The FreeBSD Diary contains a large number of practical
examples and how-to guides. This message is posted weekly
to with the aim of letting people
know what's available on the website. Before you post a question
here it might be a good idea to first search the maili
When I am in that same position as a rule I tell the customer
that I would assume the system was rooted.
The reason is that all of the times I've been called in on
this type of job it has been because the previous admin was
fired and they wanted to make sure he wasn't getting back
in remotely and
This is fine for FreeBSD 4.11, yes it will take a long
time to build a kernel, but not more than 24 hours. You
also get some valuable lessons in space planning on a
hard disk.
The original PDP-11 only had 64k (that's k, not meg) of
ram I believe.
>-Original Message-
>From: [EMAIL
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
This is fine for FreeBSD 4.11, yes it will take a long
time to build a kernel, but not more than 24 hours. You
also get some valuable lessons in space planning on a
hard disk.
The original PDP-11 only had 64k (that's k, not meg) of
ram I believe.
On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 10:40 +0100, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
> Andreas Kohn wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >say, do you see any messages like
> >
> >NVRM: Xid: 13, 02005600 0056 0c28 006500ac 0080
> >
> >(Numbers may vary, I think)
> >in your kernel messages after such a lock-up happened?
> >
Chuck Swiger wrote:
Tim Hogan wrote:
So the bottom line is that I love the ports because I am by no means
a programer. As long as I can type make install I am good to go.
The problem is that I just tried to do an upgrade on some ports that
were out of date and I am now getting the error be
On Sunday 10 July 2005 20:34, Andreas Kohn wrote:
> I'm using the nvidia-provided drivers because of the speed increase they
> give. nv works fine, yes...but too slow :)
> I spent some time reading through the posts, and yes, there were some
> very interesting things said there. Thanks for the po
On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 12:42:24PM +0800, jackqq wrote:
> When I found the gnome2-lite-2.10.2 in the ports collection here,
> or the gnome2-2.10.2 meta-port here,
Thank you! :)
I'm sorry for my impatience.
On Sun, 10 Jul 2005 22:04:45 +0800, Kris Kennaway
On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 12:42:24PM +0800, jackqq wrote:
I cannot download the corresponding package linked on either
page. I also looked, in a few mirror sites, e.g.,
how can the build of unnecessary or unwanted modules
be prevented when building a freebsd kernel?
Sell on Yahoo! Auctions no fees. Bid on great items.
rick shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> how can the build of unnecessary or unwanted modules
> be prevented when building a freebsd kernel?
man make.conf
and take note of the options containing the word "modules".
___ m
I am sure a used to be able to do this ...
What I want to do is copy an iso image to a disk partition so I can
boot from it and use that to install. Something along the lines of
dd if=iso of=/dev/ad0s1
but what I am getting now is ...
dscheck(#ad/0x22): fixlabel: invalid magic
fixlabel: in
I ask this question via e-mail just because I hadn't found such
information in the HandBook.
Q: Does the FreeBSD 5.4 support SerialATA hard drives?
I tried to install previous version (5.3) on the machine
with 160GB Seagate Barracuda (8mb cache) drive (ST3160023AS).
It said something like "no hard
>Q: Does the FreeBSD 5.4 support SerialATA hard drives?
>I tried to install previous version (5.3) on the machine
>with 160GB Seagate Barracuda (8mb cache) drive (ST3160023AS).
>It said something like "no hard drive found".
ad4: 152627MB [310101/16/63] at ata2-ma
dd if=iso of=/dev/ad0s1
dd: /dev/ad0s1: Read-only filesystem
I guess I can boot from the install floppies and use the fixit
floppy Ok. I will go that route, but now I am wondering
why has my favorite foot-blaster been taken away? And...
for future reference, how can I get around the bloc
DMVN wrote:
I ask this question via e-mail just because I hadn't found such
information in the HandBook.
Q: Does the FreeBSD 5.4 support SerialATA hard drives?
I tried to install previous version (5.3) on the machine
with 160GB Seagate Barracuda (8mb cache) drive (ST3160023AS).
It said something
* On Sat, Jul 09, 2005 at 12:20:29PM -0400 Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Tim Hogan wrote:
> >So the bottom line is that I love the ports because I am by no means a
> >programer. As long as I can type make install I am good to go. The
> >problem is that I just tried to do an upgrade on some ports that w
On Jul 10, 2005, at 12:36 PM, DMVN wrote:
Q: Does the FreeBSD 5.4 support SerialATA hard drives?
I tried to install previous version (5.3) on the machine
with 160GB Seagate Barracuda (8mb cache) drive (ST3160023AS).
It said something like "no hard drive found".
Did it find a controller?
Hi guys,
I'm searching for a way to set a limit per directory.
for example:
directory limit
/web/dir1 1Go
/web/dir2 10Mo
/web/dir3 100Mo
/web/dir4 175Mo
This system would be used by only one program (image grabber)
Do you hav
The person who set the system up did not leave on bad terms.
However, before taking the system down and setting it up
from scratch (and charging them to do so) I'd like to know
if anyone is aware of whether what I saw is common on boxes
that have been rooted. Is that "shutdown" entry cause for
It isn't a question of saving them money, to be perfectly
frank it is a case of you defrauding a customer or not.
You cannot assume that the previous admin, who left on good
terms, didn't insert a back door. THEY can assume this if
they want, but YOU can't. Thus you cannot guarantee to this
$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 50350 37954 836882%/
/dev/ad0s1e436206 178144 22316644%/usr
procfs 4 4 0 100%/proc
$ uname -a
FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE #0: Tue May 25
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike Friedman
>Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 10:13 PM
>To: Ted Mittelstaedt
>Subject: RE: FreeBSD locks up when X-windows running (LONG)
I have installed vsftpd server v. 2.0.3
I have also this server on linux server.
I try to make this to work on freebsd now, but i can't login.
My configurations is:
vsftpd.conf located at /usr/local/etc/ and looks like this:
"Lee Harr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >dd if=iso of=/dev/ad0s1
> >dd: /dev/ad0s1: Read-only filesystem
> >I guess I can boot from the install floppies and use the fixit
> >floppy Ok. I will go that route, but now I am wondering
> >why has my favorite foot-blaster been taken away? And.
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 00:40:34 +0300
vladone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> secure_chroot_dir=/usr/local/share/vsftpd/empty
> When i try to login receive this message:
> "500 OOPS: vsftpd: cannor locate user specified in 'ftp_username':fpt"
you forgot to add the non-privileged user ? or did you ad
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
I would bet that if you took that 6600 card to enough DIFFERENT
systems, you would find a motherboard in which it worked perfectly under
FreeBSD 5.4.
6600 GT in an Asus A8V Deluxe + nvidia drivers (but not nv drivers where
mozilla corrupts one a day).
Of course it'
I recently built a FreeBSD server, and was wondering how I can make an
image of the hard drive. I am going to build an another FeeBSD server
using identical hardware. How can I make an image of the hard drive of
the original server I built and copy/install it to the new server?
Each server has a 6.
Gustavo De Nardin wrote:
On 07/07/05, Alex Zbyslaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone have a clue what might be going on?
Dunno, but you might take a look at /usr/ports/security/hpn-ssh/:
Thanks for the tip. Will have a look as soon as I get the time to play
again :-(
You can try ghost for unix (g4u, here: It's a
very powerful network based cloning software, just pop in the bootable
disk/cd, and then upload/download the image to your local ftp server. I'm
using it to clone 5 identical webservers, works great.
From: Phusion <[E
Phusion wrote:
I recently built a FreeBSD server, and was wondering how I can make an
image of the hard drive. I am going to build an another FeeBSD server
using identical hardware. How can I make an image of the hard drive of
the original server I built and copy/install it to the new server?
Phusion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I recently built a FreeBSD server, and was wondering how I can make an
>image of the hard drive. I am going to build an another FeeBSD server
>using identical hardware. How can I make an image of the hard drive of
>the original server I built and copy/install i
I installed Apache mod_security on my Apache 2 httpd. Since this
my ports dependencies are off. It appears mod_security is only for
Apache 1.3x according to "make depends" How do I solve the ports
problem or where do I find mod_security for Apache 2. Thanks
Gustavo De Nardin wrote:
On 07/07/05, Alex Zbyslaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone have a clue what might be going on?
Dunno, but you might take a look at /usr/ports/security/hpn-ssh/:
Actually, this also seems to add su
Phusion wrote:
I recently built a FreeBSD server, and was wondering how I can make an
image of the hard drive. I am going to build an another FeeBSD server
using identical hardware. How can I make an image of the hard drive of
the original server I built and copy/install it to the new server?
>dd if=iso of=/dev/ad0s1
>dd: /dev/ad0s1: Read-only filesystem
I just tried the same thing from the fixit floppy, and I get
the same message about ad0s1 being a "Read-only
What am I missing here?
Raised securelevel?
Well... I am not sure why the securelevel would be raised by
I have a FreeBSD 5.4 system setup, and I have read numerous articles on
securing it. For the first few months prior to setting up this system I read
a lot about the little tweaks using sysctl and the like. Now everything is
running good, but I want to know what to look for incase I am missing
Does anyone know how to setup PPPoE on FreeBSD 5.4 and SBC?
___ mailing list
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Good day.
Please help. I have a motherboard that has a SATA
RAID support. I enabled it and configured the RAID
using RAID1 through the BIOS. My question is, do I
also have to configure RAID1 in FreeBSD so that it
automatically mirrors what is in the first disk or my
hardware RAID is enough?
This is probably painfully obvious, but I can't find it in the ports
with a search or through google.
I recently acquired an iPod Shuffle, and am enjoying it thoroughly.
Unfortunately, I also acquired a gift card for the iTunes store, so I
thought it would be better to get a copy of "Bohemian Rhap
On 07/10/05 08:57 PM, Louis LeBlanc sat at the `puter and typed:
> This is probably painfully obvious, but I can't find it in the ports
> with a search or through google.
> I recently acquired an iPod Shuffle, and am enjoying it thoroughly.
> Unfortunately, I also acquired a gift card for the iT
On Jul 10, 2005, at 7:22 PM, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
On 07/10/05 08:57 PM, Louis LeBlanc sat at the `puter and typed:
This is probably painfully obvious, but I can't find it in the ports
with a search or through google.
I recently acquired an iPod Shuffle, and am enjoying it thoroughly.
On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 04:42:25PM -0700, Jake Kim wrote:
> Does anyone know how to setup PPPoE on FreeBSD 5.4 and SBC?
The same way you set it up for any other provider. Check the
Description: PGP signature
> I recently built a FreeBSD server, and was wondering how I can make an
> image of the hard drive. I am going to build an another FeeBSD server
> using identical hardware. How can I make an image of the hard drive of
> the original server I built and copy/install it to the new server?
> Each se
Daniel Auman wrote:
Thank you!!! I would have not known about that key combination!
You just need know, that most Unix interractive tools have such command.
If you wish give user very restricted environment, then you can write
simple C program which will chroot user into restricted directo
On Sunday 10 July 2005 05:21 pm, Ceasar Navato wrote:
> Good day.
> Please help. I have a motherboard that has a SATA
> RAID support. I enabled it and configured the RAID
> using RAID1 through the BIOS. My question is, do I
> also have to configure RAID1 in FreeBSD so that it
> automaticall
Now work. I can login and upload files without any problem.
But now i want to permit and anonymous connections, without upload, to
same directories that have acces with login users.
When i try to login anonymously receive this:
"500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable anonymous root"
alas I get not response to my question, but some more googling and
testing leads to a solution.
With the following mount options all runs well:
the most important thing is to not use any of the following
intr or soft
it seems (only
I just built my first 5.4-RELEASE system. I want a SMP kernel. The
GENERIC kernel conf file contains this line:
device apic# I/O apic
According to NOTES, this is all that's required to build an SMP kernel.
However my dmesg does not indicate that both processors
On 7/11/05, Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just built my first 5.4-RELEASE system. I want a SMP kernel. The
> GENERIC kernel conf file contains this line:
> device apic# I/O apic
> According to NOTES, this is all that's required to build an SMP ke
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