Mark Jayson Alvarez said:
> 4. Do you happen know any good link where I can learn
> how to write shell scripts so that I may be able to
> start an application at boot time by putting it in
> "/usr/local/etc/rc.d" (ex: httpd)
Here's one that I reference quite frequently:
>> 2. Do you know how can I run a perl program in freebsd without having
>> it preceded with the word perl? (I tried changing its mode to 755 and
>> also putting it to /usr/local/bin but it didn't work(don't laugh at
>> please.. I'm still learning:=).
> Just call the
Mark Jayson Alvarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have installed the latest Apache http server
> for the first time and I have just started programming
> perl cgi scripts as well. It didn't brought me any
> trouble installing it, but when I wrote my first
> "Hello World" cg
I have installed the latest Apache http server
for the first time and I have just started programming
perl cgi scripts as well. It didn't brought me any
trouble installing it, but when I wrote my first
"Hello World" cgi script, I end up with an internal
server error. Eventually