Hi all,

I have a Toshiba Libretto 50CT. I.d like to install
FreeBSD 5.0 on it but it only has an external PCMCIA
floppy. I can boot the install kernel but because the
floppy is a bit odd, the install kernel can.t see the 
floppy drive to load network drivers from the
drivers.flp disk so I can 
install FreeBSD from the network (whew!). 
So I need to make a custom kern.flp that either
contains the drivers I need by default or has the
correct setup (fdc0 with no options) for my floppy
drive. I tried to make my own kernel but it was way
too big. Does anyone have the conf file that is used
to create kern.flp? If I have that I can customize it
and compile a new kernel. 

Much thanks in advance!


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