At 2003-01-06T05:21:16Z, Alvaro Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I was trying to upload some stuff on my server today and I realized the
> /user partition was 100% full. After investigating a bit I found that the
> public ftp incoming directory I had set up for some friends as full of
> directo
Adam Maas said:
> Anonymous FTP right?
> The more sophisticates warez kiddies have taken to scanning networks for
> anonymous ftp servers, and then loading them up with their warez/pr0n and
> giving out trhe IP. Had it happen to a few customers (I work Tech Support
> for Major Evil Backbone Provi
On 2003-01-06 00:35, Ryan Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alvaro Gil wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > I was trying to upload some stuff on my server today and I realized
> > the /user partition was 100% full. After investigating a bit I
> > found that the public ftp incoming directory I had s
Alvaro Gil wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I was trying to upload some stuff on my server today and I realized
> the /user partition was 100% full. After investigating a bit I
> found that the public ftp incoming directory I had set up for some
> friends as full of directories and sub directories.
And Pitbull is likely just the handle of one of those hooligans.
- Original Message -
From: "Adam Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: FT
logins to the box and always disable anonymous FTP.
- Original Message -
From: "Alvaro Gil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:21 AM
Subject: FTP incoming directory. Damned Hooligans.
> I was trying to uploa
I was trying to upload some stuff on my server today and I realized
the /user partition was 100% full. After investigating a bit I found
that the public ftp incoming directory I had set up for some friends
as full of directories and sub directories. Some said "scanned by
pitbull". Is this so