On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Joe Vender wrote:
Is there a GUI interface to the FreeBSD
ports collection for use in kde similar to synaptic or adept?
Joe Vender
That's coming soon. I'd check out the FreeBSD SoC page; Andrew, the
developer's listed at the top of the page:
Daniel Marsh wrote:
On 4/17/07, Ansar Mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How can I stop ppp from modifying my /etc/resolv.conf?
Everytime I establish a pppoe session, my resolv.conf file gets
to my ISPs DNS Servers.
You could make resolv.conf to what you want it to be and then
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Joe Vender wrote:
Is there a GUI interface to the FreeBSD
ports collection for use in kde similar to synaptic or adept?
Joe Vender
That's coming soon. I'd check out the FreeBSD SoC page; Andrew, the
developer's listed at the top of the page:
zen wrote:
i know it seem out of topic,
i recently build a proxy server to serve our small ISP,
but i'm facing a big problem. as far as i know FreeBSD didn't support
TPROXY like linux had.
but i need to build this proxy transparently so only my client ips that
visible when browsing.
i use
Go for Kports.
-Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
Arab Portal
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsu
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 10:51:41AM +0400, Vladimir wrote:
> OP> On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 09:36:20AM +0400, Vladimir wrote:
> >> Hi all.
> OP> Hi Vladimir,
> >> I have FreeBSD 5.4 installed. There is a working jail.
> >> I am trying to rebuild a kernel to enable quota support. Therefore
> >>
>How can I stop ppp from modifying my /etc/resolv.conf?
>Everytime I establish a pppoe session, my resolv.conf file gets
reconfigured to my ISPs DNS Servers.
It's dhclient, not ppp that's modding the file. Adding this to your
dhclient.conf file will fix the problem
interface dc0 {
prepend domai
Is there some sort of automated way to keep freebsd and all the
installed ports/packages up to date automatically?
I don't mean just the source, that part is easy. I mean something
that actually reinstalls the things ad needed, sort of like windows
update or the updater on ubuntu.
Michael Grant
zen wrote:
Chris Slothouber wrote:
zen wrote:
i know it seem out of topic,
i recently build a proxy server to serve our small ISP,
but i'm facing a big problem. as far as i know FreeBSD didn't support
TPROXY like linux had.
but i need to build this proxy transparently so only my client i
Forwarded on behalf of Chad Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 10:29:43AM +0100, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
How does apt-get compare to something like yum/up2date on FC/RHEL? I.e.
is there something that makes apt-get better?
It uses a package format that requires more information a
On Mon, Apr 16, 2007, Charlie McElfresh wrote:
> >Have you tried to go with a clean /var/tmp/temproot by typing 'd' for
> >"delete"?
> Yes, I tried all the options, and they all failed. Here is the output when
> I try d
> *** Deleting the old /var/tmp/temproot
> *** Creating the tem
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 10:12:31AM +0200, Michael Grant wrote:
> Is there some sort of automated way to keep freebsd and all the
> installed ports/packages up to date automatically?
> I don't mean just the source, that part is easy. I mean something
> that actually reinstalls the things ad need
On 17/04/07, Chad Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 10:12:31AM +0200, Michael Grant wrote:
> Is there some sort of automated way to keep freebsd and all the
> installed ports/packages up to date automatically?
> I don't mean just the source, that part is easy. I mean so
CS> Solon Luigi Lutz wrote:
>> after some troubleshooting and some hours of memory tests, it
>> finaly seems to be a hardware problem...
>> The machine is based on an ASUS M2N4-SLI (Nforce4) and since the
>> heat-sink on the north/southbridge is rather small and passive,
>> the chip seems to get to
Solon Luigi Lutz wrote:
Hi again,
after some troubleshooting and some hours of memory tests, it
finaly seems to be a hardware problem...
The machine is based on an ASUS M2N4-SLI (Nforce4) and since the
heat-sink on the north/southbridge is rather small and passive,
the chip seems to get too hot.
Hello Ivan,
Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 12:16:04 PM, you wrote:
IV> Solon Luigi Lutz wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> after some troubleshooting and some hours of memory tests, it
>> finaly seems to be a hardware problem...
>> The machine is based on an ASUS M2N4-SLI (Nforce4) and since the
>> heat-sink o
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 10:12:31AM +0200, Michael Grant wrote:
> Is there some sort of automated way to keep freebsd and all the
> installed ports/packages up to date automatically?
> I don't mean just the source, that part is easy. I mean something
> that actually reinstalls the things ad need
One of my periodic.conf checks is running the daily disk cleaner. When
it uses find it is looking in my jail area, which has device files and other
virtual items that are not existing. I am getting output from find in the
output to that effect. I'd like to tell find in that script not
Hopefully that helps answer some of your questions. Overall, I find the
FreeBSD ports system to be more flexible, but an acceptable runner-up
for purposes of binary package-based OSes in my opinion is Debian.
Just to add my .02$ to this topic, speaking from a perspective of a
FreeBSD lover in a
You probably want to specify debugging flags for the fetch(1) or ftp(1)
commands in sysinstall to see what the heck commands its trying to
execute. they should get spit out on the emergency tty.
On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 04:51 -0700, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> I am booting from the 200703 snap
Hello freebsd-questions,
I need to update mpd4 binary package via freebsd-update. After
installing FreeBSD 6.2 RELEASE I have mpd4-4.0b4.
Settings in /etc/freebsd-update.conf:
Components src world kernel
After running commands freebsd-update fetch, then freebsd-update
install I still
Just as an example that just came up recently: gettext was updated in
the ports tree, which required a rebuild of all ports that depend on
it. I missed reading /usr/ports/UPDATING before, so I didn't notice
this fact. I did an update on my girlfriends laptop which resulted in
several applications
For probably the 2nd time in history for me, I am trying an FTP
install. It's been a good while since I've done a FBSD install, and
I assumed things had gotten more polished since 4.x..
I'm trying to install the 200703 snapshot of 6.2-STABLE, and no
matter what server I select, no matter what
I've got a 6.2 box that i'm running several jails on. I'm trying to get
ntpd going so the box can sync it's time with the local lan ntp server. In
the host system's rc.conf i have:
That second line from my understanding takes away the need
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 06:02:25PM +0300, Ido Admon wrote:
> Hello list,
> I couldn't find any way to execute an arbitrary command upon network
> interface initialization. My situations is that I have and ethernet card
> that takes DHCP from a cables provider (not a fixed IP address) and I
> need t
On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 09:59:40PM -0400, Lewis Joshua wrote:
> Hello FreeBSD List,
> Ok I made a huge mistake (insert laugh here because I know you will).
> I was working late at home and had more then a few drinks... A lot
> more. I was working with a PAP2-NA (Analog to VoIP adapter (ATA)
Hello list,
I couldn't find any way to execute an arbitrary command upon network
interface initialization. My situations is that I have and ethernet card
that takes DHCP from a cables provider (not a fixed IP address) and I
need to update a DynDNS hostname everytime it does (everytime the IP
Is there a possibilty to use a self-build release (from source) with
ezjail instead of the ftp-RELEASEs ?
I didn't find prebuilt binary packages for 6.2-RELEASE-p3 on the ftp
sites so I'm thinking about building my own.
Maybe it's interesting for -CURRENT and -STABLE users, too.
Jeffrey Goldberg writes:
> I had a complete system crash this morning sometime shortly after
> 17/Apr/2007:08:51:22 -0500. (from my most active apache log).
> I can't seem to find any information whatsoever about the crash.
Is there anything in /var/crash?
According to my previous email (ezjail / 6.2-RELEASE-p3) I would
like to ask where to post such messages (for best results :-P ).
What's about having a jail secific mailinglist like
Oliver PETER, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ# 113969174
"Worker bees can l
On Apr 16, 2007, at 8:59 PM, Lewis Joshua wrote:
Can anyone help me out? The unit has no reset buttons to reset it
to defaults there is nothing online that I can find to bypass the
unit. I did a port scan and it appears to only be listening on port
80. Any thoughts out there? Please.
> 50 m isn't that much. I was guessing more in the range of
> one to five km. (Maybe with an outside antenna??)
the idea is a child to communicate with another than with another... in
a school during normal
hour, ther will be about 500 computers XO on and online... so the
In response to "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I've got a 6.2 box that i'm running several jails on. I'm trying to get
> ntpd going so the box can sync it's time with the local lan ntp server. In
> the host system's rc.conf i have:
> ntpd_enable="YES"
> ntpd_sync_on_start="YES"
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ghirai
Sent: 17 avril 2007 02:58
To: Lewis Joshua; freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: lost password caused by drunk admin
Hello Lewis,
Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 4:59:40 AM, you wrote:
> Hello FreeBS
Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 06:02:25PM +0300, Ido Admon wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I couldn't find any way to execute an arbitrary command upon network
>> interface initialization. My situations is that I have and ethernet card
>> that takes DHCP from a cables
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:51:19AM -0700, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> For probably the 2nd time in history for me, I am trying an FTP
> install. It's been a good while since I've done a FBSD install, and
> I assumed things had gotten more polished since 4.x..
> I'm trying to install the 2007
Hi there is a problem with my packages, when I try to upgrade it or do
something with it, there is allways this error. WHen trying to install
firefox it showed the same error.
===> Generating temporary packing list
===> Checking if www/firefox already installed
pkg_info: the package info for p
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 11:16:17AM -0500, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
> I had a complete system crash this morning sometime shortly after 17/
> Apr/2007:08:51:22 -0500. (from my most active apache log).
> I can't seem to find any information whatsoever about the crash.
> It's just that a few ho
Oliver Peter wrote:
> Dear,
> According to my previous email (ezjail / 6.2-RELEASE-p3) I would
> like to ask where to post such messages (for best results :-P ).
> What's about having a jail secific mailinglist like
For ezjail related questions (and sometimes just jail
Fixed it. .
Apparently my metadata was corrupt
using. .
dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=265 of=/dev/da0s1g
cleaned it and now I'm up. .
Begin forwarded message:
Date: April 17, 2007 8:00:20 AM CDT
To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Subject: Fwd: /dev/gvinum missing, ideas please. .
One other
On Apr 17, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Robert Huff wrote:
Jeffrey Goldberg writes:
I had a complete system crash this morning sometime shortly after
17/Apr/2007:08:51:22 -0500. (from my most active apache log).
I can't seem to find any information whatsoever about the crash.
Is there any
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 06:19:44PM +0200, Oliver Peter wrote:
> Dear,
> Is there a possibilty to use a self-build release (from source) with
> ezjail instead of the ftp-RELEASEs ?
> I didn't find prebuilt binary packages for 6.2-RELEASE-p3 on the ftp
> sites so I'm thinking about building my own
This might be a dumb question, but would like get a clear idea about
the differences between BSD make and GNU make. Why do I have to do
'gmake' in some cases instead of just plain 'make'?
What's the differences?
Dmitry wrote:
Hello freebsd-questions,
I need to update mpd4 binary package via freebsd-update. After
installing FreeBSD 6.2 RELEASE I have mpd4-4.0b4.
Settings in /etc/freebsd-update.conf:
Components src world kernel
After running commands freebsd-update fetch, then freebsd-update
Ido Admon wrote:
Hello list,
I couldn't find any way to execute an arbitrary command upon network
interface initialization. My situations is that I have and ethernet card
that takes DHCP from a cables provider (not a fixed IP address) and I
need to update a DynDNS hostname everytime it does (ever
The script doesn't grep -v for any user-settable variable to exclude
certain paths...it just runs on / with some FS Type exceptions.
A quick cheap hack could be put in place to include "!
rc=$(find / \( ! -fstype local -o -fstype rdonly \) -a -prune -o \
I am using dovecot imap and I am having a problem directing mail to
go to users in Maildir format when they do not have a login shell.
It seems that the .procmailrc file is ignored and the mail is put
in mbox format into /var/mail
For mail-only users with-out a shell, what is the best way to di
I had a complete system crash this morning sometime shortly after 17/
Apr/2007:08:51:22 -0500. (from my most active apache log).
I can't seem to find any information whatsoever about the crash.
It's just that a few hours later I noticed that the system was down,
and had to power cycle the
I've just come into possesion of a bunch of 80GB ATA drives. I'd like
to quickly and efficiently test each drive to see if it's free of
errors and suitable for deployment in non-critical workstations.
Using FreeBSD 6.x as a testing platform, what tools do people use to
stress-test disk dr
One other thing I forgot. .
bsd# kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
14 0xc040 70794c kernel
21 0xc0b08000 11920geom_vinum.ko
31 0xc0b1a000 59f20acpi.ko
Begin forwarded message:
From: Troy Kocher
Date: April 16, 2007 11:11:13 PM CDT
To: freebsd-questions@freeb
regarding jail.
> >> After rebooting with old kernel everything is normal.
> OP> I can not say much about your problem - but 5.4 is a little bit
> OP> outdated. Is it possible for you to make an update to a newer
> OP> 6.2 would be a good deal.
> OP>
On Apr 17, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
This might be a dumb question, but would like get a clear idea about
the differences between BSD make and GNU make. Why do I have to do
'gmake' in some cases instead of just plain 'make'?
Because people write more complex makefiles using syntax
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 06:44:29PM +0200, Philipp Wuensche wrote:
> Oliver Peter wrote:
> > Dear,
> >
> > According to my previous email (ezjail / 6.2-RELEASE-p3) I would
> > like to ask where to post such messages (for best results :-P ).
> >
> > What's about having a jail secific mailinglist li
In response to "Doug Poland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I've just come into possesion of a bunch of 80GB ATA drives. I'd like
> to quickly and efficiently test each drive to see if it's free of
> errors and suitable for deployment in non-critical workstations.
> Using FreeBSD 6.x as a
On Apr 17, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Doug Poland wrote:
I've just come into possesion of a bunch of 80GB ATA drives. I'd like
to quickly and efficiently test each drive to see if it's free of
errors and suitable for deployment in non-critical workstations.
Using FreeBSD 6.x as a testing platform, what
On Apr 16, 2007, at 9:59 PM, Lewis Joshua wrote:
Can anyone help me out? The unit has no reset buttons to reset it
to defaults there is nothing online that I can find to bypass the
unit. I did a port scan and it appears to only be listening on port
80. Any thoughts out there? Please.
On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 14:48:25 +0800
"Richard Simmonds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >How can I stop ppp from modifying my /etc/resolv.conf?
> >Everytime I establish a pppoe session, my resolv.conf file gets
> reconfigured to my ISPs DNS Servers.
> It's dhclient, not ppp that's modding the fi
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
>This might be a dumb question, but would like get a clear idea about
>the differences between BSD make and GNU make. Why do I have to do
>'gmake' in some cases instead of just plain 'make'?
>What's the differences?
The gmake program has many ext
freenity writes:
> Hi there is a problem with my packages, when I try to upgrade it or do
> something with it, there is allways this error. WHen trying to install
> firefox it showed the same error.
cd /usr/ports/firefox15
make deinstall && make distclean
cd /usr/ports/
On Apr 17, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
Is there some setting I should set so that in future crashes will
be dumped there [/var/crash]?
Never mind, I've just found what I needed in man rc.conf, I've now
set dumpdev and dumpdir in rc.conf and am rebuilding the kernel with
Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:51:19AM -0700, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
For probably the 2nd time in history for me, I am trying an FTP
install. It's been a good while since I've done a FBSD install, and
I assumed things had gotten more polished since 4.x..
I'm trying to
At 11:56 AM 4/17/2007, Doug Poland wrote:
I've just come into possesion of a bunch of 80GB ATA drives. I'd like
to quickly and efficiently test each drive to see if it's free of
errors and suitable for deployment in non-critical workstations.
Using FreeBSD 6.x as a testing platform, wha
Solon Luigi Lutz wrote:
CS> Solon Luigi Lutz wrote:
after some troubleshooting and some hours of memory tests, it
finaly seems to be a hardware problem...
The machine is based on an ASUS M2N4-SLI (Nforce4) and since the
heat-sink on the north/southbridge is rather small and passive,
the chip see
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 12:35:41PM -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 06:02:25PM +0300, Ido Admon wrote:
> >> Hello list,
> >> I couldn't find any way to execute an arbitrary command upon network
> >> interface initialization. My s
On 17 Apr 2007 at 11:34, Sean Murphy boldly uttered:
> Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:51:19AM -0700, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> I'm trying to install the 200703 snapshot of 6.2-STABLE, and no
> matter what server I select, no matter what variant I try of v
On Sat, 14 Apr 2007 07:26:11 -0700 (PDT)
White Hat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FreeBSD-6.2
> I have a question regarding gimp-devel, the meta-port
> for Gimp.
> The problem is that there appears to be a conflict
> between the two versions of gimp-app being installed.
> Is this correct, or
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 01:33:14PM -0300, Sergio Lenzi wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > 50 m isn't that much. I was guessing more in the range of
> > one to five km. (Maybe with an outside antenna??)
> the idea is a child to communicate with another than with another... in
> a school during
David Banning wrote:
I am using dovecot imap and I am having a problem directing mail to
go to users in Maildir format when they do not have a login shell.
It seems that the .procmailrc file is ignored and the mail is put
in mbox format into /var/mail
For mail-only users with-out a shell, wh
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 02:58:34PM +0200, Michael Grant wrote:
> >Just as an example that just came up recently: gettext was updated in
> >the ports tree, which required a rebuild of all ports that depend on
> >it. I missed reading /usr/ports/UPDATING before, so I didn't notice
> >this fact. I did
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 01:45:44PM -0700, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> On 17 Apr 2007 at 11:34, Sean Murphy boldly uttered:
> > Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:51:19AM -0700, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to install the 200703 snapshot of 6.2-STABLE
Chad Perrin wrote:
If you have specific ideas about what parts of the updating process are
"safe", you might try writing a few shell or Perl scripts that automate
those steps -- then share them with the rest of the world. You might
also, if writing such scripts is too far outside your expertise
I've currently got a production server in place that I want to do some
hardware upgrades on. We're currently running a Dual P3 1.4 GHz and I plan
on replacing it with an AMD X2-5200+ cpu/mb.
Now.. Can I just use the same SMP kernel I have currently (assuming the
correct drivers are loaded) for the
Now.. Can I just use the same SMP kernel I have currently (assuming the
correct drivers are loaded) for the X2 processor if I just want to run it in
32 bit mode?
Yes, it should work fine. You may need to update /etc/fstab of course,
and any other settings that need to change along with the mothe
Here's a Makefile that converts 3 GIFs to JPGs in a given directory:
1.jpg: 1.gif
/usr/local/bin/convert 1.gif 1.jpg
2.jpg: 2.gif
/usr/local/bin/convert 2.gif 2.jpg
3.jpg: 3.gif
/usr/local/bin/convert 3.gif 3.jpg
How do I generalize this to apply to ALL the GIFs in a given
Ok...I have DHCP on fxp0 to my ISP (cable)
and I have a public DNS server (static IP) off site.
I want to be able to update my own public DNS server "A" records
if/when my DHCP IP changes.
I am familar with nsupdate and I have used TSIG in the past to do this.
Does FBSD 6.2-stable offer any "EAS
> >For mail-only users with-out a shell, what is the best way to direct
> >mail to them in Maildir format within ~/Maildir - maybe directly from
> >.forward?
> >
> >
> Not an expert but I am just starting to think about moving from mbox to
> mdir on my home server, so Id be interested in how you
On Tuesday 17 April 2007 19:55:18 David Banning wrote:
> > >For mail-only users with-out a shell, what is the best way to direct
> > >mail to them in Maildir format within ~/Maildir - maybe directly from
> > >.forward?
> >
> > Not an expert but I am just starting to think about moving from mbox to
Hash: SHA1
Just want to make sure there isn't something I'm missing, but it apears ACLs
aren't settable from within a jail?
# setfacl -m g:mail:rwx Login.1
setfacl: acl_get_file() failed: Operation not supported
Thanks ...
Marc G. Fournier H
On Tuesday 17 April 2007, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Just want to make sure there isn't something I'm missing, but it
> apears ACLs aren't settable from within a jail?
> # setfacl -m g:mail:rwx Login.1
> setfacl: acl_get_file() failed: Operation not supported
ACLs work fine in jails. Are you sure
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote Kelly Jones thusly...
Would you mind cutting the number of mailing lists? I think a|any
technical list would have been enough.
Anyway ...
> Here's a Makefile that converts 3 GIFs to JPGs in a given directory:
> 1.jpg: 1.gif
Hash: SHA1
- --On Tuesday, April 17, 2007 22:38:45 -0400 Anish Mistry
> On Tuesday 17 April 2007, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
>> Just want to make sure there isn't something I'm missing, but it
>> apears ACLs aren't settable from within
Hello people!
I have a strange problem. So, I log into my freebsd server at my office in
the morning and as always, first thing I do is "who". And then I almost have
a heart attack because I see two lines:
ohyeah ttyp0Apr 18 08:41 (
ohyeah ttyp1Sep 7 08:
Hello people!
I have a strange problem. So, I log into my freebsd server at my office in
the morning and as always, first thing I do is "who". And then I almost have
a heart attack because I see two lines:
ohyeah ttyp0Apr 18 08:41 (
ohyeah ttyp1Sep 7 08:
83 matches
Mail list logo