todo patch to qmail (ports)

2004-09-06 Thread Bill Moran
t maintainer so I > wonder where I should go and whom I should turn to to get it included in > the port or a reason why it shouldn't be added. Have you filed a PR? -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies __

Ports and cvsup (was Re: )

2004-09-07 Thread Bill Moran
g good questions: In order to do portupgrade, you only need to cvsup your ports tree. cvsup your sources if you need to upgrade the base system. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL P

Re: 5.2.1 fs in 4.10

2004-09-09 Thread Bill Moran
e disk partitioning section to choose UFS1 filesystems, which can be used by 4.X ... and even Linux, I believe. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: Set Screen Refresh Rate?

2004-09-09 Thread Bill Moran
may even be different. See the documentation for the X system you're using, or reply with more information about which X your using to get a more specific reply. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] m

Re: Phantom /var full messages

2004-09-09 Thread Bill Moran
program is still logging to it. Thus the space fills up, but there is no file to see the space in. Restarting the program doing the logging causes the old file to disappear, and a new log file to be created. On a guess, Snort would be the first thing I'd look at. However, MySQL can create

Re: Phantom /var full messages

2004-09-09 Thread Bill Moran
Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > --On Thursday, September 09, 2004 01:03:33 PM -0400 Bill Moran > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> > >> Any hints would be welcomed. What's the best way to troubleshoot this > >> problem? > > > &

Re: booting the install cd

2004-09-09 Thread Bill Moran
ng all that likely... > > Cheap/easy things to try: > re-download (or check the checksum) the disk 1 binary. > re-burn a new CDR. Additionally, grab one of the 5.3BETA snapshots and try it out. A LOT of things have been fixed/improved since 5.2.1. -- Bill Moran Potential Techno

Re: how to update system time?

2004-09-10 Thread Bill Moran
y high? A high securelevel will prevent drastic changes to the system clock (although I don't remember what is specifically considered "drastic") -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Regarding password changes (Re: no subject)

2004-09-10 Thread Bill Moran
blem _is_ with FreeBSD, can you please provide more details about what you are trying to do, such as the exact commands you are entering and the results you see. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailin

Re: Request

2004-09-11 Thread Bill Moran Look harder: The FreeBSD Developers' Handbook is a good place to start: Also, _The_Design_and_Implementation_of_FreeBSD_ is available from, and probably oth

Re: Sysadmin magazine benchmarkings

2004-09-13 Thread Bill Moran
ware setups used to test, so it's possible that the HDD controller was not fully supported by FreeBSD, or that the disks were mounted full-sync. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list ht

Re: new

2004-09-13 Thread Bill Moran
p:// There are lots of others, do a google search, then read through some of them and try out the commands they try to teach you. > did i do something > wrong? For the most part, no. You just have a bit to learn yet.

Re: cdrom error

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Moran
2 > ascq=0x00 error=0x04 > > > and the cdrom doesn't seem to be scratched ... could be my cdrom drive > which shows signs of old age ? That's pretty likely. I've also seen this kind of problem with poor cabling, and with cheap CDROMs that don't know how to


2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran > > There is place of the disgrace In internet? possible this page there > to contribute? is not an official mirror of FreeBSD. Official mirrors have the form (i.e. You could try contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTEC


2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran
here in Australia to > Manage and be in constant communication with our site and our suppliers in > P.N.G. > And is all goes well use this server to expand the technology so it can be > available to other businesses/homes in P.N.G. > Any information you can provide would be most appr

Re: mini-itx posting.

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran
yone would object to such a posting, however, if the information is extensive, it would be a good idea to post it on a web site somewhere, and simply post a link to the mailing list. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EM

Re: Too many dynamic rules, sorry

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran
you look in the /etc/rc.firewall that ships with FreeBSD, you'll see these rules (designed to handle running a DNS server): # Allow access to our DNS ${fwcmd} add pass tcp from any to ${oip} 53 setup ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any to ${oip} 53 ${fwcmd} add

Re: how to make an executable run as another user

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran
! /bin/sh > whoami > rtb27# ll test > -rwsr-sr-x 1 rich wheel 20 Sep 17 19:34 test > rtb27# ./test > root Interpreted programs (i.e. scripts) don't honor setuid/setgid (with the notable exception of setuidperl, which is installed but disabled on FreeBSD) Clever use of su or s

Re: Best LAN file archive server?

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran
7;s just my imagination - but I want it to cache > everything insanely, to be very fast in responses and to spare the hard > drive (as the latter is going to be a simple ATA drive, Maxtor, Seagate > or Hitachi, which are inclined to deadly failures under heavy loads). Just install it a

Re: Ports config location

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Moran
4-extensions && make config && \ make FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes install ... a little more complicated than usual for the ports sytem ... -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://li

Re: Recompiling `world` throws Segmentation fault

2004-09-18 Thread Bill Moran
ably faulty hardware. See the FreeBSD FAQ for more information. Also, download and run something along the lines of memtest86 to see if your RAM is reliable. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail

TROLLING!! (Re: Please explain.)

2004-09-19 Thread Bill Moran
eptember 2004 01:08 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > > > > 2 Major Issues: > > > > > > Why should one answer to this email? Use what ever you think > > > qualifies your needs! > > > > > > > Just a troll, look at all the cross-posting. > > > > Steve Barnette > > > > > > &g

Re: Undelete featured filesystem forfreebsd? WAS: Undelete on untouched partition

2004-09-20 Thread Bill Moran
fact that I'm human means there's a good chance that I'll make mistakes and corrupt or lose things, so I'll take steps from the get-go to make it easy to backtrack when that happens. Just my $.02 -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies http://www.potential

Re: Core System Update

2004-09-20 Thread Bill Moran
4_x and rebuild/reinstall 6) Step 5 can occasionally be skipped. For example, there were many sites that I had using FreeBSD that I didn't have to update when bind problems were fixed, because they weren't running DNS servers. If you're not sure, you're saf

Re: cron not running my command?

2004-09-20 Thread Bill Moran
ssumptions. Possibly adapt /usr/sbin/webstats to output debugging info that you'll get in your email to help diagnose what's going wrong. If you're not getting email from cron when things go wrong, get your email system working properly before doing anything el

Re: About X-windows

2004-09-21 Thread Bill Moran
ing a minimal display manager, which doesn't have all the fancy features you are looking for. See this section of the handbook for more information: But what makes you think you'll get a "start" menu in any

Re: Ntpd assistance

2004-09-22 Thread Bill Moran
In addition to this minor error ... I don't believe you can reliably run both ntpdate and xntpd. Besides, if you plan to run xntpd anyway, just set xntpd_flags="-g" and it will behave the same as ntpdate at startup, as well as running continually to ensure your clock stays synced. -

Re: Ntpd assistance

2004-09-22 Thread Bill Moran
Emanuel Strobl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Am Mittwoch, 22. September 2004 23:27 schrieb Bill Moran: > > Emanuel Strobl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Am Mittwoch, 22. September 2004 17:19 schrieb alden.pierre: > > > > /etc/rc.conf contains the foll

Re: Ntpd assistance

2004-09-22 Thread Bill Moran
Emanuel Strobl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Am Mittwoch, 22. September 2004 23:43 schrieb Bill Moran: > [...] > > > > I don't believe you can reliably run both ntpdate and xntpd. Besides, > > > > > > This is working because ntpdate is invoked o

Re: fsck'ing dirty unmounted file system in multi user?

2004-09-23 Thread Bill Moran
uldn't fsck them if they're mounted. Make sure they're not mounted first. Additionally, if your securelevel is high, you can't fsck them no matter what, as the securelevel will prevent direct access to raw devices. You'll have to temporarily lower the securelevel in ord

Re: FreeBSD 5.2.1 startup issue after adding MySQL daemon fireup line in /etc/rc.conf

2004-09-23 Thread Bill Moran
em. > > Does anyone have a workaround for this? Read this information on how to start ports at boot: Last time I installed MySQL, it installed a script for me. Check to see if one is there that ju

Re: question

2004-09-26 Thread Bill Moran
done as a normal user. Most shells have a configurable prompt, so the prompts on your machine may not be $ and %. For example, on my computer: bash-2.05b$ su Password: working# -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL


2004-09-26 Thread Bill Moran
"anton Sothinathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi > I was told that I could learn UNIX for free on this site. If so please > let me know how. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Bill Moran Po

Re: Backup Mail Server Questions

2004-09-26 Thread Bill Moran
ckup doesn't accept undeliverable mail. I've done this as simply as a cron job with rsync, but fancy stuff like SQL databases and LDAP are possible as well. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL

Re: out of i-nodes?

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Moran
ould also pick through the ports tree and delete subtrees that you have no use for (such as the language-specific parts for languages you don't speak). -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: out of i-nodes?

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Moran
Rishi Chopra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > -- Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Don't wrap machine generated output, it makes your > > email a PITA to decipher. > > As long as we're on the subject of ettiquette, don't >

Re: Backup Mail Server Questions

2004-09-27 Thread Bill Moran
ate of humanity > in general and regular, everyday, Joe Average computer users in > particular. I am therefore strongly biased. ;-) > > I disagree with you on the secondary DNS part (but I'm leaving that, I > have work to do ;-) ), I technically agree with you on the

Re: connections from dialup IP's

2004-09-28 Thread Bill Moran
I usually just add an ipfw rule, myself, but you've got lots of choices. -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: sendmail question

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Moran
You could also install something like ssmtp to replace sendmail. What kind of log messages are you getting? -- Bill Moran Potential Technologies ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: sendmail question

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Moran
n properly receive these informative emails. If you're not familiar with sendmail or uncomfortable with it doing anything, check out the handbook page on replacing it with ssmtp: HTH. > --- Bill Moran <[EMAIL PR

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