Andrew Falanga wrote:
>> You're on the right track. Yes, you'ld need a zone file for the root of
>> your DNS -- if it's all served from one machine then that would replace
>> the
>> 'hint' zone and named.root stuff in the example named.conf
>> The zone file for '.' would contain an SOA re
You're on the right track. Yes, you'ld need a zone file for the root of
your DNS -- if it's all served from one machine then that would replace
'hint' zone and named.root stuff in the example named.conf
The zone file for '.' would contain an SOA record and then delegation for
whatever forw
On 12/4/06, David Robillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a need to make my own DNS system on an isolated network. Years
> I administered DNS for a couple of different companies, but that was
quite a
> while ago and since I've turned to programming I haven't done much in
I have a need to make my own DNS system on an isolated network. Years ago,
I administered DNS for a couple of different companies, but that was quite a
while ago and since I've turned to programming I haven't done much in the
way of network administration. I recall from using BIND 4, whe
Andrew Falanga wrote:
> I have a need to make my own DNS system on an isolated network. Years ago,
> I administered DNS for a couple of different companies, but that was
> quite a
> while ago and since I've turned to programming I haven't done much in the
> way of network administration. I recal
On Dec 1, 2006, at 1:03 PM, Andrew Falanga wrote:
I have a need to make my own DNS system on an isolated network.
Years ago,
I administered DNS for a couple of different companies, but that
was quite a
while ago and since I've turned to programming I haven't done much
in the
way of network
I have a need to make my own DNS system on an isolated network. Years ago,
I administered DNS for a couple of different companies, but that was quite a
while ago and since I've turned to programming I haven't done much in the
way of network administration. I recall from using BIND 4, whe