> Message: 17
> Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 20:44:15 -0600
> From: iamatt
> To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Intel D525MW board No ethernet devices detected with 9.1
> Release
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Yes, i submitted PR bug report, from www.freebsd.org.
I can`t disable onboard ethernet. Computer work as router, it need 2
adapters :(
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On Jan 6, 2013 7:08 AM, "zstepashka" wrote:
> Yes, yes. I have d525mv. Try Freebsd 9.1 Release amd64 (clear install).
> Onbord ethernet not working in ani modes. Try -rhtssum - thtssum -
> dead lock. Freemsd 9.0 amd64 working exelently. (sorry for bad inglish)
Sorrry I do not unders
Yes, yes. I have d525mv. Try Freebsd 9.1 Release amd64 (clear install).
Onbord ethernet not working in ani modes. Try -rhtssum - thtssum - momentary
dead lock. Freemsd 9.0 amd64 working exelently. (sorry for bad inglish)
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I have an intel D525MW board with an ATOM processor. The system was
running 9.0 RELEASE amd64 with no problems. I did an binary upgrade
to 9.1 amd64 and now the onboard ethernet card is not detected. I
encountered a similar issue when I tried to go from 9.0 RELEASE to 9.0
STABLE a while