> I just came to think of if there might be a similar script for Postfix to
> clean and/or check the mail queue?
To check the mail queue simply run /usr/bin/mailq.
To delete a mail from the queue, run 'postsuper -d queue_id', the ID
being the ID value you got from mailq.
'postsuper -d
> Well, I tried both the standford tarballs and the ports'
> stuff. Both fail with this. Does anybody know what I
> need to do to fix this? ...Before I scrounge around in
> the code, that is... .
Well, dunno, really - I didn't cvsup my ports and tried to build it
> So, question 1 is how do I get the last mod date of a file?
if you're running 4.x, you could install the /usr/ports/sysutils/stat
port - it's in base in 5.x. Gives you the MAC times of any given file.
> Question 2 is, is there a better way that I'm missing?
See Dan's answer.
Hi there,
> Need to set up scp to copy only newer files and directories between two
> computers.
> The basic setup is like:
> scp -pr [EMAIL PROTECTED]:" host2:/dir
> What would be a suitable "find command" here?
Erm, newer than *what*? find needs a file as a comparison parameter to