Replacing the old battery with a new one usually solves this kind of
problem. I just did this yesterday ;)
On 2/17/12, Gary Kline wrote:
> guys, this is just a FWIW, but it's worth bearing in mind. i just
> tried to change the bios settings so that the old computer would
> boot from CD first.
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 18:42, Gary Kline wrote:
> guys, this is just a FWIW, but it's worth bearing in mind. i just
> tried to change the bios settings so that the old computer would
> boot from CD first. no-joy. long-story short, months in the garage
> or just-age must have ruined this box
guys, this is just a FWIW, but it's worth bearing in mind. i just
tried to change the bios settings so that the old computer would
boot from CD first. no-joy. long-story short, months in the garage
or just-age must have ruined this box.
Gary Kline http://www.thought.or