On 16/05/2007, at 9:31 AM, Daniel Pottumati wrote:
No, I wish I could upgrade.
But for compatibility reasons with one piece of software here at
work, I have to run 4.8...
Any other sugestions???
Perhaps if you explained the compatibility issues, we can help you
work around those.
Fax to
Re: gnome-libtool issue [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
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On 15/05/2007, at 11:29 AM, Daniel Pottumati wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a 4.8 freebsd box, which I've
On 15/05/2007, at 11:29 AM, Daniel Pottumati wrote:
I've a 4.8 freebsd box, which I've update the ports tree with the
tree from the freebsd website and I'm trying to install tetex from the
port directory:
and I get the following error during: make in
I've a 4.8 freebsd box, which I've update the ports tree with the current
tree from the freebsd website and I'm trying to install tetex from the
port directory:
and I get the following error during: make install
/bin/sh /usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig/work/gnom