On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Antonio Olivares
<olivares14...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @All
> I have solved the problem with TeTeX.  I had to remove symlinks to
> files created by texlive manually and reinstall the ports one at a
> time and I am back.  Sorry for the noise.
> BTW,
> I figured out that I needed /usr/ports/print/latex-pgf/ for the
> diffyqs.tar.gz (Differential Equations Book source that did not
> compile ) referenced in other thread., I also got print/pdfjam,
> print/psletter-utils/, for pdfnup, and psnup, respectively.
> /*  Need latex-pgf for this book with default TeTeX packages from FreeBSD */
> Book is found here:
> http://www.jirka.org/diffyqs/
> Source is here:
> http://www.jirka.org/diffyqs/diffyqs.tar.gz
> I create build script:
> /*********** build script **************/
> #!/bin/sh
> pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode diffyqs.tex
> pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode diffyqs.tex
> makeindex diffyqs
> pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode diffyqs.tex
> /*********** end build script **************/
> /*  end of book that could not compile in FreeBSD with teTeX packages
> from FreeBSD */
> The mplayer port still crashes, but I will wait a fix from maintainer
> and/or mplayer list.  Sorry for the noise with *tex* here.  I
> apologize.
> Regards,
> Antonio
Dear all,

Sorry for the noise, but I have fully updated everything that was
bombing out and I am back in the saddle.

I changed the make config settings, first libass was unchecked and it
failed everytime.  Then I checked it, and it pulled in libass-0.9.12
or something like it, and now compilation & installation succeeded :)
I am fully up to date.  Thank you for your help.

===>>> Done displaying pkg-message files

===>>> The following actions were performed:
        Re-installation of mplayer-skins-1.1.2_6
        Upgrade of mplayer-1.0.r20101106_1 to mplayer-1.0.r20110329_2
tricorehome# portmaster -L --index-only | egrep '(ew|ort)
version|total install'
===>>> 644 total installed ports
        ===>>> There are no new versions available
tricorehome# cd ~
tricorehome# portmaster -L --index-only | egrep '(ew|ort)
version|total install'
===>>> 644 total installed ports
        ===>>> There are no new versions available


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