The solution [i asked Randal L. Schwartz, because i didn't worked, and
he said he just forgot the "-e", now it works!!]:
perl -00 -e 'print map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map [$_,
tr/\n//], <>' < before.txt > after.txt
Thank you!!
> > "Jozsi" == Jozsi Vadkan writes:
> Jozsi>
> "Jozsi" == Jozsi Vadkan writes:
Jozsi> So from the input, i want to make an ascendant order, how many things
Jozsi> are under a "SOMETHING-XX"
So you just want paragraphs ordered by line count?
Something like this, untested:
perl -00 'print map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map [
or maybe in bash..
script/"one liner" e.g.: input:
i want to make this output from it:
So from the input, i want to make an ascendant order, how many things
are under a "SOMETHING-XX"
Does anyone has any "perl magic"