Not Brett Glass wrote:
[ ... ]
> People can try an early beta, currently builds on FreeBSD and NetBSD. Get
> it from:
Besides being mildly humorous, as these things go, I think you
have just provided the real Brett Glass with web server logs
On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 03:15:41AM -0800, Brett Glass said:
> After the thread on GPL'd parts of FreeBSD, specially the compiler, I've
> decided to contribute my bit to the FreeBSD community. I'm proud to
> preset bgcc, 'The Brett Glass compiler collection', released under the
> BSD license, of co
After the thread on GPL'd parts of FreeBSD, specially the compiler, I've
decided to contribute my bit to the FreeBSD community. I'm proud to
preset bgcc, 'The Brett Glass compiler collection', released under the
BSD license, of course. As a lot of you know, I'm a professional
programmer who does mo