On 3/22/2005 14:23, Chris Knipe seems to have typed:
How / what do I change (I presume this is kernel level) in order to
allow root AND normal users to be able to set the system date via
the 'date' command? I would actually prefer to juse allow uid 0
(root) plus one additional uid to be able to c
On 3/22/2005 14:23, Chris Knipe seems to have typed:
> How / what do I change (I presume this is kernel level) in order to
> allow root AND normal users to be able to set the system date via
> the 'date' command? I would actually prefer to juse allow uid 0
> (root) plus one additional uid to be ab
Lo all,
Firstly, I am well aware of the implications, risks, and everything else
associated with this... Unfortunately due to means out of my control, I have no
alternative, and quite frankly, this is on a very secure system where no one
has access to :>
How / what do I change (I p